Configure consistent view - Amazon EMR

Configure consistent view

You can configure additional settings for consistent view by providing them using configuration properties for emrfs-site properties. For example, you can choose a different default DynamoDB throughput by supplying the following arguments to the CLI --emrfs option, using the emrfs-site configuration classification (Amazon EMR release version 4.x and later only), or a bootstrap action to configure the emrfs-site.xml file on the master node:

Example Changing default metadata read and write values at cluster launch
aws emr create-cluster --release-label emr-7.2.0 --instance-type m5.xlarge \ --emrfs Consistent=true,Args=[,\ fs.s3.consistent.metadata.write.capacity=300] --ec2-attributes KeyName=myKey

Alternatively, use the following configuration file and save it locally or in Amazon S3:

[ { "Classification": "emrfs-site", "Properties": { "": "600", "fs.s3.consistent.metadata.write.capacity": "300" } } ]

Use the configuration you created with the following syntax:

aws emr create-cluster --release-label emr-7.2.0 --applications Name=Hive \ --instance-type m5.xlarge --instance-count 2 --configurations file://./myConfig.json

Linux line continuation characters (\) are included for readability. They can be removed or used in Linux commands. For Windows, remove them or replace with a caret (^).

The following options can be set using configurations or AWS CLI --emrfs arguments. For information about those arguments, see the AWS CLI Command Reference.

emrfs-site.xml Properties for consistent view
Property Default value Description
fs.s3.consistent false

When set to true, this property configures EMRFS to use DynamoDB to provide consistency.

fs.s3.consistent.retryPolicyType exponential This property identifies the policy to use when retrying for consistency issues. Options include: exponential, fixed, or none.
fs.s3.consistent.retryPeriodSeconds 1 This property sets the length of time to wait between consistency retry attempts.
fs.s3.consistent.retryCount 10 This property sets the maximum number of retries when inconsistency is detected.
fs.s3.consistent.throwExceptionOnInconsistency true This property determines whether to throw or log a consistency exception. When set to true, a ConsistencyException is thrown.
fs.s3.consistent.metadata.autoCreate true When set to true, this property enables automatic creation of metadata tables.
fs.s3.consistent.metadata.etag.verification.enabled true With Amazon EMR 5.29.0, this property is enabled by default. When enabled, EMRFS uses S3 ETags to verify that objects being read are the latest available version. This feature is helpful for read-after-update use cases in which files on S3 are being overwritten while retaining the same name. This ETag verification capability currently does not work with S3 Select.
fs.s3.consistent.metadata.tableName EmrFSMetadata This property specifies the name of the metadata table in DynamoDB. 500 This property specifies the DynamoDB read capacity to provision when the metadata table is created.
fs.s3.consistent.metadata.write.capacity 100 This property specifies the DynamoDB write capacity to provision when the metadata table is created.
fs.s3.consistent.fastList true When set to true, this property uses multiple threads to list a directory (when necessary). Consistency must be enabled in order to use this property.
fs.s3.consistent.fastList.prefetchMetadata false When set to true, this property enables metadata prefetching for directories containing more than 20,000 items.
fs.s3.consistent.notification.CloudWatch false When set to true, CloudWatch metrics are enabled for FileSystem API calls that fail due to Amazon S3 eventual consistency issues.
fs.s3.consistent.notification.SQS false When set to true, eventual consistency notifications are pushed to an Amazon SQS queue.
fs.s3.consistent.notification.SQS.queueName EMRFS-Inconsistency-<jobFlowId> Changing this property allows you to specify your own SQS queue name for messages regarding Amazon S3 eventual consistency issues.
fs.s3.consistent.notification.SQS.customMsg none This property allows you to specify custom information included in SQS messages regarding Amazon S3 eventual consistency issues. If a value is not specified for this property, the corresponding field in the message is empty.
fs.s3.consistent.dynamodb.endpoint none This property allows you to specify a custom DynamoDB endpoint for your consistent view metadata.
fs.s3.useRequesterPaysHeader false When set to true, this property allows Amazon S3 requests to buckets with the request payer option enabled.