Configuration options for your EC2 Fleet or Spot Fleet - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

Configuration options for your EC2 Fleet or Spot Fleet

When planning your EC2 Fleet or Spot Fleet, we recommend that you consider the following options when deciding how to configure your fleet.

Configuration option Question Documentation
Fleet request type

Do you want a fleet that submits a one-time request for the desired target capacity, or a fleet that maintains target capacity over time?

EC2 Fleet and Spot Fleet request types
Spot Instances Do you plan to include Spot Instances in your fleet? Review the Spot best practices and use them when you plan your fleet so that you can provision the instances at the lowest possible price. Best practices for Amazon EC2 Spot
Spending limit for your fleet Do you want to limit how much you'll pay for your fleet per hour? Set a spending limit for your EC2 Fleet or Spot Fleet
Instance types and attribute-based instance type selection

Do you want to specify the instance types in your fleet, or let Amazon EC2 select the instance types that meet your application requirements?

Specify attributes for instance type selection for EC2 Fleet or Spot Fleet
Instance weighting Do you want to assign weights to each instance type to represent their compute capacity and performance, so that Amazon EC2 can select any combination of available instance types to fulfil your desired target capacity? Use instance weighting to manage cost and performance of your EC2 Fleet or Spot Fleet
Allocation strategies Do you want to decide whether to optimize for available capacity, price, or instance types to use for the Spot Instances and On-Demand Instances in your fleet? Use allocation strategies to determine how EC2 Fleet or Spot Fleet fulfills Spot and On-Demand capacity
Capacity Rebalancing Do you want your fleet to automatically replace at-risk Spot Instances? Use Capacity Rebalancing in EC2 Fleet and Spot Fleet to replace at-risk Spot Instances
On-Demand Capacity Reservation Do you want to reserve capacity for the On-Demand Instances in your fleet? Use Capacity Reservations to reserve On-Demand capacity in EC2 Fleet