SCTE-35 and SCTE-104 message processing in Elemental Live - AWS Elemental Live

SCTE-35 and SCTE-104 message processing in Elemental Live

You can use Elemental Live to manipulate the SCTE-35 messages in a TS input and to manipulate the SCTE-104 messages in an HD-SDI input. You can also use Elemental Live to remove or include the cueing information conveyed by SCTE messages in the output streams (video, audio, closed captioning, data) and any associated manifests.

You set up SCTE message processing instructions in the Elemental Live event. This guide describes how to perform this set up.

Note that Elemental Live does not support processing of manifests that are present in the input. The information in these manifests is not ingested by Elemental Live and is not included in the output or the output manifest.

About this guide

SCTE messages might convey DPI cueing information for ad avails and for other non-ad-avail messages such as programs and chapters.

This guide covers both Event Signaling and Management (ESAM) and non-ESAM processing of messages.


You should be familiar with the SCTE-35 and SCTE-104 standards and optionally with the SCTE-67 standards and how the input you encode implements these standards. You should be familiar with profiles and with managing Elemental Live events. To use the REST API features, you should be familiar with interacting with Elemental Live through the API.