Configure storage profiles for fleets - Deadline Cloud

Configure storage profiles for fleets

The configuration of a customer-managed fleet can include a storage profile that models the file system locations on all workers in the fleet. The host file system configuration of all workers in a fleet must match their fleet's storage profile. Workers with different file system configurations must be in separate fleets.

To set your fleet's configuration to use the WorkerConfig storage profile use the AWS CLI in AWS CloudShell:

# Change the value of FARM_ID to your farm's identifier FARM_ID=farm-00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff # Change the value of FLEET_ID to your fleet's identifier FLEET_ID=fleet-00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff # Change the value of WORKER_CFG_ID to your storage profile named WorkerConfig WORKER_CFG_ID=sp-00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff FLEET_WORKER_MODE=$( \ aws deadline get-fleet --farm-id $FARM_ID --fleet-id $FLEET_ID \ --query '.configuration.customerManaged.mode' \ ) FLEET_WORKER_CAPABILITIES=$( \ aws deadline get-fleet --farm-id $FARM_ID --fleet-id $FLEET_ID \ --query '.configuration.customerManaged.workerCapabilities' \ ) aws deadline update-fleet --farm-id $FARM_ID --fleet-id $FLEET_ID \ --configuration \ "{ \"customerManaged\": { \"storageProfileId\": \"$WORKER_CFG_ID\", \"mode\": $FLEET_WORKER_MODE, \"workerCapabilities\": $FLEET_WORKER_CAPABILITIES } }"