AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) can use many of the most popular data engines as a source for data replication. The database source can be a self-managed engine running on an Amazon EC2 instance or an on-premises database. Or it can be a data source on an AWS service such as Amazon RDS or Amazon S3.
For a comprehensive list of valid sources, see Sources for AWS DMS.
Using a Microsoft SQL Server database as a source for AWS DMS
Using Microsoft Azure SQL Managed Instance as a source for AWS DMS
Using Microsoft Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server as a source for AWS DMS
Using Microsoft Azure Database for MySQL flexible server as a source for AWS DMS
Using Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) as a source for AWS DMS
Using IBM Db2 for Linux, Unix, Windows, and Amazon RDS database (Db2 LUW) as a source for AWS DMS