Create a device pool in AWS Device Farm - AWS Device Farm

Create a device pool in AWS Device Farm

You can use the Device Farm console, AWS CLI, or API to create a device pool.


  • Create a run in the Device Farm console. Follow the instructions in Create a test run in Device Farm. When you get to the Select devices page, continue with the instructions in this section.

Create a device pool (console)

  1. On the Projects page, choose your project. In the Project details page, choose Project settings. In the Device pools tab, choose Create device pool.

  2. For Name, enter a name that makes this device pool easy to identify.

  3. For Description, enter a description that makes this device pool easy to identify.

  4. If you want to use one or more selection criteria for the devices in this device pool, do the following:

    1. Choose Create dynamic device pool.

    2. Choose Add a rule.

    3. For Field (first drop-down list), choose one of the following:

      • To include devices by their manufacturer name, choose Device Manufacturer.

      • To include devices by their form factor (tablet or phone), choose Form Factor.

      • To include devices by their availability status based on load, choose Availability.

      • To include only public or private devices, choose Fleet Type.

      • To include devices by their operating system, choose Platform.

      • Some devices have an additional label tag or description about the device. You can find devices based on their label contents by choosing Instance labels.

      • To include devices by their operating system version, choose OS Version.

      • To include devices by their model, choose Model.

    4. For Operator (second drop-down list), choose a logical operation (EQUALS, CONTAINS, etc.) to include devices based on the query. For example, you could choose Availability EQUALS AVAILABLE to include devices that currently have the Available status.

    5. For Value (third drop-down list), enter or choose the value you want to specify for the Field and Operator values. Values are limited based on your Field choice. For example, if you choose Platform for Field, the only available selections are ANDROID and IOS. Similarly, if you choose Form Factor for Field, the only available selections are PHONE and TABLET.

    6. To add another rule, choose Add a rule.

      After you create the first rule, in the list of devices, the box next to each device that matches the rule is selected. After you create or change rules, in the list of devices, the box next to each device that matches those combined rules is selected. Devices with selected boxes are included in the device pool. Devices with cleared boxes are excluded.

    7. Under Max devices, enter the number of devices you want to use in your device pool. If you do not enter the max number of devices, Device Farm will pick all devices in the fleet that match the rule(s) you created. To avoid additional charges, set this number to an amount that matches your actual parallel execution and device variety requirements.

    8. To delete a rule, choose Remove rule.

  5. If you want to manually include or exclude individual devices, do the following:

    1. Choose Create static device pool.

    2. Select or clear the box next to each device. You can select or clear the boxes only if you do not have any rules specified.

  6. If you want to include or exclude all displayed devices, select or clear the box in the column header row of the list. If you want to view private device instances only, choose See private device instances only.


    Although you can use the boxes in the column header row to change the list of displayed devices, this does not mean that the remaining displayed devices are the only ones included or excluded. To confirm which devices are included or excluded, be sure to clear the contents of all of the boxes in the column header row, and then browse the boxes.

  7. Choose Create.

Create a device pool (AWS CLI)


If you do not enter the max number of devices, Device Farm will pick all devices in the fleet that match the rule(s) you created. To avoid additional charges, set this number to an amount that matches your actual parallel execution and device variety requirements.

For information about using Device Farm with the AWS CLI, see AWS CLI reference.

Create a device pool (API)


If you do not enter the max number of devices, Device Farm will pick all devices in the fleet that match the rule(s) you created. To avoid additional charges, set this number to an amount that matches your actual parallel execution and device variety requirements.

For information about using the Device Farm API, see Automating Device Farm.