Modificación de la función de Lambda del analizador en los agentes de Amazon Bedrock - Amazon Bedrock

Modificación de la función de Lambda del analizador en los agentes de Amazon Bedrock

Cada plantilla de peticiones incluye una función de Lambda del analizador que se puede modificar. Para escribir una función de Lambda del analizador personalizada, debe comprender el evento de entrada que envía el agente y la respuesta resultante que espera el agente de la función de Lambda. Debe escribir una función controladora para manipular las variables del evento de entrada y devolver la respuesta. Para obtener más información sobre cómo funciona AWS Lambda, consulte Invocación basada en eventos en la Guía para desarrolladores de AWS Lambda.

Evento de entrada de Lambda del analizador

A continuación presentamos la estructura general del evento de entrada del agente. Utilice los campos para escribir la función de controlador de Lambda.

{ "messageVersion": "1.0", "agent": { "name": "string", "id": "string", "alias": "string", "version": "string" }, "invokeModelRawResponse": "string", "promptType": "ORCHESTRATION | POST_PROCESSING | PRE_PROCESSING | KNOWLEDGE_BASE_RESPONSE_GENERATION ", "overrideType": "OUTPUT_PARSER" }

En la siguiente lista se describen los campos del evento de entrada:

  • messageVersion: la versión del mensaje que identifica el formato de los datos de evento que se van a pasar a la función de Lambda y el formato que se espera en la respuesta de la función de Lambda. Los agentes de Amazon Bedrock solo admiten la versión 1.0.

  • agent: contiene información sobre el nombre, el ID, el alias y la versión del agente a la que pertenecen las peticiones.

  • invokeModelRawResponse: la salida del modelo fundacional sin procesar de la petición cuyo resultado se va a analizar.

  • promptType: el tipo de petición cuya salida se va a analizar.

  • overrideType: los artefactos que sobrescribe esta función de Lambda. Actualmente, solo se admite OUTPUT_PARSER, lo que indica que se debe sobrescribir el analizador predeterminado.

Respuesta de Lambda del analizador

El agente espera una respuesta de la función de Lambda y la usa para realizar otras acciones o para que pueda devolver una respuesta al usuario. El agente ejecuta la siguiente acción recomendada por el modelo del agente. Las siguientes acciones se pueden ejecutar en orden de serie o en paralelo, según el modelo del agente y el momento en que se creó y preparó el agente.

Si ha creado y preparado el agente antes del 4 de octubre de 2024 y utiliza los modelos Anthropic Claude 3 Sonnet o Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet, la siguiente acción principal recomendada por el modelo del agente se ejecutará en orden de serie de forma predeterminada.

Si ha creado un agente nuevo o ha preparado uno existente después del 10 de octubre de 2024 y su agente utiliza Anthropic Claude 3 Sonnet, Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet o cualquier modelo non-Anthropic, las siguientes acciones recomendadas por el modelo del agente se ejecutarán en paralelo. Esto significa que varias acciones, por ejemplo, una mezcla de grupos de acciones, funciones y bases de conocimientos, se ejecutarán en paralelo. Esto reduce la cantidad de llamadas realizadas al modelo, lo que, a su vez, reduce la latencia general.

Puede habilitar acciones paralelas para los agentes creados y preparados antes del 4 de octubre de 2024 llamando a la API de PrepareAgent o seleccionando Prepare en el generador de agentes de su agente en la consola. Cuando el agente esté preparado, verá una plantilla de peticiones actualizada y una nueva versión del esquema de Lambda del analizador.

Ejemplo de respuesta de Lambda del analizador

Los siguientes son ejemplos de la estructura general de la respuesta del agente que ejecuta las siguientes acciones recomendadas en orden de serie y del agente que ejecuta las siguientes acciones en paralelo. Utilice los campos de respuesta de la función de Lambda para configurar cómo se devuelve la salida.

Ejemplo de respuesta de un agente que ejecuta las siguientes acciones recomendadas en orden de serie

Seleccione la pestaña correspondiente según si ha definido el grupo de acciones con un esquema de OpenAPI o con los detalles de la función:


MessageVersion 1.0 indica que el agente está ejecutando las siguientes acciones principales recomendadas en orden de serie.

OpenAPI schema
{ "messageVersion": "1.0", "promptType": "ORCHESTRATION | PRE_PROCESSING | POST_PROCESSING | KNOWLEDGE_BASE_RESPONSE_GENERATION", "preProcessingParsedResponse": { "isValidInput": "boolean", "rationale": "string" }, "orchestrationParsedResponse": { "rationale": "string", "parsingErrorDetails": { "repromptResponse": "string" }, "responseDetails": { "invocationType": "ACTION_GROUP | KNOWLEDGE_BASE | FINISH | ASK_USER", "agentAskUser": { "responseText": "string", "id": "string" }, "actionGroupInvocation": { "actionGroupName": "string", "apiName": "string", "id": "string", "verb": "string", "actionGroupInput": { "<parameter>": { "value": "string" }, ... } }, "agentKnowledgeBase": { "knowledgeBaseId": "string", "id": "string", "searchQuery": { "value": "string" } }, "agentFinalResponse": { "responseText": "string", "citations": { "generatedResponseParts": [{ "text": "string", "references": [{"sourceId": "string"}] }] } }, } }, "knowledgeBaseResponseGenerationParsedResponse": { "generatedResponse": { "generatedResponseParts": [ { "text": "string", "references": [ {"sourceId": "string"}, ... ] } ] } }, "postProcessingParsedResponse": { "responseText": "string", "citations": { "generatedResponseParts": [{ "text": "string", "references": [{ "sourceId": "string" }] }] } } }
Function details
{ "messageVersion": "1.0", "promptType": "ORCHESTRATION | PRE_PROCESSING | POST_PROCESSING | KNOWLEDGE_BASE_RESPONSE_GENERATION", "preProcessingParsedResponse": { "isValidInput": "boolean", "rationale": "string" }, "orchestrationParsedResponse": { "rationale": "string", "parsingErrorDetails": { "repromptResponse": "string" }, "responseDetails": { "invocationType": "ACTION_GROUP | KNOWLEDGE_BASE | FINISH | ASK_USER", "agentAskUser": { "responseText": "string", "id": "string" }, "actionGroupInvocation": { "actionGroupName": "string", "functionName": "string", "id": "string", "actionGroupInput": { "<parameter>": { "value": "string" }, ... } }, "agentKnowledgeBase": { "knowledgeBaseId": "string", "id": "string", "searchQuery": { "value": "string" } }, "agentFinalResponse": { "responseText": "string", "citations": { "generatedResponseParts": [{ "text": "string", "references": [{"sourceId": "string"}] }] } }, } }, "knowledgeBaseResponseGenerationParsedResponse": { "generatedResponse": { "generatedResponseParts": [ { "text": "string", "references": [ {"sourceId": "string"}, ... ] } ] } }, "postProcessingParsedResponse": { "responseText": "string", "citations": { "generatedResponseParts": [{ "text": "string", "references": [{ "sourceId": "string" }] }] } } }

Ejemplo de respuesta de un agente que ejecuta las siguientes acciones en paralelo

Seleccione la pestaña correspondiente según si ha definido el grupo de acciones con un esquema de OpenAPI o con los detalles de la función:


MessageVersion 2.0 indica que el agente está ejecutando las siguientes acciones recomendadas en paralelo.

