Managing the scope time - Amazon Detective

Managing the scope time

Customize the scope time used to limit the data displayed on entity profiles.

The charts, timelines, and other data displayed on entity profiles are all based on the current scope time. Scope time is the summary of activity for an entity over time. This appears at the top right of each profile in the Amazon Detective console. The data displayed on those charts, timelines, and other visualizations is based on the scope time. For some profile panels, additional time is added before and after the scope time to provide context. In Detective, all timestamps are displayed in UTC by default. You can select your local time zone by changing the Timestamp preferences. To update the Timestamp preference, see Setting the timestamp format.

Detective analytics uses the scope time when checking for unusual activity. The analytics process gets the activity during the scope time, then compares it to the activity during the 45 days before the scope time. It also uses that 45-day timeframe to generate baselines of activity.

On a finding overview, the scope time reflects the first and last time the finding was observed. For more information about finding overview, see Analyzing a finding overview.

As you work through an investigation, you can adjust the scope time. For example, if the original analysis was based on activity from a single day, you might want to expand that to a week or a month. The expanded period could help you get a better sense of whether the activity fits a normal pattern or is unusual.

You can also set the scope time to match an associated finding for the current entity.

When you change the scope time, Detective repeats its analysis and updates the displayed data based on the new scope time.

The scope time cannot be shorter than one hour and not longer than one year. The start and end time must be on an hour.

Setting specific start and end dates and times

You can set the scope time start and end dates from the Detective console.

To set specific start and end times for the new scope time
  1. Open the Amazon Detective console at

  2. On an entity profile, choose the scope time.

  3. On the Edit scope time panel, under Start, choose the new start date and time for the scope time. For the new start time, you choose the hour only.

  4. Under End, choose the new end date and time for the scope time. For the new end time, you choose the hour only. The end time must be at least an hour later than the start time.

  5. When you're finished editing, to save the changes and update the displayed data, choose Update scope time.

Edit the length of time for the scope time

When you set a scope time length, Detective sets the scope time to that amount of time from the current time.

To edit the length of time for the scope time
  1. Open the Amazon Detective console at

  2. On an entity profile, choose the scope time.

  3. On the Edit scope time panel, next to Historical, choose the length of time for the scope time.

    Specifying a time range updates the Start and End settings.

  4. When you're finished editing, to save the changes and update the displayed data, choose Update scope time.

Setting the scope time to a finding time window

Each finding has an associated time window, which reflects the first and last times the finding was observed. When you view a finding overview, the scope time changes to the finding time window.

From an entity profile, you can align the scope time to the time window for an associated finding. This allows you to investigate the activity that occurred during that time.

To align the scope time to a finding time window, on the Associated findings panel, choose the finding that you want to use.

Detective populates the finding details and sets the scope time to the finding time window.

Setting the scope time on the summary page

As you review the Summary page, you can adjust the Scope time to view the activity for any 24-hour time frame in the previous 365 days.

To set the scope time on the Summary page

  1. Open the Amazon Detective console at

  2. In the Detective navigation pane, choose Summary.

  3. On the Scope time panel, next to Summary, you can change the Start date and time. Start time must be within the last 365 days.

    When you change the Start date and time, the End date and time is automatically updated to 24 hours after your chosen start time.


    With Detective, you can access up to a year of historical event data. For more information on source data in Detective, see Source data used in a behavior graph.

  4. When you're finished editing, to save the changes and update the displayed data, choose Update scope time.