AWS Entity Resolution Glossary - AWS Entity Resolution

AWS Entity Resolution Glossary

Amazon Resource Name (ARN)

A unique identifier for AWS resources. ARNs are required when you need to specify a resource unambiguously across all of AWS Entity Resolution, such as in AWS Entity Resolution policies, Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) tags, and API calls.

Attribute type

The type of the attribute for the input field. When you create a schema mapping, you select the Attribute type from a pre-configured list of values such as Name, Address, Phone number, or Email address. Attribute type tells AWS Entity Resolution what kind of data that you're presenting it, allowing it to be classified and normalized properly.

Automatic processing

A processing cadence option for a matching workflow job that enables it to be run on automatically when your data input changes.

This option is available for rule-based matching only.

By default, the processing cadence for a matching workflow job is set to Manual, which enables it to be run on demand. You can set up Automatic processing to run your matching workflow job automatically when your data input changes. This keeps your matching workflow output up-to-date.


This is your AWS KMS Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for encryption at rest. If not provided, system will use an AWS Entity Resolution managed KMS key.


Data that isn't cryptographically protected.

Confidence level (ConfidenceLevel)

For ML matching, this is the confidence level applied by AWS Entity Resolution when ML identifies a matched record set. This is part of the matching workflow metadata that will be included in output.


The process of transforming encrypted data back to its original form. Decryption can only be performed if you have access to the secret key.


The process of encoding data into a form that appears random using a secret value called a key. It's impossible to determine the original plaintext without access to the key.

Group name

The Group name references the entire group of input fields and can help you to group parsed data together for matching purposes.

For example, if there are three input fields: first_name, middle_name, and last_name, you can group them together by entering in the Group name as full_name for matching and output.


Hashing means applying a cryptographic algorithm that produces an irreversible and unique string of characters of a fixed size—called a hash. AWS Entity Resolution uses Secure Hash Algorithm 256-bit (SHA256) hash protocol and will output a 32-byte character string. In AWS Entity Resolution, you can choose whether to hash data values in your output.

Hash protocol (HashingProtocol)

AWS Entity Resolution uses Secure Hash Algorithm 256-bit (SHA256) hash protocol and will output a 32-byte character string. This is part of the matching workflow metadata that will be included in output.

ID mapping method

How you want the ID mapping to be performed.

There are two ID mapping methods:

  • Rule-based – The method by which you use matching rules to translate first-party data from a source to a target in an ID mapping workflow.

  • Provider services – The method by which you use a provider service to translate third party-encoded data from a source to a target in an ID mapping workflow.

    AWS Entity Resolution currently supports LiveRamp as the provider services-based ID mapping method. You must have a subscription to LiveRamp through AWS Data Exchange to use this method. For more information, see Step 1: Subscribe to a provider service on AWS Data Exchange.

ID mapping workflow

A data processing job that maps data from an input data source to an input data target based on the specified ID mapping method. It produces an ID mapping table. This workflow requires you to specify the ID mapping method and the input data you want to translate from a source to a target.

You can set up an ID mapping workflow to run in your own AWS account or across two AWS accounts.

ID namespace

A resource in AWS Entity Resolution that contains metadata explaining datasets across multiple AWS accounts and how to use these datasets in an ID mapping workflow.

There are two types of ID namespaces: SOURCE and TARGET. The SOURCE contains configurations for the source data that will be processed in an ID mapping workflow. The TARGET contains a configuration of the target data to which all sources will resolve to. To define the input data that you want to resolve across two AWS accounts, create an ID namespace source and an ID namespace target to translate your data from one set (SOURCE) to another (TARGET).

After you and another member create ID namespaces and run an ID mapping workflow, you can join a collaboration in AWS Clean Rooms to run a multi table join on the ID mapping table, and analyze the data.

For more information, see the AWS Clean Rooms User Guide.

Input field

An input field corresponds to a column name from your AWS Glue input data table.

Input Source ARN (InputSourceARN)

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that was generated for an AWS Glue table input. This is part of matching workflow metadata that will be included in output.

Machine learning-based matching

Machine learning-based matching (ML matching) finds matches across your data that might be incomplete or might not look exactly the same. ML matching is a preset process that will attempt to match records across all of the data you input. ML matching returns a match ID and a confidence level for each matched set of data.

Manual processing

A processing cadence option for a matching workflow job that enables it to be run on demand.

This option is set by default and is available for both rule-based matching and machine learning -based matching.