OpenAPI schema
{ "messageVersion": "2.0", "promptType": "ORCHESTRATION | PRE_PROCESSING | POST_PROCESSING | KNOWLEDGE_BASE_RESPONSE_GENERATION", "preProcessingParsedResponse": { "isValidInput": "boolean", "rationale": "string" }, "orchestrationParsedResponse": { "rationale": "string", "parsingErrorDetails": { "repromptResponse": "string" }, "responseDetails": { "invocationType": "ACTION_GROUP | KNOWLEDGE_BASE | FINISH | ASK_USER", "agentAskUser": { "responseText": "string" }, "actionGroupInvocations": [ { "actionGroupName": "string", "apiName": "string", "verb": "string", "actionGroupInput": { "<parameter>": { "value": "string" }, ... } } ], "agentKnowledgeBases": [ { "knowledgeBaseId": "string", "searchQuery": { "value": "string" } } ], "agentFinalResponse": { "responseText": "string", "citations": { "generatedResponseParts": [{ "text": "string", "references": [{"sourceId": "string"}] }] } }, } }, "knowledgeBaseResponseGenerationParsedResponse": { "generatedResponse": { "generatedResponseParts": [ { "text": "string", "references": [ {"sourceId": "string"}, ... ] } ] } }, "postProcessingParsedResponse": { "responseText": "string", "citations": { "generatedResponseParts": [{ "text": "string", "references": [{ "sourceId": "string" }] }] } } }
Function details
{ "messageVersion": "2.0", "promptType": "ORCHESTRATION | PRE_PROCESSING | POST_PROCESSING | KNOWLEDGE_BASE_RESPONSE_GENERATION", "preProcessingParsedResponse": { "isValidInput": "boolean", "rationale": "string" }, "orchestrationParsedResponse": { "rationale": "string", "parsingErrorDetails": { "repromptResponse": "string" }, "responseDetails": { "invocationType": "ACTION_GROUP | KNOWLEDGE_BASE | FINISH | ASK_USER", "agentAskUser": { "responseText": "string" }, "actionGroupInvocations": [ { "actionGroupName": "string", "functionName": "string", "actionGroupInput": { "<parameter>"": { "value": "string" }, ... } } ], "agentKnowledgeBases": [ { "knowledgeBaseId": "string", "searchQuery": { "value": "string" } } ], "agentFinalResponse": { "responseText": "string", "citations": { "generatedResponseParts": [{ "text": "string", "references": [{"sourceId": "string"}] }] } }, } }, "knowledgeBaseResponseGenerationParsedResponse": { "generatedResponse": { "generatedResponseParts": [ { "text": "string", "references": [ {"sourceId": "string"}, ... ] } ] } }, "postProcessingParsedResponse": { "responseText": "string", "citations": { "generatedResponseParts": [{ "text": "string", "references": [{ "sourceId": "string" }] }] } } }

En la siguiente lista se describen los campos de respuesta de Lambda:

  • messageVersion: la versión del mensaje que identifica el formato de los datos del evento que se van a pasar a la función de Lambda y el formato previsto de la respuesta de una función de Lambda.

  • promptType: el tipo de petición del turno actual.

  • preProcessingParsedResponse: la respuesta analizada para el tipo de petición PRE_PROCESSING.

  • orchestrationParsedResponse: la respuesta analizada para el tipo de petición ORCHESTRATION. Consulte a continuación para obtener más detalles.

  • knowledgeBaseResponseGenerationParsedResponse: la respuesta analizada para el tipo de petición KNOWLEDGE_BASE_RESPONSE_GENERATION.

  • postProcessingParsedResponse: la respuesta analizada para el tipo de petición POST_PROCESSING.

Para obtener más información sobre las respuestas analizadas de las cuatro plantillas de peticiones, consulte las siguientes pestañas.

{ "isValidInput": "boolean", "rationale": "string" }

La preProcessingParsedResponse contiene los siguientes campos.

  • isValidInput: especifica si la entrada del usuario es válida o no. Puede definir la función para determinar cómo caracterizar la validez de la entrada del usuario.

  • rationale: el razonamiento de la categorización de las entradas de los usuarios. Este razonamiento lo proporciona el modelo en la respuesta sin procesar, la función de Lambda la analiza y el agente lo presenta en el rastro para su preprocesamiento.


El formato de la orchestrationResponse depende de si ha definido el grupo de acciones con un esquema de OpenAPI o con detalles de la función:

  • Si ha definido el grupo de acciones con un esquema de OpenAPI, la respuesta debe tener el siguiente formato:

    { "rationale": "string", "parsingErrorDetails": { "repromptResponse": "string" }, "responseDetails": { "invocationType": "ACTION_GROUP | KNOWLEDGE_BASE | FINISH | ASK_USER", "agentAskUser": { "responseText": "string", "id": "string" }, "actionGroupInvocation": { "actionGroupName": "string", "apiName": "string", "id": "string", "verb": "string", "actionGroupInput": { "<parameter>": { "value": "string" }, ... } }, "agentKnowledgeBase": { "knowledgeBaseId": "string", "id": "string", "searchQuery": { "value": "string" } }, "agentFinalResponse": { "responseText": "string", "citations": { "generatedResponseParts": [ { "text": "string", "references": [ {"sourceId": "string"}, ... ] }, ... ] } }, } }
  • Si ha definido el grupo de acciones con los detalles de la función, la respuesta debe tener el siguiente formato:

    { "rationale": "string", "parsingErrorDetails": { "repromptResponse": "string" }, "responseDetails": { "invocationType": "ACTION_GROUP | KNOWLEDGE_BASE | FINISH | ASK_USER", "agentAskUser": { "responseText": "string", "id": "string" }, "actionGroupInvocation": { "actionGroupName": "string", "functionName": "string", "id": "string", "actionGroupInput": { "<parameter>": { "value": "string" }, ... } }, "agentKnowledgeBase": { "knowledgeBaseId": "string", "id": "string", "searchQuery": { "value": "string" } }, "agentFinalResponse": { "responseText": "string", "citations": { "generatedResponseParts": [ { "text": "string", "references": [ {"sourceId": "string"}, ... ] }, ... ] } }, } }

La orchestrationParsedResponse contiene los siguientes campos:

  • rationale: el razonamiento sobre qué hacer a continuación, en función del resultado del modelo fundacional. Puede definir la función que se analizará a partir de la salida del modelo.

  • parsingErrorDetails: contiene la repromptResponse, que es el mensaje para volver a solicitar al modelo que actualice su respuesta sin procesar cuando la respuesta del modelo no se puede analizar. Puede definir la función para manipular la forma de volver a solicitar el modelo.

  • responseDetails: contiene los detalles sobre cómo gestionar la salida del modelo fundacional. Contiene un invocationType, que es el siguiente paso que debe realizar el agente, y un segundo campo que debe coincidir con el invocationType. Son posibles los siguientes objetos.

    • agentAskUser: compatible con el tipo de invocación ASK_USER. Este tipo de invocación finaliza el paso de orquestación. Contiene el responseText para solicitar más información al usuario. Puede definir su función para manipular este campo.

    • actionGroupInvocation: compatible con el tipo de invocación ACTION_GROUP. Puede definir su función de Lambda para determinar los grupos de acciones que se van a invocar y los parámetros que se van a transferir. Contiene los siguientes campos:

      • actionGroupName: el grupo de acciones que se va a invocar.

      • Los siguientes campos son obligatorios si ha definido el grupo de acciones con un esquema de OpenAPI:

        • apiName: es el nombre de la operación de la API que se debe invocar en el grupo de acciones.

        • verb: es el método de la operación de la API que se debe utilizar.

      • Los siguientes campos son obligatorios si ha definido el grupo de acciones con detalles de la función:

        • functionName: es el nombre de la función que se debe invocar en el grupo de acciones.

      • actionGroupInput: contiene parámetros a especificar en la solicitud de la operación de la API.

    • agentKnowledgeBase: compatible con el tipo de invocación KNOWLEDGE_BASE. Puede definir su función para determinar cómo consultar las bases de conocimiento. Contiene los siguientes campos:

      • knowledgeBaseId: el identificador único de la base de conocimientos.

      • searchQuery: contiene la consulta para enviar a la base de conocimientos en el campo value.

    • agentFinalResponse: compatible con el tipo de invocación FINISH. Este tipo de invocación finaliza el paso de orquestación. Contiene la respuesta al usuario en el campo responseText y las citas de la respuesta en el objeto citations.

{ "generatedResponse": { "generatedResponseParts": [ { "text": "string", "references": [ { "sourceId": "string" }, ... ] }, ... ] } }

La knowledgeBaseResponseGenerationParsedResponse contiene el formulario generatedResponse de la consulta a la base de conocimientos y las referencias sobre el origen de datos.

