Containerizing complex Windows .NET applications with App2Container - AWS App2Container

Containerizing complex Windows .NET applications with App2Container

Containerization for complex multi-tier Windows .NET applications requires careful planning. When functionality is shared between the root application and one or more lower-level or system applications, you need to make decisions about packaging, deployment, and orchestration for all of the components.

To summarize how AWS App2Container works to containerize a complex Windows .NET application, we'll visit each step in the App2Container workflow, and call out the highlights and things to consider.

Step 1: Setup and initialization

Setup and initialization are the same for complex Windows .NET applications as for other types of applications. Setup tasks include installing software, configuring your AWS profile and IAM permissions, and deciding which servers the App2Container commands should run on. To learn more about setting up your environment before running App2Container for the first time, see Prerequisites: Set up your servers.

After you have completed the setup tasks, but before you use App2Container for the first time, you must initialize the servers where you plan to run App2Container commands. To learn more about initialization and worker machine configuration, see the Initialize section in the App2Container command reference.

Step 2: Analysis phase

After you have completed setup and initialization tasks on your servers, App2Container helps you to take an inventory of your running applications, and perform analysis to determine what should be included in your application containers.


The first step in the analysis phase is to take an inventory of your applications. When you run the app2container inventory command (or the app2container remote inventory command, if you have configured a worker machine), App2Container detects the applications that are running in IIS. It also detects the Windows services that could be configured as dependent application components.

App2Container identifies each IIS application or Windows service as a separate application, with its own application ID in the inventory.json file. App2Container makes an effort to exclude basic operating system services that you would not want to add to your containers. However, even when these services are excluded, the inventory list can still be quite long.

To narrow the results of the app2container inventory or app2container remote inventory commands, you can specify what type of application you are looking for with the --type option:

  • To run an inventory of your IIS applications, you can set the --type option to "iis".

  • To run an inventory of your Windows services, you can set the --type option to "service".

If you don't want App2Container to filter inventory results at all, you can use the --nofilter option. This option prevents App2Container from filtering out default system services when building the inventory list. For more information and command syntax, see the inventory or remote inventory command in the command reference section.


When you run the app2container analyze or app2container remote analyze commands, App2Container analyzes the application component that you specify with the --application-id parameter.

App2Container creates the folder structure for the application component, inside of the App2Container directory on your application server or worker machine. It produces the analysis.json file, and saves it to the new folder structure, along with other artifacts that are required for containerization. The analysis.json file is where you begin to define your container structure.


Run the app2container analyze or app2container remote analyze command for every component in your multi-tier application before you configure your container structure.

You can implement the following container structures for a multi-tier Windows .NET application:

  • Multiple application components running in separate containers (recommended)

    In this scenario, each application component in your multi-tier Windows .NET application runs in a separate container. Relationships between the root application and up to two dependent applications are configured in the deployment.json file for the root application. This file is produced during the containerization phase.

    When your application components are running in separate containers, leave the additionalApps array in the analysis.json file empty for all components.

  • Multiple application components running in a single container

    In this scenario, the application components in a multi-tier Windows .NET application run together in one container. We recommend that packaging multiple application components in a single container is only done when there are cross-dependencies between the components.

    To specify multiple application components running in a single container, you can include up to five dependent component application IDs in the additionalApps array in the analysis.json file for the root application.


    This configuration has the following limitations:

    • Only the port that is defined for the root application is exposed to outside traffic through your load balancer. Ports that are defined for other application components are exposed only from the container, and are not accessible through the load balancer.

    • If you are using remote commands on a worker machine, all of the application components in a multi-tier application must be running on the same application server if you want them to run in a single container.

To learn more about configuring containers, see Configuring application containers. To compare configuration examples for a simple .NET application, and for complex multi-tier .NET applications, expand the Containers running on Windows section, and explore the example tabs.

For more information and command syntax, see the analyze or remote analyze command in the command reference section.

Step 3: Containerization

This phase creates containers for your application, based on the output of the analysis phase and on your configuration in the analysis.json file.


If you are using a worker machine to run App2Container commands, or if you want to store an application archive for reference, this phase starts with an app2container extract or app2container remote extract command. Because this has no effect on the configuration for multi-tier application containers, we will not cover that here.


The app2container containerize command performs the following tasks for the application that's specified in the --application id parameter:

  • Extracts application artifacts from the server it runs on, or reads from an extract archive. For complex multi-tier applications, the extract includes all artifacts that are needed for all of the components running in the container.

  • Generates a Dockerfile and a container image, based on the application artifacts and the application settings in the analysis.json file.

  • Creates the deployment.json file that defines initial settings for container deployment during the deployment phase.