Many-to-Many matching

Many-to-many matching compares multiple instances of similar data. Values in input fields that have been assigned the same match key will be matched against each other, regardless of whether they are in the same input field or different input fields.

For example, you might have multiple phone number input fields like mobile_phone and home_phone that have the same match key “Phone”. Use many-to-many matching to compare data in the mobile_phone input field with data in the mobile_phone input field and data in the home_phone input field.

Matching rules evaluate data in multiple input fields with the same match key with an (or) operation, and one-to-many matching compares values across multiple input fields. This means that if any combination of mobile_phone or home_phone matches between two records, the “Phone” match key will return a match. For match key “Phone” to find a match, Record One mobile_phone = Record Two mobile_phone OR Record One mobile_phone = Record Two home_phone OR Record One home_phone = Record Two home_phone OR Record One home_phone = Record Two mobile_phone.

Match ID (MatchID)

For rule-based matching and ML matching, this is the ID generated by AWS Entity Resolution and applied to each matched record set. This is part of the matching workflow metadata that will be included in output.

Match key (MatchKey)

Match key instructs AWS Entity Resolution which input fields to consider as similar data and which to consider as different data. This helps AWS Entity Resolution automatically configure rule-based matching rules and compare similar data stored in different input fields.

If there are multiple types of phone number information like a mobile_phone input field and a home_phone input field in your data that you would like compared together, you could give them both the match key “Phone”. Then rule-based matching can be configured to compare data using “or” statements in all input fields with the “Phone” match key (see One-to-One Matching and Many-to-Many Matching definitions in Matching Workflow section).

If you want rule-based matching to consider different types of phone number information completely separately, you can create more specific match keys like “Mobile_Phone” and “Home_Phone”. Then, when setting up a matching workflow, you can specify how each phone match key will be used in rule-based matching.

If no MatchKey is specified for a particular input field, it can't be used in matching but can be carried through the matching workflow process and can be output if desired.

Match key name

The name assigned to a Match key.

Match rule (MatchRule)

For rule-based matching, this is the rule number applied that generated a matched record set. This is part of the matching workflow metadata that will be included in output.


The process of combining and comparing data from different input fields, tables, or databases and determining which of it is alike – or “matches” – based upon satisfying certain matching criteria (for example, either through matching rules or models).

Matching workflow

The process that you set up to specify the input data to match together and how the matching should be performed.

Matching workflow description

An optional description of the matching workflow that you might choose to enter. Descriptions help you differentiate between matching workflows if you create more than one.

Matching workflow name

The name for the matching workflow that you specify.


Matching workflow names must be unique. They can't have the same name or an error will be returned.

Matching workflow metadata

Information generated and output by AWS Entity Resolution during a matching workflow job. This information is required on output.

Normalization (ApplyNormalization)

Choose whether to normalize input data as defined in the schema. Normalization standardizes data by removing extra spaces and special characters and standardizing to lowercase format.

For example, if an input field has an attribute type of Full phone, and the values in the input table are formatted as (123) 456-7890, AWS Entity Resolution will normalize the values to 1234567890.


Normalization is only supported the group type for Name, Address, Phone, and Email.

The following sections describe our standard normalization rules.

For ML-based matching specifically, see Normalization (ApplyNormalization) – ML-based only.



Normalization is only supported for the Name group type.

The Name group type appears as Full name in the console and as NAME in the API.

If you want to normalize the sub-types of the Name group type:

  • In the console, assign the following subtypes to the Full name group: First name, Middle name, and Last name.

  • In the CreateSchemaMapping API, assign the following Types to the NAME groupName: NAME_FIRST, NAME_MIDDLE, and NAME_LAST.

  • TRIM = Trims leading and trailing whitespace

  • LOWERCASE = Lowercases all alpha characters

  • CONVERT_ACCENT = Covert accented letter to regular letter

  • REMOVE_ALL_NON_ALPHA = Removes all non-alpha characters [a-zA-Z]



Normalization is supported for the Email group type.

The Email group type appears as Email address in the console and as EMAIL_ADDRESS in the API.

  • TRIM = Trims leading and trailing whitespace

  • LOWERCASE = Lowercases all alpha characters

  • CONVERT_ACCENT = Covert accented letter to regular letter

  • EMAIL_ADDRESS_UTIL_NORM = Removes any dots (.) from the username, removes anything after a plus sign (+) in the username, and standardizes common domain variations

  • REMOVE_ALL_NON_EMAIL_CHARS = Removes all non-alpha-numeric characters [a-zA-Z0-9] and [.@-]



Normalization only supported for the Phone group type.

The Phone group type appears as Full phone in the console and as PHONE in the API.

If you want to normalize the sub-types of the Phone group type:

  • In the console, assign the following sub-types to the Full phone group: Phone number, and Phone country code.

  • In the CreateSchemaMapping API, assign the following Types to the PHONE groupName: PHONE_NUMBER and PHONE_COUNTRYCODE.

  • TRIM = Trims leading and trailing whitespace

  • REMOVE_ALL_NON_NUMERIC = Removes all non-numeric characters [0-9]

  • REMOVE_ALL_LEADING_ZEROES = Removes all leading zeroes

  • ENSURE_PREFIX_WITH_MAP, "phonePrefixMap" = Examines each phone number and tries to match it against patterns in the phonePrefixMap. If a match is found, the rule will add or modify the prefix of the phone number to ensure it conforms to the standardized format specified in the map.



Normalization only supported for the Address group type.

The Address group type appears as Full address in the console and as ADDRESS in the API.

If you want to normalize the sub-types of the Address group type:

  • In the console, assign the following sub-types to the Full address group: Street address 1, Street address 2: Street address 3 name, City name, State, Country, and Postal code t


  • TRIM = Trims leading and trailing whitespace

  • LOWERCASE = Lowercases all alpha characters

  • CONVERT_ACCENT = Covert accented letter to regular letter

  • REMOVE_ALL_NON_ALPHA = Removes all non-alpha characters [a-zA-Z]

  • RENAME_WORDS using ADDRESS_RENAME_WORD_MAP = replace words in Address string with words from ADDRESS_RENAME_WORD_MAP

  • RENAME_DELIMITERS using ADDRESS_RENAME_DELIMITER_MAP = replace delimiters in Address string with string from ADDRESS_RENAME_DELIMITER_MAP

  • RENAME_DIRECTIONS using ADDRESS_RENAME_DIRECTION_MAP= replace delimiters in Address string with string from ADDRESS_RENAME_DIRECTION_MAP

  • RENAME_NUMBERS using ADDRESS_RENAME_NUMBER_MAP = replace numbers in Address string with string from ADDRESS_RENAME_NUMBER_MAP

  • RENAME_SPECIAL_CHARS using ADDRESS_RENAME_SPECIAL_CHAR_MAP = replace special characters in Address string with string from ADDRESS_RENAME_SPECIAL_CHAR_MAP


These are the words that will be renamed when normalizing the address string.

"avenue": "ave", "bouled": "blvd", "circle": "cir", "circles": "cirs", "court": "ct", "centre": "ctr", "center": "ctr", "drive": "dr", "freeway": "fwy", "frwy": "fwy", "highway": "hwy", "lane": "ln", "parks": "park", "parkways": "pkwy", "pky": "pkwy", "pkway": "pkwy", "pkwys": "pkwy", "parkway": "pkwy", "parkwy": "pkwy", "place": "pl", "plaza": "plz", "plza": "plz", "road": "rd", "square": "sq", "squ": "sq", "sqr": "sq", "street": "st", "str": "st", "str.": "strasse"


These are the delimiters that will be renamed when normalizing the address string.

",": " ", ".": " ", "[": " ", "]": " ", "/": " ", "-": " ", "#": " number "


These are the direction identifiers that will be renamed when normalizing the address string.

"east": "e", "north": "n", "south": "s", "west": "w", "northeast": "ne", "northwest": "nw", "southeast": "se", "southwest": "sw"


These are the number strings that will be renamed when normalizing the address string.

"número": "number", "numero": "number", "no": "number", "núm": "number", "num": "number"


These are the special characters string that will be renamed when normalizing the address string.

"ß": "ss", "ä": "ae", "ö": "oe", "ü": "ue", "ø": "o", "æ": "ae"


  • TRIM = Trims leading and trailing whitespace


  • TRIM = Trims leading and trailing whitespace

Normalization (ApplyNormalization) – ML-based only

Choose whether to normalize input data as defined in the schema. Normalization standardizes data by removing extra spaces and special characters and standardizing to lowercase format.

For example, if an input field has an attribute type of NAME, and the values in the input table are formatted as Johns Smith, AWS Entity Resolution will normalize the values to john smith.

The following sections describe the normalization rules for machine learning-based matching workflows.