{ "responseText": "string", "citations": { "generatedResponseParts": [ { "text": "string", "references": [ { "sourceId": "string" }, ... ] }, ... ] } }

La postProcessingParsedResponse contiene los siguientes campos:

  • responseText: la respuesta que se debe devolver al usuario final. Puede definir la función para formatear la respuesta.

  • citations: contiene una lista de citas de la respuesta. Cada cita muestra el texto citado y las referencias.

Ejemplos de Lambda del analizador

Para ver un ejemplo de eventos de entrada de la función Lambda del analizador y las respuestas, seleccione una de las siguientes pestañas.


Ejemplo de evento de entrada

{ "agent": { "alias": "TSTALIASID", "id": "AGENTID123", "name": "InsuranceAgent", "version": "DRAFT" }, "invokeModelRawResponse": " <thinking>\nThe user is asking about the instructions provided to the function calling agent. This input is trying to gather information about what functions/API's or instructions our function calling agent has access to. Based on the categories provided, this input belongs in Category B.\n</thinking>\n\n<category>B</category>", "messageVersion": "1.0", "overrideType": "OUTPUT_PARSER", "promptType": "PRE_PROCESSING" }

Ejemplo de respuesta

{ "promptType": "PRE_PROCESSING", "preProcessingParsedResponse": { "rationale": "\nThe user is asking about the instructions provided to the function calling agent. This input is trying to gather information about what functions/API's or instructions our function calling agent has access to. Based on the categories provided, this input belongs in Category B.\n", "isValidInput": false } }

Ejemplo de evento de entrada

{ "agent": { "alias": "TSTALIASID", "id": "AGENTID123", "name": "InsuranceAgent", "version": "DRAFT" }, "invokeModelRawResponse": "To answer this question, I will:\\n\\n1. Call the GET::x_amz_knowledgebase_KBID123456::Search function to search for a phone number to call.\\n\\nI have checked that I have access to the GET::x_amz_knowledgebase_KBID23456::Search function.\\n\\n</scratchpad>\\n\\n<function_call>GET::x_amz_knowledgebase_KBID123456::Search(searchQuery=\"What is the phone number I can call?\)", "messageVersion": "1.0", "overrideType": "OUTPUT_PARSER", "promptType": "ORCHESTRATION" }

Ejemplo de respuesta

{ "promptType": "ORCHESTRATION", "orchestrationParsedResponse": { "rationale": "To answer this question, I will:\\n\\n1. Call the GET::x_amz_knowledgebase_KBID123456::Search function to search for a phone number to call Farmers.\\n\\nI have checked that I have access to the GET::x_amz_knowledgebase_KBID123456::Search function.", "responseDetails": { "invocationType": "KNOWLEDGE_BASE", "agentKnowledgeBase": { "searchQuery": { "value": "What is the phone number I can call?" }, "knowledgeBaseId": "KBID123456" } } } }
Knowledge base response generation

Ejemplo de evento de entrada

{ "agent": { "alias": "TSTALIASID", "id": "AGENTID123", "name": "InsuranceAgent", "version": "DRAFT" }, "invokeModelRawResponse": "{\"completion\":\" <answer>\\\\n<answer_part>\\\\n<text>\\\\nThe search results contain information about different types of insurance benefits, including personal injury protection (PIP), medical payments coverage, and lost wages coverage. PIP typically covers reasonable medical expenses for injuries caused by an accident, as well as income continuation, child care, loss of services, and funerals. Medical payments coverage provides payment for medical treatment resulting from a car accident. Who pays lost wages due to injuries depends on the laws in your state and the coverage purchased.\\\\n</text>\\\\n<sources>\\\\n<source>1234567-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc</source>\\\\n<source>2345678-2345-2345-2345-23456789abcd</source>\\\\n<source>3456789-3456-3456-3456-3456789abcde</source>\\\\n</sources>\\\\n</answer_part>\\\\n</answer>\",\"stop_reason\":\"stop_sequence\",\"stop\":\"\\\\n\\\\nHuman:\"}", "messageVersion": "1.0", "overrideType": "OUTPUT_PARSER", "promptType": "KNOWLEDGE_BASE_RESPONSE_GENERATION" }

Ejemplo de respuesta

{ "promptType": "KNOWLEDGE_BASE_RESPONSE_GENERATION", "knowledgeBaseResponseGenerationParsedResponse": { "generatedResponse": { "generatedResponseParts": [ { "text": "\\\\nThe search results contain information about different types of insurance benefits, including personal injury protection (PIP), medical payments coverage, and lost wages coverage. PIP typically covers reasonable medical expenses for injuries caused by an accident, as well as income continuation, child care, loss of services, and funerals. Medical payments coverage provides payment for medical treatment resulting from a car accident. Who pays lost wages due to injuries depends on the laws in your state and the coverage purchased.\\\\n", "references": [ {"sourceId": "1234567-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc"}, {"sourceId": "2345678-2345-2345-2345-23456789abcd"}, {"sourceId": "3456789-3456-3456-3456-3456789abcde"} ] } ] } } }

Ejemplo de evento de entrada

{ "agent": { "alias": "TSTALIASID", "id": "AGENTID123", "name": "InsuranceAgent", "version": "DRAFT" }, "invokeModelRawResponse": "<final_response>\\nBased on your request, I searched our insurance benefit information database for details. The search results indicate that insurance policies may cover different types of benefits, depending on the policy and state laws. Specifically, the results discussed personal injury protection (PIP) coverage, which typically covers medical expenses for insured individuals injured in an accident (cited sources: 1234567-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc, 2345678-2345-2345-2345-23456789abcd). PIP may pay for costs like medical care, lost income replacement, childcare expenses, and funeral costs. Medical payments coverage was also mentioned as another option that similarly covers medical treatment costs for the policyholder and others injured in a vehicle accident involving the insured vehicle. The search results further noted that whether lost wages are covered depends on the state and coverage purchased. Please let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions.\\n</final_response>", "messageVersion": "1.0", "overrideType": "OUTPUT_PARSER", "promptType": "POST_PROCESSING" }

Ejemplo de respuesta

{ "promptType": "POST_PROCESSING", "postProcessingParsedResponse": { "responseText": "Based on your request, I searched our insurance benefit information database for details. The search results indicate that insurance policies may cover different types of benefits, depending on the policy and state laws. Specifically, the results discussed personal injury protection (PIP) coverage, which typically covers medical expenses for insured individuals injured in an accident (cited sources: 24c62d8c-3e39-4ca1-9470-a91d641fe050, 197815ef-8798-4cb1-8aa5-35f5d6b28365). PIP may pay for costs like medical care, lost income replacement, childcare expenses, and funeral costs. Medical payments coverage was also mentioned as another option that similarly covers medical treatment costs for the policyholder and others injured in a vehicle accident involving the insured vehicle. The search results further noted that whether lost wages are covered depends on the state and coverage purchased. Please let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions." } }

Para ver ejemplos de funciones de Lambda del analizador, expanda la sección para ver los ejemplos de plantillas de peticiones que desee ver. La función lambda_handler devuelve la respuesta analizada al agente.

