Viewing storage class size - Amazon Elastic File System

Viewing storage class size

You can view how much data is stored in each storage class of your file system using the Amazon EFS console, the AWS CLI, or the EFS API.

The Metered size tab on the File system details page displays the current metered size of the file system in binary multiples of bytes (kibibytes, mebibytes, gibibytes, and tebibytes). The metric is emitted every 15 minutes and lets you view your file system's metered size over time. Metered size displays the following information for the file system storage size:

  • Total size is the size (in binary bytes) of data stored in the file system, including all storage classes.

  • Size in Standard is the size (in binary bytes) of data stored in the EFS Standard storage class.

  • Size in IA is the size (in binary bytes) of data stored in the EFS Infrequent Access storage class. Files smaller than 128KiB are rounded up to 128KiB.

  • Size in Archive is the size (in binary bytes) of data stored in the EFS Archive storage class. Files smaller than 128KiB are rounded up to 128KiB.

You can also view the Storage bytes metric on the Monitoring tab on the File system details page in the Amazon EFS console. For more information, see Accessing CloudWatch metrics for Amazon EFS.

You can view how much data is stored in each storage class of your file system using the AWS CLI or EFS API. View data storage details by calling the describe-file-systems CLI command (the corresponding API operation is DescribeFileSystems).

$ aws efs describe-file-systems \ --region us-west-2 \ --profile adminuser

In the response, ValueInIA displays the last metered size in bytes in the file system's Infrequent Access storage class. ValueInStandard displays the last metered size in bytes in the Standard storage class. ValueInArchive displays the last metered size in bytes in the Archive storage class. The sum of the three values equals the size of the entire file system, which is displayed in Value.

{ "FileSystems":[ { "OwnerId":"251839141158", "CreationToken":"MyFileSystem1", "FileSystemId":"fs-47a2c22e", "PerformanceMode" : "generalPurpose", "CreationTime": 1403301078, "LifeCycleState":"created", "NumberOfMountTargets":1, "SizeInBytes":{ "Value": 29313746702, "ValueInIA": 675432, "ValueInStandard": 29312741784, "ValueInArchive":329486 }, "ThroughputMode": "elastic" } ] }

For additional ways to view and measure disk usage, see Metering Amazon EFS file system objects.