  • TRIM = Trims leading and trailing whitespace

  • LOWERCASE = Lowercases all alpha characters


  • LOWERCASE = Lowercases all alpha characters

  • Replaces only (at)(case sensitive) with an @ symbol

  • Removes all whitespace, anywhere in the value

  • Removes everything that's outside of the first "< >" if it exists


  • TRIM = Trims leading and trailing whitespace

  • REMOVE_ALL_NON_NUMERIC = Removes all non-numeric characters [0-9]

  • REMOVE_ALL_LEADING_ZEROES = Removes all leading zeroes

  • ENSURE_PREFIX_WITH_MAP, "phonePrefixMap" = Examines each phone number and tries to match it against patterns in the phonePrefixMap. If a match is found, the rule will add or modify the prefix of the phone number to ensure it conforms to the standardized format specified in the map.

One-to-One matching

One-to-one matching compares single instances of similar data. Input fields with the same match key and values in the same input field will be matched against each other.

For example, you might have multiple phone number input fields like mobile_phone and home_phone that have the same match key “Phone”. Use one-to-one matching to compare data in the mobile_phone input field with data in the mobile_phone input field and to compare data in the home_phone input field with data in the home_phone input field. Data in the mobile_phone input field won't be compared with data in the home_phone input field.

Matching rules evaluate data in multiple input fields with the same match key with an (or) operation, and one-to-many matching compares values within a single input field. This means that if mobile_phone or home_phone matches between two records, the “Phone” match key will return a match. For match key “Phone” to find a match, Record One mobile_phone = Record Two mobile_phone OR Record One home_phone = Record Two home_phone.

Matching rules evaluate data in input fields with different match keys with an (and) operation. If you want rule-based matching to consider different types of phone number information completely separately, you can create more specific match keys like “mobile_phone” and “home_phone”. If you want to use both match keys in a rule to find matches, Record One mobile_phone = Record Two mobile_phone AND Record One home_phone = Record Two home_phone.


A list of OutputAttribute objects, each of which have the fields Name and Hashed. Each of these objects represent a column to be included in the AWS Glue output table and whether you want the values in the column to be hashed.


The S3 destination to which AWS Entity Resolution will write the output table.


A list of OutputSource objects, each of which have the fields OutputS3Path, ApplyNormalization, and Output.

Provider service-based matching

Provider service-based matching is process designed to match, link, and enhance your records with preferred data service providers and licensed data sets. You must have a subscription through AWS Data Exchange with the provider service to use this matching technique.

AWS Entity Resolution currently integrates with the following data service providers:

  • LiveRamp

  • TransUnion

  • UID 2.0

Rule-based matching

Rule-based matching is process designed to find exact matches. Rule-based matching is a hierarchical set of waterfall matching rules, suggested by AWS Entity Resolution, based upon the data that you input and completely configurable by you. All match keys provided within rule criteria must match exactly for compared data to be declared a match and for associated metadata to be output. Rule-based matching returns a Match ID and a rule number for each matched set of data.

We recommend defining rules that can uniquely identify an entity. Order your rules to find more precise matches first.

For example, let's say you have two rules, Rule 1 and Rule 2.

These rules have the following match keys:

  • Rule 1 includes Full name and Address

  • Rule 2 includes Full name, Address, and Phone

Because Rule 1 runs first, no matches will be found by Rule 2 because they would have all been found by Rule 1.

To find matches that are differentiated by Phone, reorder the rules, like this:

  • Rule 2 includes Full name, Address, and Phone

  • Rule 1 includes Full name and Address


The term used for a structure or layout defining how a set of data is organized and connected.

Schema description

An optional description of the schema that you can choose to enter. Descriptions help you differentiate between schema mappings if you create more than one.

Schema name

The name of the schema.


Schema names must be unique. They can't have the same name or an error will be returned.

Schema mapping

Schema mapping in AWS Entity Resolution is the process by which you tell AWS Entity Resolution how to interpret your data for matching. You define the schema of the input data table that you want AWS Entity Resolution to read into a matching workflow.

Schema mapping ARN

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) generated for the schema mapping.

Unique ID

A unique identifier that you designate and that must be assigned to each row of input data that AWS Entity Resolution reads.

For example: Primary_key, Row_ID, or Record_ID.

The Unique ID column is required.

The Unique ID must be a unique identifier within a single table.

Across different tables, the Unique ID can have duplicate values.

When the matching workflow is run, the record will be rejected if the Unique ID:

  • isn't specified

  • isn't unique within the same table

  • overlaps in terms of attribute name across sources.

  • exceeds 38 characters (rule-based matching workflows only)