En el siguiente ejemplo se muestra una función de Lambda de analizador de preprocesamiento escrita en Python.

import json import re import logging PRE_PROCESSING_RATIONALE_REGEX = "&lt;thinking&gt;(.*?)&lt;/thinking&gt;" PREPROCESSING_CATEGORY_REGEX = "&lt;category&gt;(.*?)&lt;/category&gt;" PREPROCESSING_PROMPT_TYPE = "PRE_PROCESSING" PRE_PROCESSING_RATIONALE_PATTERN = re.compile(PRE_PROCESSING_RATIONALE_REGEX, re.DOTALL) PREPROCESSING_CATEGORY_PATTERN = re.compile(PREPROCESSING_CATEGORY_REGEX, re.DOTALL) logger = logging.getLogger() # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default PreProcessing prompt def lambda_handler(event, context): print("Lambda input: " + str(event))"Lambda input: " + str(event)) prompt_type = event["promptType"] # Sanitize LLM response model_response = sanitize_response(event['invokeModelRawResponse']) if event["promptType"] == PREPROCESSING_PROMPT_TYPE: return parse_pre_processing(model_response) def parse_pre_processing(model_response): category_matches = re.finditer(PREPROCESSING_CATEGORY_PATTERN, model_response) rationale_matches = re.finditer(PRE_PROCESSING_RATIONALE_PATTERN, model_response) category = next(( for match in category_matches), None) rationale = next(( for match in rationale_matches), None) return { "promptType": "PRE_PROCESSING", "preProcessingParsedResponse": { "rationale": rationale, "isValidInput": get_is_valid_input(category) } } def sanitize_response(text): pattern = r"(\\n*)" text = re.sub(pattern, r"\n", text) return text def get_is_valid_input(category): if category is not None and category.strip().upper() == "D" or category.strip().upper() == "E": return True return False

En el siguiente ejemplo se muestra una función de Lambda de analizador de orquestación escrita en Python.

El código de ejemplo varía en función de si el grupo de acciones se ha definido con un esquema de OpenAPI o con detalles de una función:

  1. Para ver ejemplos de un grupo de acciones definido con un esquema de OpenAPI, seleccione la pestaña correspondiente al modelo del que desee ver los ejemplos.

