Navigating directly to an entity profile or finding overview
To navigate directly to an entity profile or finding overview in Amazon Detective, you can use one of these options.
From Amazon GuardDuty or AWS Security Hub, you can pivot from a GuardDuty finding to the corresponding Detective finding profile.
You can assemble a Detective URL that identifies a finding or entity and sets the scope time to use.
Pivoting to an entity profile or finding overview from Amazon GuardDuty or AWS Security Hub
From the Amazon GuardDuty console, you can navigate to the entity profile for an entity that is related to a finding.
From the GuardDuty and AWS Security Hub consoles, you can also navigate to a finding overview. This also provides links to the entity profiles for the involved entities.
These links can help to streamline the investigation process. You can quickly use Detective to see the associated entity activity and determine next steps. You can then archive a finding if it is a false positive or explore further to determine the scope of the problem.
How to pivot to the Amazon Detective console
The investigation links are available for all GuardDuty findings. GuardDuty also allows you to choose whether to navigate to an entity profile or to the finding overview.
To pivot to Detective from the GuardDuty console
Open the GuardDuty console at
. If necessary, choose Findings in the left navigation pane.
On the GuardDuty Findings page, choose the finding.
The finding details pane displays to the right of the finding list.
On the finding details pane, choose Investigate in Detective.
GuardDuty displays a list of available items to investigate in Detective.
The list contains both the related entities, such as IP addresses or EC2 instances, and the finding.
Choose an entity or the finding.
The Detective console opens in a new tab. The console opens to the entity or finding profile.
If you have not enabled Detective, then the console opens to a landing page that provides an overview of Detective. From there, you can choose to enable Detective.
To pivot to Detective from the Security Hub console
Open the AWS Security Hub console at
. If necessary, choose Findings in the left navigation pane.
On the Security Hub Findings page, choose a GuardDuty finding.
In the details pane, choose Investigate in Detective and then choose Investigate finding.
When you choose Investigate finding, the Detective console opens in a new tab. The console opens to the finding overview.
The Detective console always opens to the Region where the finding originated, even if you pivot from your aggregation Region. For more information about finding aggregation, see Aggregating findings across Regions in the AWS Security Hub User Guide.
If you have not enabled Detective, the console opens to the Detective landing page. From there, you can enable Detective.
Troubleshooting the pivot
To use the pivot, one of the following must be true:
Your account must be an administrator account for both Detective and the service you are pivoting from.
You have assumed a cross-account role that grants you administrator account access to the behavior graph.
For more information about the recommendation to align administrator accounts, see Recommended alignment with Amazon GuardDuty and AWS Security Hub.
If the pivot does not work, check the following.
Does the finding belong to an enabled member account in your behavior graph? If the associated account was not invited to the behavior graph as a member account, then the behavior graph does not contain data for that account.
If an invited member account did not accept the invitation, then the behavior graph does not contain data for that account.
Is the finding archived? Detective does not receive archived findings from GuardDuty.
Did the finding occur before Detective began to ingest data into your behavior graph? If the finding is not present in the data that Detective ingests, then the behavior graph does not contain data for it.
Is the finding from the correct Region? Each behavior graph is specific to a Region. A behavior graph does not contain data from other Regions.
Navigating to an entity profile or finding overview using a URL
To navigate to an entity profile or finding overview in Amazon Detective, you can use a URL that provides a direct link to it. The URL identifies the finding or entity. It can also specify the scope time to use on the profile. Detective maintains up to a year of historical event data.
Format of a profile URL
If you are using the old URL format, Detective will automatically redirect to the new URL. The old format of the URL was:
The new format of the profile URL is as follows:
For entities -
For findings -
The URL requires the following values.
The Region that you want to use.
The type of item for the profile that you are navigating to.
- Indicates that you are navigating to an entity profile -
- Indicates that you are navigating to a finding overview
For entities, the namespace is the name of the entity type.
The instance identifier of the finding or entity.
For a GuardDuty finding, the GuardDuty finding identifier.
For an AWS account, the account ID.
For AWS roles and users, the principal ID of the role or of the user.
For federated users, the principal ID of the federated user. The principal ID is either
For IP addresses, the IP address.
For user agents, the user agent name.
For EC2 instances, the instance ID.
For role sessions, the session identifier. The session identifier uses the format
For S3 buckets, the bucket name.
For FindingGroups, a UUID. for example,
For EKS resources, use the following formats:
EKS cluster:
Kubernetes Pod:
Kubernetes Subject:
Container image:
The finding or entity must be associated with an enabled account in your behavior graph.
The URL can also include the following optional parameters, which are used to set the scope time. For more information about scope time and how it is used on profiles, see Managing the scope time.
Start time for the scope time to use on the profile. Start time must be within the last 365 days.
The value is the epoch timestamp.
If you provide a start time but no end time, then the scope time ends at the current time.
End time for the scope time to use on the profile.
The value is the epoch timestamp.
If you provide an end time, but no start time, then the scope time includes all time before the end time.
If you don't specify the scope time, then the default scope time is used.
For findings, the default scope time uses the first and last times that the finding activity was observed.
For entities, the default scope time is the previous 24 hours.
Here is an example of a Detective URL:
This example URL provides the following instructions.
Display the entity profile for the IP address 192.168.1.
Use a scope time that starts Monday, March 18, 2019 12:00:00 AM GMT and that ends Monday, March 18, 2019 12:00:00 PM GMT.
Troubleshooting a URL
If the URL does not display the expected profile, first check that the URL uses the correct format and that you have provided the correct values.
Did you start with the correct URL (
)? -
Did you specify the correct namespace?
Did you provide the correct identifier?
If the values are correct, then you can also check the following.
Does the finding or entity belong to an enabled member account in your behavior graph? If the associated account was not invited to the behavior graph as a member account, then the behavior graph does not contain data for that account.
If an invited member account did not accept the invitation, then the behavior graph does not contain data for that account.
For a finding, is the finding archived? Detective does not receive archived findings from Amazon GuardDuty.
Did the finding or entity occur before Detective began to ingest data into your behavior graph? If the finding or entity is not present in the data that Detective ingests, then the behavior graph does not contain data for it.
Is the finding or entity from the correct Region? Each behavior graph is specific to a Region. A behavior graph does not contain data from other Regions.
Adding Detective URLs for findings to Splunk
The Splunk Trumpet project allows you send data from AWS services to Splunk.
You can configure the Trumpet project to generate Detective URLs for Amazon GuardDuty findings. You can then use these URLs to pivot directly from Splunk to the corresponding Detective finding profiles.
The Trumpet project is available from GitHub at
On the configuration page for the Trumpet project, from AWS CloudWatch Events, choose Detective GuardDuty URLs.