Using Redis OSS as a target for AWS Database Migration Service - AWS Database Migration Service

Using Redis OSS as a target for AWS Database Migration Service

Redis OSS is an open-source in-memory data structure store used as a database, cache, and message broker. Managing data in-memory can result in read or write operations taking less than a millisecond, and hundreds of millions of operations performed each second. As an in-memory data store, Redis OSS powers the most demanding applications requiring sub-millisecond response times.

Using AWS DMS, you can migrate data from any supported source database to a target Redis OSS data store with minimal downtime. For additional information about Redis OSS see, Redis OSS Documentation.

In addition to on-premises Redis OSS, AWS Database Migration Service supports the following:

  • Amazon ElastiCache (Redis OSS) as a target data store. ElastiCache (Redis OSS) works with your Redis OSS clients and uses the open Redis OSS data format to store your data.

  • Amazon MemoryDB as a target data store. MemoryDB is compatible with Redis OSS and enables you to build applications using all the Redis OSS data structures, APIs, and commands in use today.

For additional information about working with Redis OSS as a target for AWS DMS, see the following sections:

Prerequisites for using a Redis OSS cluster as a target for AWS DMS

DMS supports an on-premises Redis OSS target in a standalone configuration, or as a Redis OSS cluster where data is automatically sharded across multiple nodes. Sharding is the process of separating data into smaller chunks called shards that are spread across multiple servers or nodes. In effect, a shard is a data partition that contains a subset of the total data set, and serves a slice of the overall workload.

Since Redis OSS is a key-value NoSQL data store, the Redis OSS key naming convention to use when your source is a relational database, is schema-name.table-name.primary-key. In Redis OSS, the key and value must not contain the special character %. Otherwise, DMS skips the record.


If you are using ElastiCache (Redis OSS) as a target, DMS supports cluster mode enabled configurations only. For more information about using ElastiCache (Redis OSS) version 6.x or higher to create a cluster mode enabled target data store, see Getting started in the Amazon ElastiCache (Redis OSS) User Guide.

Before you begin a database migration, launch your Redis OSS cluster with the following criteria.

  • Your cluster has one or more shards.

  • If you're using an ElastiCache (Redis OSS) target, ensure that your cluster doesn't use IAM role-based access control. Instead, use Redis OSS Auth to authenticate users.

  • Enable Multi-AZ (Availability Zones).

  • Ensure the cluster has sufficient memory available to fit the data to be migrated from your database.

  • Make sure that your target Redis OSS cluster is clear of all data before starting the initial migration task.

You should determine your security requirements for the data migration prior to creating your cluster configuration. DMS supports migration to target replication groups regardless of their encryption configuration. But you can enable or disable encryption only when you create your cluster configuration.

Limitations when using Redis as a target for AWS Database Migration Service

The following limitations apply when using Redis OSS as a target:

  • Since Redis OSS is a key-value no-sql data store, the Redis OSS key naming convention to use when your source is a relational database, is schema-name.table-name.primary-key.

  • In Redis OSS, the key-value can't contain the special character %. Otherwise, DMS skips the record.

  • DMS won't migrate rows that contain the % character.

  • DMS won't migrate fields that contain the % character in the field name.

  • Full LOB mode is not supported.

  • A private Certificate Authority (CA) isn’t supported when using ElastiCache (Redis OSS) as a target.

Migrating data from a relational or non-relational database to a Redis OSS target

You can migrate data from any source SQL or NoSQL data store directly to a Redis OSS target. Setting up and starting a migration to a Redis OSS target is similar to any full load and change data capture migration using the DMS console or API. To perform a database migration to a Redis OSS target, you do the following.

  • Create a replication instance to perform all the processes for the migration. For more information, see Creating a replication instance.

  • Specify a source endpoint. For more information, see Creating source and target endpoints.

  • Locate the DNS name and port number of your cluster.

  • Download a certificate bundle that you can use to verify SSL connections.

  • Specify a target endpoint, as described below.

  • Create a task or set of tasks to define what tables and replication processes you want to use. For more information, see Creating a task.

  • Migrate data from your source database to your target cluster.

You begin a database migration in one of two ways:

  1. You can choose the AWS DMS console and perform each step there.

  2. You can use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). For more information about using the CLI with AWS DMS, see AWS CLI for AWS DMS.

To locate the DNS name and port number of your cluster
  • Use the following AWS CLI command to provide the replication-group-id with the name of your replication group.

    aws elasticache describe-replication-groups --replication-group-id myreplgroup

    Here, the output shows the DNS name in the Address attribute and the port number in the Port attribute of the primary node in the cluster.

    ... "ReadEndpoint": { "Port": 6379, "Address": "myreplgroup-" } ...