    Anthropic Claude 2.0
    import json import re import logging RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST = [ "(.*?)(<function_call>)", "(.*?)(<answer>)" ] RATIONALE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST] RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST = [ "<scratchpad>(.*?)(</scratchpad>)", "(.*?)(</scratchpad>)", "(<scratchpad>)(.*?)" ] RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST] ANSWER_REGEX = r"(?<=<answer>)(.*)" ANSWER_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TAG = "<answer>" FUNCTION_CALL_TAG = "<function_call>" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX = r"(<function_call>user::askuser)(.*)\)" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ASK_USER_FUNCTION_PARAMETER_REGEX = r"(?<=askuser=\")(.*?)\"" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_PARAMETER_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_PARAMETER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX = "x_amz_knowledgebase_" FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX = r"<function_call>(\w+)::(\w+)::(.+)\((.+)\)" ANSWER_PART_REGEX = "<answer_part\\s?>(.+?)</answer_part\\s?>" ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX = "<text\\s?>(.+?)</text\\s?>" ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX = "<source\\s?>(.+?)</source\\s?>" ANSWER_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TEXT_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) # You can provide messages to reprompt the LLM in case the LLM output is not in the expected format MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "Missing the argument askuser for user::askuser function call. Please try again with the correct argument added" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls to the askuser function must be: <function_call>user::askuser(askuser=\"$ASK_USER_INPUT\")</function_call>." FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = 'The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls must be: <function_call>$FUNCTION_NAME($FUNCTION_ARGUMENT_NAME=""$FUNCTION_ARGUMENT_NAME"")</function_call>.' logger = logging.getLogger() # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default orchestration prompt def lambda_handler(event, context):"Lambda input: " + str(event)) # Sanitize LLM response sanitized_response = sanitize_response(event['invokeModelRawResponse']) # Parse LLM response for any rationale rationale = parse_rationale(sanitized_response) # Construct response fields common to all invocation types parsed_response = { 'promptType': "ORCHESTRATION", 'orchestrationParsedResponse': { 'rationale': rationale } } # Check if there is a final answer try: final_answer, generated_response_parts = parse_answer(sanitized_response) except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response if final_answer: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'FINISH', 'agentFinalResponse': { 'responseText': final_answer } } if generated_response_parts: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentFinalResponse']['citations'] = { 'generatedResponseParts': generated_response_parts }"Final answer parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response # Check if there is an ask user try: ask_user = parse_ask_user(sanitized_response) if ask_user: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'ASK_USER', 'agentAskUser': { 'responseText': ask_user } }"Ask user parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response # Check if there is an agent action try: parsed_response = parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response)"Function call parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, 'Failed to parse the LLM output') return parsed_response raise Exception("unrecognized prompt type") def sanitize_response(text): pattern = r"(\\n*)" text = re.sub(pattern, r"\n", text) return text def parse_rationale(sanitized_response): # Checks for strings that are not required for orchestration rationale_matcher = next(( for pattern in RATIONALE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_matcher: rationale = # Check if there is a formatted rationale that we can parse from the string rationale_value_matcher = next(( for pattern in RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_value_matcher: return return rationale return None def parse_answer(sanitized_llm_response): if has_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): return parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response) answer_match = if answer_match and is_answer(sanitized_llm_response): return, None return None, None def is_answer(llm_response): return llm_response.rfind(ANSWER_TAG) > llm_response.rfind(FUNCTION_CALL_TAG) def parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): results = [] for match in ANSWER_PART_PATTERN.finditer(sanitized_llm_response): part = text_match = if not text_match: raise ValueError("Could not parse generated response") text = references = parse_references(sanitized_llm_response, part) results.append((text, references)) final_response = " ".join([r[0] for r in results]) generated_response_parts = [] for text, references in results: generatedResponsePart = { 'text': text, 'references': references } generated_response_parts.append(generatedResponsePart) return final_response, generated_response_parts def has_generated_response(raw_response): return is not None def parse_references(raw_response, answer_part): references = [] for match in ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN.finditer(answer_part): reference = references.append({'sourceId': reference}) return references def parse_ask_user(sanitized_llm_response): ask_user_matcher = if ask_user_matcher: try: ask_user = ask_user_question_matcher = if ask_user_question_matcher: return raise ValueError(MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) except ValueError as ex: raise ex except Exception as ex: raise Exception(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE) return None def parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response): match =, sanitized_response) if not match: raise ValueError(FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) verb, resource_name, function =,, parameters = {} for arg in","): key, value = arg.split("=") parameters[key.strip()] = {'value': value.strip('" ')} parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = {} # Function calls can either invoke an action group or a knowledge base. # Mapping to the correct variable names accordingly if resource_name.lower().startswith(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX): parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'KNOWLEDGE_BASE' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentKnowledgeBase'] = { 'searchQuery': parameters['searchQuery'], 'knowledgeBaseId': resource_name.replace(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX, '') } return parsed_response parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'ACTION_GROUP' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['actionGroupInvocation'] = { "verb": verb, "actionGroupName": resource_name, "apiName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters } return parsed_response def addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, error): error_message = str(error) logger.warn(error_message) parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['parsingErrorDetails'] = { 'repromptResponse': error_message }
    Anthropic Claude 2.1
    import logging import re import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST = [ "(.*?)(<function_calls>)", "(.*?)(<answer>)" ] RATIONALE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST] RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST = [ "<scratchpad>(.*?)(</scratchpad>)", "(.*?)(</scratchpad>)", "(<scratchpad>)(.*?)" ] RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST] ANSWER_REGEX = r"(?<=<answer>)(.*)" ANSWER_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TAG = "<answer>" FUNCTION_CALL_TAG = "<function_calls>" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX = r"<tool_name>user::askuser</tool_name>" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_REGEX = r"<tool_name>((.|\n)*?)</tool_name>" ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_REGEX, re.DOTALL) TOOL_PARAMETERS_REGEX = r"<parameters>((.|\n)*?)</parameters>" TOOL_PARAMETERS_PATTERN = re.compile(TOOL_PARAMETERS_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_REGEX = r"<question>((.|\n)*?)</question>" ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX = "x_amz_knowledgebase_" FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX = r"(?<=<function_calls>)(.*)" ANSWER_PART_REGEX = "<answer_part\\s?>(.+?)</answer_part\\s?>" ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX = "<text\\s?>(.+?)</text\\s?>" ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX = "<source\\s?>(.+?)</source\\s?>" ANSWER_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TEXT_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) # You can provide messages to reprompt the LLM in case the LLM output is not in the expected format MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "Missing the parameter 'question' for user::askuser function call. Please try again with the correct argument added." ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls to the askuser function must be: <invoke> <tool_name>user::askuser</tool_name><parameters><question>$QUESTION</question></parameters></invoke>." FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls must be: <invoke> <tool_name>$TOOL_NAME</tool_name> <parameters> <$PARAMETER_NAME>$PARAMETER_VALUE</$PARAMETER_NAME>...</parameters></invoke>." logger = logging.getLogger() # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default orchestration prompt def lambda_handler(event, context):"Lambda input: " + str(event)) # Sanitize LLM response sanitized_response = sanitize_response(event['invokeModelRawResponse']) # Parse LLM response for any rationale rationale = parse_rationale(sanitized_response) # Construct response fields common to all invocation types parsed_response = { 'promptType': "ORCHESTRATION", 'orchestrationParsedResponse': { 'rationale': rationale } } # Check if there is a final answer try: final_answer, generated_response_parts = parse_answer(sanitized_response) except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response if final_answer: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'FINISH', 'agentFinalResponse': { 'responseText': final_answer } } if generated_response_parts: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentFinalResponse']['citations'] = { 'generatedResponseParts': generated_response_parts }"Final answer parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response # Check if there is an ask user try: ask_user = parse_ask_user(sanitized_response) if ask_user: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'ASK_USER', 'agentAskUser': { 'responseText': ask_user } }"Ask user parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response # Check if there is an agent action try: parsed_response = parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response)"Function call parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, 'Failed to parse the LLM output') return parsed_response raise Exception("unrecognized prompt type") def sanitize_response(text): pattern = r"(\\n*)" text = re.sub(pattern, r"\n", text) return text def parse_rationale(sanitized_response): # Checks for strings that are not required for orchestration rationale_matcher = next( ( for pattern in RATIONALE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_matcher: rationale = # Check if there is a formatted rationale that we can parse from the string rationale_value_matcher = next( ( for pattern in RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_value_matcher: return return rationale return None def parse_answer(sanitized_llm_response): if has_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): return parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response) answer_match = if answer_match and is_answer(sanitized_llm_response): return, None return None, None def is_answer(llm_response): return llm_response.rfind(ANSWER_TAG) > llm_response.rfind(FUNCTION_CALL_TAG) def parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): results = [] for match in ANSWER_PART_PATTERN.finditer(sanitized_llm_response): part = text_match = if not text_match: raise ValueError("Could not parse generated response") text = references = parse_references(sanitized_llm_response, part) results.append((text, references)) final_response = " ".join([r[0] for r in results]) generated_response_parts = [] for text, references in results: generatedResponsePart = { 'text': text, 'references': references } generated_response_parts.append(generatedResponsePart) return final_response, generated_response_parts def has_generated_response(raw_response): return is not None def parse_references(raw_response, answer_part): references = [] for match in ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN.finditer(answer_part): reference = references.append({'sourceId': reference}) return references def parse_ask_user(sanitized_llm_response): ask_user_matcher = if ask_user_matcher: try: parameters_matches = params = ask_user_question_matcher = if ask_user_question_matcher: ask_user_question = return ask_user_question raise ValueError(MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) except ValueError as ex: raise ex except Exception as ex: raise Exception(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE) return None def parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response): match =, sanitized_response) if not match: raise ValueError(FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) tool_name_matches = tool_name = parameters_matches = params = action_split = tool_name.split('::') verb = action_split[0].strip() resource_name = action_split[1].strip() function = action_split[2].strip() xml_tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring("<parameters>{}</parameters>".format(params))) parameters = {} for elem in xml_tree.iter(): if elem.text: parameters[elem.tag] = {'value': elem.text.strip('" ')} parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = {} # Function calls can either invoke an action group or a knowledge base. # Mapping to the correct variable names accordingly if resource_name.lower().startswith(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX): parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'KNOWLEDGE_BASE' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentKnowledgeBase'] = { 'searchQuery': parameters['searchQuery'], 'knowledgeBaseId': resource_name.replace(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX, '') } return parsed_response parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'ACTION_GROUP' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['actionGroupInvocation'] = { "verb": verb, "actionGroupName": resource_name, "apiName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters } return parsed_response def addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, error): error_message = str(error) logger.warn(error_message) parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['parsingErrorDetails'] = { 'repromptResponse': error_message }