You must run the app2container containerize command for the root application container, and for each additional application component that runs in a separate container. Do not run the command for any components that are included in the root application container. The command displays real-time task completion messages, followed by instructions for next steps. This includes the AWS commands that you run if you are deploying manually.

To configure the deployment.json file for a complex multi-tier application, refer to the following scenario that describes your implementation:

  • Multiple application components running in separate containers

    In this scenario, each application component is running in a separate container, and each has its own deployment file. Before running the generate app-deployment command, configure the deployment.json file for the root application to include all dependent applications or services in the dependentApps array, including the application ID, private root domain, and DNS record name for each one.

  • Multiple application components running in a single container

    If you are running multiple application components in a single container, the process for configuring the deployment.json file is the same as for any other containerized application. Leave the dependentApps array empty.


If you are deploying to a specific VPC, make sure that all components point to that VPC in the vpcId parameter in the reuseResources array in the deployment.json file.

To learn more about configuring your deployment.json file, see Configuring container deployment. For more information and command syntax for creating your application container, see the containerize command in the command reference section.

Step 4: Deployment

Deployment steps for complex Windows .NET applications with multiple application components running in a single container are handled the same as any other application deployment. For more information and command syntax for deploying your application container, see the generate app-deployment command in the command reference section.

The remainder of the content in this section applies to complex Windows .NET applications that have multiple application components running in separate containers, similar to the application example shown in the following diagrams:

Amazon ECS deployment

Example workflow for a complex Windows .NET application with dependent application components running in separate containers in Amazon ECS.

Amazon EKS deployment

Example workflow for a complex Windows .NET application with dependent application components running in separate containers in Amazon EKS.

Normally, you run the generate app-deployment command for each application container that you create. However, with complex Windows .NET applications that have dependent applications running in separate containers, App2Container takes care of some of that for you. When you run the generate app-deployment command for the root application, App2Container completes the following tasks for the root application and each of its dependent application components:

  • Checks for AWS and Docker prerequisites.

  • Creates an Amazon ECR repository.

  • Pushes the container image to the Amazon ECR repository.

  • Generates the following artifacts, depending on your target container management service:

    Amazon ECS
    • An Amazon ECS task definition.

    • The ecs-master.yml file that you can use for Amazon ECS deployment.

    Amazon EKS
    • The Kubernetes eks-master.yml file that you can use for Amazon EKS deployment.

    • The eks_deployment.yaml and eks_service.yaml files that you can use with the kubectl command.

  • Generates a pipeline.json file.

Additionally, if you use the --deploy option, App2Container takes care of all of those deployments in the order in which they need to run, and configures shared infrastructure settings. When App2Container handles the deployment for you, it follows these conventions:

  • The root application and all dependent application components are deployed to the same cluster.

  • All dependent application components are configured with an internal load balancer only.

  • Each application component has its own Amazon ECS or Amazon EKS service running in a shared cluster.

If you want to customize the deployment artifacts, you can deploy manually, using the AWS Management Console or AWS CLI when you are ready.

For deployment steps, choose the tab that matches your deployment scenario.

Automated (A2C)

Follow these steps if you are using the App2Container automated deployment.

  1. Verify that the values are set correctly in the deployment.json files for all of your application components, before running the generate app-deployment command for your root application, as follows:

    • None of the application components in the multi-tier application should specify reuseCfnStack.

    • Dependent application components should not specify any of the following parameters: vpcId, gMSAParameters.

    • The following parameters can be specified in the root application, and App2Container applies the same values for all dependent application components: vpcId, resourceTags, and gMSAParameters.

  2. The following example shows the generate app-deployment command for the root application in our sample multi-tier application, using the --deploy option, with the --application-id parameter set to the application ID for the root application. This example handles the full deployment for all application components.

    PS> app2container generate app-deployment --deploy --application-id iis-colormvciis-b69c09ab --profile admin-profile √ AWS prerequisite check succeeded √ Docker prerequisite check succeeded ... [more notifications as deployment steps are completed for each dependent application component, followed by the root application and shared configurations] Deployment successful for application iis-colormvciis-b69c09ab The URL to your Load Balancer Endpoint is: Successfully created Amazon ECS stack a2c-iis-colormvciis-b69c09ab-ECS. Check the AWS CloudFormation Console for additional details. 3. Set up a pipeline for your application stack using app2container: app2container generate pipeline --application-id iis-colormvciis-b69c09ab

    The first deployment for a dependent application component creates shared AWS resources, such as the VPC and Amazon ECS or Amazon EKS cluster. After the first dependent application component is successfully deployed, App2Container updates deployment artifacts for all of the other application components to reference the shared AWS resources prior to completing the remaining deployments.

Manual (AWS CLI)

Follow these steps to customize your deployment files and use the AWS CLI to deploy manually. We do not include AWS Management Console instructions here. However, you can follow the same general order of operations in the console.

