Using Microsoft Azure Database for MySQL flexible server as a source for AWS DMS - AWS Database Migration Service

Using Microsoft Azure Database for MySQL flexible server as a source for AWS DMS

With AWS DMS, you can use Microsoft Azure Database for MySQL flexible server as a source in much the same way as you do MySQL.

For information about versions of Microsoft Azure Database for MySQL flexible server that AWS DMS supports as a source, see Sources for AWS DMS.

For more information about using a customer-managed MySQL-compatible database with AWS DMS, see Using a self-managed MySQL-compatible database as a source for AWS DMS.

Limitations when using Azure MySQL as a source for AWS Database Migration Service

  • The defaut value for the Azure MySQL flexible server system variable sql_generate_invisible_primary_key is ON, and the server automatically adds a generated invisible primary key (GIPK) to any table that is created without an explicit primary key. AWS DMS doesn’t support ongoing replication for MySQL tables with GIPK constraints.