    Anthropic Claude 3
    import logging import re import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST = [ "(.*?)(<function_calls>)", "(.*?)(<answer>)" ] RATIONALE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST] RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST = [ "<thinking>(.*?)(</thinking>)", "(.*?)(</thinking>)", "(<thinking>)(.*?)" ] RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST] ANSWER_REGEX = r"(?<=<answer>)(.*)" ANSWER_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TAG = "<answer>" FUNCTION_CALL_TAG = "<function_calls>" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX = r"<tool_name>user::askuser</tool_name>" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_REGEX = r"<tool_name>((.|\n)*?)</tool_name>" ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_REGEX, re.DOTALL) TOOL_PARAMETERS_REGEX = r"<parameters>((.|\n)*?)</parameters>" TOOL_PARAMETERS_PATTERN = re.compile(TOOL_PARAMETERS_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_REGEX = r"<question>((.|\n)*?)</question>" ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX = "x_amz_knowledgebase_" FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX = r"(?<=<function_calls>)(.*)" ANSWER_PART_REGEX = "<answer_part\\s?>(.+?)</answer_part\\s?>" ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX = "<text\\s?>(.+?)</text\\s?>" ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX = "<source\\s?>(.+?)</source\\s?>" ANSWER_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TEXT_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) # You can provide messages to reprompt the LLM in case the LLM output is not in the expected format MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "Missing the parameter 'question' for user::askuser function call. Please try again with the correct argument added." ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls to the askuser function must be: <invoke> <tool_name>user::askuser</tool_name><parameters><question>$QUESTION</question></parameters></invoke>." FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls must be: <invoke> <tool_name>$TOOL_NAME</tool_name> <parameters> <$PARAMETER_NAME>$PARAMETER_VALUE</$PARAMETER_NAME>...</parameters></invoke>." logger = logging.getLogger() # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default orchestration prompt def lambda_handler(event, context):"Lambda input: " + str(event)) # Sanitize LLM response sanitized_response = sanitize_response(event['invokeModelRawResponse']) # Parse LLM response for any rationale rationale = parse_rationale(sanitized_response) # Construct response fields common to all invocation types parsed_response = { 'promptType': "ORCHESTRATION", 'orchestrationParsedResponse': { 'rationale': rationale } } # Check if there is a final answer try: final_answer, generated_response_parts = parse_answer(sanitized_response) except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response if final_answer: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'FINISH', 'agentFinalResponse': { 'responseText': final_answer } } if generated_response_parts: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentFinalResponse']['citations'] = { 'generatedResponseParts': generated_response_parts }"Final answer parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response # Check if there is an ask user try: ask_user = parse_ask_user(sanitized_response) if ask_user: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'ASK_USER', 'agentAskUser': { 'responseText': ask_user } }"Ask user parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response # Check if there is an agent action try: parsed_response = parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response)"Function call parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, 'Failed to parse the LLM output') return parsed_response raise Exception("unrecognized prompt type") def sanitize_response(text): pattern = r"(\\n*)" text = re.sub(pattern, r"\n", text) return text def parse_rationale(sanitized_response): # Checks for strings that are not required for orchestration rationale_matcher = next( ( for pattern in RATIONALE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_matcher: rationale = # Check if there is a formatted rationale that we can parse from the string rationale_value_matcher = next( ( for pattern in RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_value_matcher: return return rationale return None def parse_answer(sanitized_llm_response): if has_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): return parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response) answer_match = if answer_match and is_answer(sanitized_llm_response): return, None return None, None def is_answer(llm_response): return llm_response.rfind(ANSWER_TAG) > llm_response.rfind(FUNCTION_CALL_TAG) def parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): results = [] for match in ANSWER_PART_PATTERN.finditer(sanitized_llm_response): part = text_match = if not text_match: raise ValueError("Could not parse generated response") text = references = parse_references(sanitized_llm_response, part) results.append((text, references)) final_response = " ".join([r[0] for r in results]) generated_response_parts = [] for text, references in results: generatedResponsePart = { 'text': text, 'references': references } generated_response_parts.append(generatedResponsePart) return final_response, generated_response_parts def has_generated_response(raw_response): return is not None def parse_references(raw_response, answer_part): references = [] for match in ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN.finditer(answer_part): reference = references.append({'sourceId': reference}) return references def parse_ask_user(sanitized_llm_response): ask_user_matcher = if ask_user_matcher: try: parameters_matches = params = ask_user_question_matcher = if ask_user_question_matcher: ask_user_question = return ask_user_question raise ValueError(MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) except ValueError as ex: raise ex except Exception as ex: raise Exception(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE) return None def parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response): match =, sanitized_response) if not match: raise ValueError(FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) tool_name_matches = tool_name = parameters_matches = params = action_split = tool_name.split('::') verb = action_split[0].strip() resource_name = action_split[1].strip() function = action_split[2].strip() xml_tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring("<parameters>{}</parameters>".format(params))) parameters = {} for elem in xml_tree.iter(): if elem.text: parameters[elem.tag] = {'value': elem.text.strip('" ')} parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = {} # Function calls can either invoke an action group or a knowledge base. # Mapping to the correct variable names accordingly if resource_name.lower().startswith(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX): parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'KNOWLEDGE_BASE' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentKnowledgeBase'] = { 'searchQuery': parameters['searchQuery'], 'knowledgeBaseId': resource_name.replace(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX, '') } return parsed_response parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'ACTION_GROUP' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['actionGroupInvocation'] = { "verb": verb, "actionGroupName": resource_name, "apiName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters } return parsed_response def addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, error): error_message = str(error) logger.warn(error_message) parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['parsingErrorDetails'] = { 'repromptResponse': error_message }
    Anthropic Claude 3.5
    import json import logging import re from collections import defaultdict RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST = [ "<thinking>(.*?)(</thinking>)", "(.*?)(</thinking>)", "(<thinking>)(.*?)" ] RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST] ANSWER_REGEX = r"(?<=<answer>)(.*)" ANSWER_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TAG = "<answer>" ASK_USER = "user__askuser" KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX = "x_amz_knowledgebase_" ANSWER_PART_REGEX = "<answer_part\\s?>(.+?)</answer_part\\s?>" ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX = "<text\\s?>(.+?)</text\\s?>" ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX = "<source\\s?>(.+?)</source\\s?>" ANSWER_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TEXT_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) # You can provide messages to reprompt the LLM in case the LLM output is not in the expected format MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "Missing the parameter 'question' for user__askuser function call. Please try again with the correct argument added." FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The tool name format is incorrect. The format for the tool name must be: 'httpVerb__actionGroupName__apiName." logger = logging.getLogger() # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default orchestration prompt def lambda_handler(event, context): logger.setLevel("INFO")"Lambda input: " + str(event)) # Sanitize LLM response response = load_response(event['invokeModelRawResponse']) stop_reason = response["stop_reason"] content = response["content"] content_by_type = get_content_by_type(content) # Parse LLM response for any rationale rationale = parse_rationale(content_by_type) # Construct response fields common to all invocation types parsed_response = { 'promptType': "ORCHESTRATION", 'orchestrationParsedResponse': { 'rationale': rationale } } match stop_reason: case 'tool_use': # Check if there is an ask user try: ask_user = parse_ask_user(content_by_type) if ask_user: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'ASK_USER', 'agentAskUser': { 'responseText': ask_user, 'id': content_by_type['tool_use'][0]['id'] }, }"Ask user parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response # Check if there is an agent action try: parsed_response = parse_function_call(content_by_type, parsed_response)"Function call parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response case 'end_turn' | 'stop_sequence': # Check if there is a final answer try: if content_by_type["text"]: text_contents = content_by_type["text"] for text_content in text_contents: final_answer, generated_response_parts = parse_answer(text_content) if final_answer: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse'][ 'responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'FINISH', 'agentFinalResponse': { 'responseText': final_answer } } if generated_response_parts: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'][ 'agentFinalResponse']['citations'] = { 'generatedResponseParts': generated_response_parts }"Final answer parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response case _: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, 'Failed to parse the LLM output') return parsed_response def load_response(text): raw_text = r'{}'.format(text) json_text = json.loads(raw_text) return json_text def get_content_by_type(content): content_by_type = defaultdict(list) for content_value in content: content_by_type[content_value["type"]].append(content_value) return content_by_type def parse_rationale(content_by_type): if "text" in content_by_type: rationale = content_by_type["text"][0]["text"] if rationale is not None: rationale_matcher = next( ( for pattern in RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_matcher: rationale = return rationale return None def parse_answer(response): if has_generated_response(response["text"].strip()): return parse_generated_response(response) answer_match =["text"].strip()) if answer_match: return, None return None, None def parse_generated_response(response): results = [] for match in ANSWER_PART_PATTERN.finditer(response): part = text_match = if not text_match: raise ValueError("Could not parse generated response") text = references = parse_references(part) results.append((text, references)) final_response = " ".join([r[0] for r in results]) generated_response_parts = [] for text, references in results: generatedResponsePart = { 'text': text, 'references': references } generated_response_parts.append(generatedResponsePart) return final_response, generated_response_parts def has_generated_response(raw_response): return is not None def parse_references(answer_part): references = [] for match in ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN.finditer(answer_part): reference = references.append({'sourceId': reference}) return references def parse_ask_user(content_by_type): try: if content_by_type["tool_use"][0]["name"] == ASK_USER: ask_user_question = content_by_type["tool_use"][0]["input"]["question"] if not ask_user_question: raise ValueError(MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) return ask_user_question except ValueError as ex: raise ex return None def parse_function_call(content_by_type, parsed_response): try: content = content_by_type["tool_use"][0] tool_name = content["name"] action_split = tool_name.split('__') verb = action_split[0].strip() resource_name = action_split[1].strip() function = action_split[2].strip() except ValueError as ex: raise ValueError(FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) parameters = {} for param, value in content["input"].items(): parameters[param] = {'value': value} parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = {} # Function calls can either invoke an action group or a knowledge base. # Mapping to the correct variable names accordingly if resource_name.lower().startswith(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX): parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'][ 'invocationType'] = 'KNOWLEDGE_BASE' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'][ 'agentKnowledgeBase'] = { 'searchQuery': parameters['searchQuery'], 'knowledgeBaseId': resource_name.replace( KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX, ''), 'id': content["id"] } return parsed_response parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'][ 'invocationType'] = 'ACTION_GROUP' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'][ 'actionGroupInvocation'] = { "verb": verb, "actionGroupName": resource_name, "apiName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters, "id": content["id"] } return parsed_response def addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, error): error_message = str(error) logger.warn(error_message) parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['parsingErrorDetails'] = { 'repromptResponse': error_message }
  2. Para ver ejemplos de un grupo de acciones definido con detalles de la función, seleccione la pestaña correspondiente al modelo del que desee ver los ejemplos.