    If you are using MemoryDB as your target, use the following AWS CLI command to provide an endpoint address to your Redis OSS cluster.

    aws memorydb describe-clusters --clusterid clusterid
Download a certificate bundle for use to verify SSL connections
  • Enter the following wget command at the command line. Wget is a free GNU command-line utility tool used to download files from the internet.


    Here, aws-api-domain completes the Amazon S3 domain in your AWS Region required to access the specified S3 bucket and the rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem file that it provides.

To create a target endpoint using the AWS DMS console

This endpoint is for your Redis OSS target that is already running.

  • On the console, choose Endpoints from the navigation pane and then choose Create Endpoint. The following table describes the settings.

    For this option Do this

    Endpoint type

    Choose the Target endpoint type.

    Endpoint identifier

    Enter the name of your endpoint. For example, include the type of endpoint in the name, such as my-redis-target.

    Target engine

    Choose Redis OSS as the type of database engine that you want this endpoint to connect.

    Cluster name

    Enter the DNS name of your Redis OSS cluster.


    Enter the port number of your Redis OSS cluster.

    SSL security protocol

    Choose either Plain text or SSL encryption.

    Plain text—This option doesn't provide Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption for traffic between endpoint and database.

    SSL encryption—If you choose this option, enter an SSL Certificate Authority (CA) certificate ARN to verify the server’s certificate and make an encrypted connection.

    For on-premises Redis OSS, DMS supports both public and private Certificate Authority (CA). For ElastiCache (Redis OSS), DMS supports only a public CA.

    Authentication type

    Choose the type of authentication to perform while connecting to Redis OSS. Options include, None, Authentication role, and Authentication token.

    If you choose Authentication role, provide an Authentication username and an Authentication password.

    If you choose Authentication token, provide an Authentication password only.

    Replication instance

    [Optional] Only if you intend to test your connection, choose the name of the replication instance you previously entered on the Create replication instance page.

When you're finished providing all information for your endpoint, AWS DMS creates your Redis OSS target endpoint for use during database migration.

For information about creating a migration task and starting your database migration, see Creating a task.

Specifying endpoint settings for Redis OSS as a target

To create or modify a target endpoint, you can use the console or the CreateEndpoint or ModifyEndpoint API operations.

For a Redis OSS target in the AWS DMS console, specify Endpoint-specific settings on the Create endpoint or Modify endpoint console page.

When using CreateEndpoint and ModifyEndpoint API operations, specify request parameters for the RedisSettings option. The example following shows how to do this using the AWS CLI.

aws dms create-endpoint --endpoint-identifier my-redis-target --endpoint-type target --engine-name redis --redis-settings '{"ServerName":"","Port":6379,"AuthType":"auth-token", "SslSecurityProtocol":"ssl-encryption", "AuthPassword":"notanactualpassword"}' { "Endpoint": { "EndpointIdentifier": "my-redis-target", "EndpointType": "TARGET", "EngineName": "redis", "EngineDisplayName": "Redis", "TransferFiles": false, "ReceiveTransferredFiles": false, "Status": "active", "KmsKeyId": "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:999999999999:key/x-b188188x", "EndpointArn": "arn:aws:dms:us-east-1:555555555555:endpoint:ABCDEFGHIJKLMONOPQRSTUVWXYZ", "SslMode": "none", "RedisSettings": { "ServerName": "", "Port": 6379, "SslSecurityProtocol": "ssl-encryption", "AuthType": "auth-token" } } }

The --redis-settings parameters follow:

  • ServerName–(Required) Of type string, specifies the Redis OSS cluster that data will be migrated to, and is in your same VPC.

  • Port–(Required) Of type number, the port value used to access the endpoint.

  • SslSecurityProtocol–(Optional) Valid values include plaintext and ssl-encryption. The default is ssl-encryption.

    The plaintext option doesn't provide Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption for traffic between endpoint and database.

    Use ssl-encryption to make an encrypted connection. ssl-encryption doesn’t require an SSL Certificate Authority (CA) ARN to verify a server’s certificate, but one can be identified optionally using the SslCaCertificateArn setting. If a certificate authority ARN isn't given, DMS uses the Amazon root CA.

    When using an on-premises Redis OSS target, you can use SslCaCertificateArn to import public or private Certificate Authority (CA) into DMS, and provide that ARN for server authentication. A private CA isn’t supported when using ElastiCache (Redis OSS) as a target.

  • AuthType–(Required) Indicates the type of authentication to perform when connecting to Redis OSS. Valid values include none, auth-token, and auth-role.

    The auth-token option requires an "AuthPassword" be provided, while the auth-role option requires "AuthUserName" and "AuthPassword" be provided.