X12Details - AWS B2B Data Interchange


A structure that contains the X12 transaction set and version. The X12 structure is used when the system transforms an EDI (electronic data interchange) file.


If an EDI input file contains more than one transaction, each transaction must have the same transaction set and version, for example 214/4010. If not, the transformer cannot parse the file.



Returns an enumerated type where each value identifies an X12 transaction set. Transaction sets are maintained by the X12 Accredited Standards Committee.

Type: String

Valid Values: X12_110 | X12_180 | X12_204 | X12_210 | X12_211 | X12_214 | X12_215 | X12_259 | X12_260 | X12_266 | X12_269 | X12_270 | X12_271 | X12_274 | X12_275 | X12_276 | X12_277 | X12_278 | X12_310 | X12_315 | X12_322 | X12_404 | X12_410 | X12_417 | X12_421 | X12_426 | X12_810 | X12_820 | X12_824 | X12_830 | X12_832 | X12_834 | X12_835 | X12_837 | X12_844 | X12_846 | X12_849 | X12_850 | X12_852 | X12_855 | X12_856 | X12_860 | X12_861 | X12_864 | X12_865 | X12_869 | X12_870 | X12_940 | X12_945 | X12_990 | X12_997 | X12_999 | X12_270_X279 | X12_271_X279 | X12_275_X210 | X12_275_X211 | X12_276_X212 | X12_277_X212 | X12_277_X214 | X12_277_X364 | X12_278_X217 | X12_820_X218 | X12_820_X306 | X12_824_X186 | X12_834_X220 | X12_834_X307 | X12_834_X318 | X12_835_X221 | X12_837_X222 | X12_837_X223 | X12_837_X224 | X12_837_X291 | X12_837_X292 | X12_837_X298 | X12_999_X231

Required: No


Returns the version to use for the specified X12 transaction set.

Type: String

Valid Values: VERSION_4010 | VERSION_4030 | VERSION_5010 | VERSION_5010_HIPAA

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: