Using the ARM64 GPU PyTorch DLAMI - AWS Deep Learning AMIs

Using the ARM64 GPU PyTorch DLAMI

The AWS Deep Learning AMIs is ready to use with Arm64 processor-based GPUs, and comes optimized for PyTorch. The ARM64 GPU PyTorch DLAMI includes a Python environment pre-configured with PyTorch, TorchVision, and TorchServe for deep learning training and inference use cases.

Verify PyTorch Python Environment

Connect to your G5g instance and activate the base Conda environment with the following command:

source activate base

Your command prompt should indicate that you are working in the base Conda environment, which contains PyTorch, TorchVision, and other libraries.

(base) $

Verify the default tool paths of the PyTorch environment:

(base) $ which python (base) $ which pip (base) $ which conda (base) $ which mamba >>> import torch, torchvision >>> torch.__version__ >>> torchvision.__version__ >>> v = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.randn(10, 3, 224, 224)) >>> v = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.randn(10, 3, 224, 224)).cuda() >>> assert isinstance(v, torch.Tensor)

Run Training Sample with PyTorch

Run a sample MNIST training job:

git clone cd examples/mnist python

Your output should look similar to the following:

... Train Epoch: 14 [56320/60000 (94%)] Loss: 0.021424 Train Epoch: 14 [56960/60000 (95%)] Loss: 0.023695 Train Epoch: 14 [57600/60000 (96%)] Loss: 0.001973 Train Epoch: 14 [58240/60000 (97%)] Loss: 0.007121 Train Epoch: 14 [58880/60000 (98%)] Loss: 0.003717 Train Epoch: 14 [59520/60000 (99%)] Loss: 0.001729 Test set: Average loss: 0.0275, Accuracy: 9916/10000 (99%)

Run Inference Sample with PyTorch

Use the following commands to download a pre-trained densenet161 model and run inference using TorchServe:

# Set up TorchServe cd $HOME git clone mkdir -p serve/model_store cd serve # Download a pre-trained densenet161 model wget >/dev/null # Save the model using torch-model-archiver torch-model-archiver --model-name densenet161 \ --version 1.0 \ --model-file examples/image_classifier/densenet_161/ \ --serialized-file densenet161-8d451a50.pth \ --handler image_classifier \ --extra-files examples/image_classifier/index_to_name.json \ --export-path model_store # Start the model server torchserve --start --no-config-snapshots \ --model-store model_store \ --models densenet161=densenet161.mar &> torchserve.log # Wait for the model server to start sleep 30 # Run a prediction request curl -T examples/image_classifier/kitten.jpg

Your output should look similar to the following:

{ "tiger_cat": 0.4693363308906555, "tabby": 0.4633873701095581, "Egyptian_cat": 0.06456123292446136, "lynx": 0.0012828150065615773, "plastic_bag": 0.00023322898778133094 }

Use the following commands to unregister the densenet161 model and stop the server:

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8081/models/densenet161/1.0 torchserve --stop

Your output should look similar to the following:

{ "status": "Model \"densenet161\" unregistered" } TorchServe has stopped.