  1. Verify that the values are set correctly in the deployment.json files for all of your application components, before running the generate app-deployment command for your root application, as follows:

    • None of the application components in the multi-tier application should specify reuseCfnStack.

    • Dependent application components should not specify any of the following parameters: vpcId, gMSAParameters.

    • The following parameters can be specified in the root application, and App2Container applies the same values for all dependent application components: vpcId, resourceTags, and gMSAParameters.

  2. The following example shows the generate app-deployment command for the root application in our sample multi-tier application, with the --application-id parameter set to the application ID for the root application. The --deploy option is not used in this case, as we plan to customize deployment files and then deploy using AWS CLI commands to control deployment for each application component.


    App2Container creates deployment artifacts for all application components in the complex Windows .NET application when you run the generate app-deployment command for the root application.

    Use the generate app-deployment command, specifying the application ID for your root application, as follows:

    PS> app2container generate app-deployment --application-id iis-colormvciis-b69c09ab --profile admin-profile √ AWS prerequisite check succeeded √ Docker prerequisite check succeeded ... [more notifications as deployment steps are completed for each dependent component, followed by the root application and shared configurations] CloudFormation templates and additional deployment artifacts generated successfully for application iis-colormvciis-b69c09ab You're all set to use AWS CloudFormation to manage your application stack. Next Steps: 1. Create application stacks for first dependent application using the AWS CLI or the AWS Console. AWS CLI commands: aws cloudformation deploy --template-file C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\app2container\iis-dependentappb-12345bcd\EcsDeployment\ecs-master.yml --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND --stack-name a2c-iis-dependentappb-12345bcd-ECS 2. Required! Reuse the VpcId, ClusterId and PublicSubnets from above CloudFormation console outputs and assign them in master templates of service-colorwindowsservice-69f90194, iis-colormvciis-b69c09ab If your other dependent application(s) that share the same root domain, also assign HostedZoneId to their master template(s). Create application stacks for remaining applications using the AWS CLI or the AWS Console. AWS CLI commands: aws cloudformation deploy --template-file C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\app2container\service-colorwindowsservice-69f90194\EcsDeployment\ecs-master.yml --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND --stack-name a2c-service-colorwindowsservice-69f90194-ECS aws cloudformation deploy --template-file C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\app2container\iis-colormvciis-b69c09ab\EcsDeployment\ecs-master.yml --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND --stack-name a2c-iis-colormvciis-b69c09ab-ECS 3. Set up a pipeline for your application stack using app2container: app2container generate pipeline --application-id iis-colormvciis-b69c09ab
  3. Review the deployment artifacts that were generated in the prior step, and customize the YAML deployment templates and other deployment artifacts as needed.

    Manual deployment follows this step, beginning with one of the dependent applications. The first deployment creates any shared infrastructure that is required.


    If you are using an existing VPC, the vpcId that you specified in the deployment.json file for the root application should be reflected in the YAML deployment templates for all of the dependent applications.

  4. To deploy your first dependent application and create shared infrastructure, run the following command in the AWS CLI, using your dependent application's details.

    PS> aws cloudformation deploy --template-file C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\app2container\iis-dependentappb-12345bcd\EcsDeployment\ecs-master.yml --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND --stack-name a2c-iis-dependentappb-12345bcd-ECS
  5. After your first stack is ready (stack status is CREATE_COMPLETE), update the YAML deployment templates for all remaining application components in your application to reference the following shared infrastructure in the parameters for existing resources:

    • VpcId

    • PublicSubnets

    • ClusterId

    Additionally, for any remaining dependent applications, update the following references:

    • DomainName

    • RecordName

    • ExistingHostedZoneId – update this if dependent applications share the root domain, or if they are using an existing domain.

    • RecordExist – set this to "true" (string) if the record already exists in the hosted zone. If you are creating a new domain, set this to "false". The default value is "true".

  6. Deploy any remaining dependent applications, using your application component information and the updated YAML deployment templates, with the cloudformation deploy command. The following command example deploys the service component in our sample multi-tier application.

    PS> aws cloudformation deploy --template-file C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\app2container\service-colorwindowsservice-69f90194\EcsDeployment\ecs-master.yml --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND --stack-name a2c-service-colorwindowsservice-69f90194-ECS
  7. After you've created all of your dependent component stacks, deploy your root application with the cloudformation deploy command. The following command example deploys the root application in our sample multi-tier application.

    PS> aws cloudformation deploy --template-file C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\app2container\iis-colormvciis-b69c09ab\EcsDeployment\ecs-master.yml --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND --stack-name a2c-iis-colormvciis-b69c09ab-ECS

It can take a few minutes to spin up a CloudFormation stack, along with the other infrastructure that is created for your deployment. You can use one of the following methods to check the stack status for your deployment: