Step 7: Create a Migration Project - Database Migration Guide

Step 7: Create a Migration Project

Now you can create a migration project. A migration project describes your instance profile, source and target data providers, and secrets from AWS Secrets Manager.

To create a migration project

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS DMS console at

  2. Choose your AWS Region.

  3. Choose Migration projects, and then choose Create migration project.

  4. For Name, enter a unique name for your migration project. For example, enter dm-project.

  5. For Instance profile, choose dm-instance-profile. You created this instance profile in Step 5.

  6. For Source, choose Browse, and then choose dm-postgresql-source-provider. You created this data provider in Step 6.

  7. For Secret ID, choose dm-postgresql-source. You created this secret in Step 4.

  8. For IAM role, choose HomogeneousDataMigrationsRole. You created this role in Step 1.

  9. For Target, choose Browse, and then choose dm-postgresql-target-provider. You created this data provider in Step 6.

  10. For Secret ID, choose dm-postgresql-target. You created this secret in Step 4.

  11. For IAM role, choose HomogeneousDataMigrationsRole. You created this role in Step 1.

  12. Choose Create migration project.

Use this migration project to migrate your source PostgreSQL database to your Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL database.