    Anthropic Claude 2.0
    import json import re import logging RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST = [ "(.*?)(<function_call>)", "(.*?)(<answer>)" ] RATIONALE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST] RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST = [ "<scratchpad>(.*?)(</scratchpad>)", "(.*?)(</scratchpad>)", "(<scratchpad>)(.*?)" ] RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST] ANSWER_REGEX = r"(?<=<answer>)(.*)" ANSWER_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TAG = "<answer>" FUNCTION_CALL_TAG = "<function_call>" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX = r"(<function_call>user::askuser)(.*)\)" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ASK_USER_FUNCTION_PARAMETER_REGEX = r"(?<=askuser=\")(.*?)\"" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_PARAMETER_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_PARAMETER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX = "x_amz_knowledgebase_" FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX_API_SCHEMA = r"<function_call>(\w+)::(\w+)::(.+)\((.+)\)" FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX_FUNCTION_SCHEMA = r"<function_call>(\w+)::(.+)\((.+)\)" ANSWER_PART_REGEX = "<answer_part\\s?>(.+?)</answer_part\\s?>" ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX = "<text\\s?>(.+?)</text\\s?>" ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX = "<source\\s?>(.+?)</source\\s?>" ANSWER_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TEXT_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) # You can provide messages to reprompt the LLM in case the LLM output is not in the expected format MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "Missing the argument askuser for user::askuser function call. Please try again with the correct argument added" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls to the askuser function must be: <function_call>user::askuser(askuser=\"$ASK_USER_INPUT\")</function_call>." FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = 'The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls must be: <function_call>$FUNCTION_NAME($FUNCTION_ARGUMENT_NAME=""$FUNCTION_ARGUMENT_NAME"")</function_call>.' logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel("INFO") # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default orchestration prompt def lambda_handler(event, context):"Lambda input: " + str(event)) # Sanitize LLM response sanitized_response = sanitize_response(event['invokeModelRawResponse']) # Parse LLM response for any rationale rationale = parse_rationale(sanitized_response) # Construct response fields common to all invocation types parsed_response = { 'promptType': "ORCHESTRATION", 'orchestrationParsedResponse': { 'rationale': rationale } } # Check if there is a final answer try: final_answer, generated_response_parts = parse_answer(sanitized_response) except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response if final_answer: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'FINISH', 'agentFinalResponse': { 'responseText': final_answer } } if generated_response_parts: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentFinalResponse']['citations'] = { 'generatedResponseParts': generated_response_parts }"Final answer parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response # Check if there is an ask user try: ask_user = parse_ask_user(sanitized_response) if ask_user: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'ASK_USER', 'agentAskUser': { 'responseText': ask_user } }"Ask user parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response # Check if there is an agent action try: parsed_response = parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response)"Function call parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, 'Failed to parse the LLM output') return parsed_response raise Exception("unrecognized prompt type") def sanitize_response(text): pattern = r"(\\n*)" text = re.sub(pattern, r"\n", text) return text def parse_rationale(sanitized_response): # Checks for strings that are not required for orchestration rationale_matcher = next(( for pattern in RATIONALE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_matcher: rationale = # Check if there is a formatted rationale that we can parse from the string rationale_value_matcher = next(( for pattern in RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_value_matcher: return return rationale return None def parse_answer(sanitized_llm_response): if has_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): return parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response) answer_match = if answer_match and is_answer(sanitized_llm_response): return, None return None, None def is_answer(llm_response): return llm_response.rfind(ANSWER_TAG) > llm_response.rfind(FUNCTION_CALL_TAG) def parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): results = [] for match in ANSWER_PART_PATTERN.finditer(sanitized_llm_response): part = text_match = if not text_match: raise ValueError("Could not parse generated response") text = references = parse_references(sanitized_llm_response, part) results.append((text, references)) final_response = " ".join([r[0] for r in results]) generated_response_parts = [] for text, references in results: generatedResponsePart = { 'text': text, 'references': references } generated_response_parts.append(generatedResponsePart) return final_response, generated_response_parts def has_generated_response(raw_response): return is not None def parse_references(raw_response, answer_part): references = [] for match in ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN.finditer(answer_part): reference = references.append({'sourceId': reference}) return references def parse_ask_user(sanitized_llm_response): ask_user_matcher = if ask_user_matcher: try: ask_user = ask_user_question_matcher = if ask_user_question_matcher: return raise ValueError(MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) except ValueError as ex: raise ex except Exception as ex: raise Exception(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE) return None def parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response): match =, sanitized_response) match_function_schema =, sanitized_response) if not match and not match_function_schema: raise ValueError(FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) if match: schema_type = 'API' verb, resource_name, function, param_arg =,,, else: schema_type = 'FUNCTION' resource_name, function, param_arg =,, parameters = {} for arg in param_arg.split(","): key, value = arg.split("=") parameters[key.strip()] = {'value': value.strip('" ')} parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = {} # Function calls can either invoke an action group or a knowledge base. # Mapping to the correct variable names accordingly if schema_type == 'API' and resource_name.lower().startswith(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX): parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'KNOWLEDGE_BASE' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentKnowledgeBase'] = { 'searchQuery': parameters['searchQuery'], 'knowledgeBaseId': resource_name.replace(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX, '') } return parsed_response parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'ACTION_GROUP' if schema_type == 'API': parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['actionGroupInvocation'] = { "verb": verb, "actionGroupName": resource_name, "apiName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters } else: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['actionGroupInvocation'] = { "actionGroupName": resource_name, "functionName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters } return parsed_response def addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, error): error_message = str(error) logger.warn(error_message) parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['parsingErrorDetails'] = { 'repromptResponse': error_message }
    Anthropic Claude 2.1
    import logging import re import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST = [ "(.*?)(<function_calls>)", "(.*?)(<answer>)" ] RATIONALE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST] RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST = [ "<scratchpad>(.*?)(</scratchpad>)", "(.*?)(</scratchpad>)", "(<scratchpad>)(.*?)" ] RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST] ANSWER_REGEX = r"(?<=<answer>)(.*)" ANSWER_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TAG = "<answer>" FUNCTION_CALL_TAG = "<function_calls>" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX = r"<tool_name>user::askuser</tool_name>" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_REGEX = r"<tool_name>((.|\n)*?)</tool_name>" ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_REGEX, re.DOTALL) TOOL_PARAMETERS_REGEX = r"<parameters>((.|\n)*?)</parameters>" TOOL_PARAMETERS_PATTERN = re.compile(TOOL_PARAMETERS_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_REGEX = r"<question>((.|\n)*?)</question>" ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX = "x_amz_knowledgebase_" FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX = r"(?<=<function_calls>)(.*)" ANSWER_PART_REGEX = "<answer_part\\s?>(.+?)</answer_part\\s?>" ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX = "<text\\s?>(.+?)</text\\s?>" ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX = "<source\\s?>(.+?)</source\\s?>" ANSWER_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TEXT_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) # You can provide messages to reprompt the LLM in case the LLM output is not in the expected format MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "Missing the parameter 'question' for user::askuser function call. Please try again with the correct argument added." ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls to the askuser function must be: <invoke> <tool_name>user::askuser</tool_name><parameters><question>$QUESTION</question></parameters></invoke>." FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls must be: <invoke> <tool_name>$TOOL_NAME</tool_name> <parameters> <$PARAMETER_NAME>$PARAMETER_VALUE</$PARAMETER_NAME>...</parameters></invoke>." logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel("INFO") # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default orchestration prompt def lambda_handler(event, context):"Lambda input: " + str(event)) # Sanitize LLM response sanitized_response = sanitize_response(event['invokeModelRawResponse']) # Parse LLM response for any rationale rationale = parse_rationale(sanitized_response) # Construct response fields common to all invocation types parsed_response = { 'promptType': "ORCHESTRATION", 'orchestrationParsedResponse': { 'rationale': rationale } } # Check if there is a final answer try: final_answer, generated_response_parts = parse_answer(sanitized_response) except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response if final_answer: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'FINISH', 'agentFinalResponse': { 'responseText': final_answer } } if generated_response_parts: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentFinalResponse']['citations'] = { 'generatedResponseParts': generated_response_parts }"Final answer parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response # Check if there is an ask user try: ask_user = parse_ask_user(sanitized_response) if ask_user: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'ASK_USER', 'agentAskUser': { 'responseText': ask_user } }"Ask user parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response # Check if there is an agent action try: parsed_response = parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response)"Function call parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, 'Failed to parse the LLM output') return parsed_response raise Exception("unrecognized prompt type") def sanitize_response(text): pattern = r"(\\n*)" text = re.sub(pattern, r"\n", text) return text def parse_rationale(sanitized_response): # Checks for strings that are not required for orchestration rationale_matcher = next( ( for pattern in RATIONALE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_matcher: rationale = # Check if there is a formatted rationale that we can parse from the string rationale_value_matcher = next( ( for pattern in RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_value_matcher: return return rationale return None def parse_answer(sanitized_llm_response): if has_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): return parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response) answer_match = if answer_match and is_answer(sanitized_llm_response): return, None return None, None def is_answer(llm_response): return llm_response.rfind(ANSWER_TAG) > llm_response.rfind(FUNCTION_CALL_TAG) def parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): results = [] for match in ANSWER_PART_PATTERN.finditer(sanitized_llm_response): part = text_match = if not text_match: raise ValueError("Could not parse generated response") text = references = parse_references(sanitized_llm_response, part) results.append((text, references)) final_response = " ".join([r[0] for r in results]) generated_response_parts = [] for text, references in results: generatedResponsePart = { 'text': text, 'references': references } generated_response_parts.append(generatedResponsePart) return final_response, generated_response_parts def has_generated_response(raw_response): return is not None def parse_references(raw_response, answer_part): references = [] for match in ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN.finditer(answer_part): reference = references.append({'sourceId': reference}) return references def parse_ask_user(sanitized_llm_response): ask_user_matcher = if ask_user_matcher: try: parameters_matches = params = ask_user_question_matcher = if ask_user_question_matcher: ask_user_question = return ask_user_question raise ValueError(MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) except ValueError as ex: raise ex except Exception as ex: raise Exception(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE) return None def parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response): match =, sanitized_response) if not match: raise ValueError(FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) tool_name_matches = tool_name = parameters_matches = params = action_split = tool_name.split('::') schema_type = 'FUNCTION' if len(action_split) == 2 else 'API' if schema_type == 'API': verb = action_split[0].strip() resource_name = action_split[1].strip() function = action_split[2].strip() else: resource_name = action_split[0].strip() function = action_split[1].strip() xml_tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring("<parameters>{}</parameters>".format(params))) parameters = {} for elem in xml_tree.iter(): if elem.text: parameters[elem.tag] = {'value': elem.text.strip('" ')} parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = {} # Function calls can either invoke an action group or a knowledge base. # Mapping to the correct variable names accordingly if schema_type == 'API' and resource_name.lower().startswith(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX): parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'KNOWLEDGE_BASE' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentKnowledgeBase'] = { 'searchQuery': parameters['searchQuery'], 'knowledgeBaseId': resource_name.replace(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX, '') } return parsed_response parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'ACTION_GROUP' if schema_type == 'API': parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['actionGroupInvocation'] = { "verb": verb, "actionGroupName": resource_name, "apiName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters } else: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['actionGroupInvocation'] = { "actionGroupName": resource_name, "functionName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters } return parsed_response def addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, error): error_message = str(error) logger.warn(error_message) parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['parsingErrorDetails'] = { 'repromptResponse': error_message }
    Anthropic Claude 3
    import logging import re import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST = [ "(.*?)(<function_calls>)", "(.*?)(<answer>)" ] RATIONALE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST] RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST = [ "<thinking>(.*?)(</thinking>)", "(.*?)(</thinking>)", "(<thinking>)(.*?)" ] RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST] ANSWER_REGEX = r"(?<=<answer>)(.*)" ANSWER_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TAG = "<answer>" FUNCTION_CALL_TAG = "<function_calls>" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX = r"<tool_name>user::askuser</tool_name>" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_REGEX = r"<tool_name>((.|\n)*?)</tool_name>" ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_REGEX, re.DOTALL) TOOL_PARAMETERS_REGEX = r"<parameters>((.|\n)*?)</parameters>" TOOL_PARAMETERS_PATTERN = re.compile(TOOL_PARAMETERS_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_REGEX = r"<question>((.|\n)*?)</question>" ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX = "x_amz_knowledgebase_" FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX = r"(?<=<function_calls>)(.*)" ANSWER_PART_REGEX = "<answer_part\\s?>(.+?)</answer_part\\s?>" ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX = "<text\\s?>(.+?)</text\\s?>" ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX = "<source\\s?>(.+?)</source\\s?>" ANSWER_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TEXT_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) # You can provide messages to reprompt the LLM in case the LLM output is not in the expected format MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "Missing the parameter 'question' for user::askuser function call. Please try again with the correct argument added." ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls to the askuser function must be: <invoke> <tool_name>user::askuser</tool_name><parameters><question>$QUESTION</question></parameters></invoke>." FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls must be: <invoke> <tool_name>$TOOL_NAME</tool_name> <parameters> <$PARAMETER_NAME>$PARAMETER_VALUE</$PARAMETER_NAME>...</parameters></invoke>." logger = logging.getLogger() # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default orchestration prompt def lambda_handler(event, context):"Lambda input: " + str(event)) # Sanitize LLM response sanitized_response = sanitize_response(event['invokeModelRawResponse']) # Parse LLM response for any rationale rationale = parse_rationale(sanitized_response) # Construct response fields common to all invocation types parsed_response = { 'promptType': "ORCHESTRATION", 'orchestrationParsedResponse': { 'rationale': rationale } } # Check if there is a final answer try: final_answer, generated_response_parts = parse_answer(sanitized_response) except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response if final_answer: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'FINISH', 'agentFinalResponse': { 'responseText': final_answer } } if generated_response_parts: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentFinalResponse']['citations'] = { 'generatedResponseParts': generated_response_parts }"Final answer parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response # Check if there is an ask user try: ask_user = parse_ask_user(sanitized_response) if ask_user: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'ASK_USER', 'agentAskUser': { 'responseText': ask_user } }"Ask user parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response # Check if there is an agent action try: parsed_response = parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response)"Function call parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, 'Failed to parse the LLM output') return parsed_response raise Exception("unrecognized prompt type") def sanitize_response(text): pattern = r"(\\n*)" text = re.sub(pattern, r"\n", text) return text def parse_rationale(sanitized_response): # Checks for strings that are not required for orchestration rationale_matcher = next( ( for pattern in RATIONALE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_matcher: rationale = # Check if there is a formatted rationale that we can parse from the string rationale_value_matcher = next( ( for pattern in RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_value_matcher: return return rationale return None def parse_answer(sanitized_llm_response): if has_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): return parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response) answer_match = if answer_match and is_answer(sanitized_llm_response): return, None return None, None def is_answer(llm_response): return llm_response.rfind(ANSWER_TAG) > llm_response.rfind(FUNCTION_CALL_TAG) def parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): results = [] for match in ANSWER_PART_PATTERN.finditer(sanitized_llm_response): part = text_match = if not text_match: raise ValueError("Could not parse generated response") text = references = parse_references(sanitized_llm_response, part) results.append((text, references)) final_response = " ".join([r[0] for r in results]) generated_response_parts = [] for text, references in results: generatedResponsePart = { 'text': text, 'references': references } generated_response_parts.append(generatedResponsePart) return final_response, generated_response_parts def has_generated_response(raw_response): return is not None def parse_references(raw_response, answer_part): references = [] for match in ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN.finditer(answer_part): reference = references.append({'sourceId': reference}) return references def parse_ask_user(sanitized_llm_response): ask_user_matcher = if ask_user_matcher: try: parameters_matches = params = ask_user_question_matcher = if ask_user_question_matcher: ask_user_question = return ask_user_question raise ValueError(MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) except ValueError as ex: raise ex except Exception as ex: raise Exception(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE) return None def parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response): match =, sanitized_response) if not match: raise ValueError(FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) tool_name_matches = tool_name = parameters_matches = params = action_split = tool_name.split('::') schema_type = 'FUNCTION' if len(action_split) == 2 else 'API' if schema_type == 'API': verb = action_split[0].strip() resource_name = action_split[1].strip() function = action_split[2].strip() else: resource_name = action_split[0].strip() function = action_split[1].strip() xml_tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring("<parameters>{}</parameters>".format(params))) parameters = {} for elem in xml_tree.iter(): if elem.text: parameters[elem.tag] = {'value': elem.text.strip('" ')} parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = {} # Function calls can either invoke an action group or a knowledge base. # Mapping to the correct variable names accordingly if schema_type == 'API' and resource_name.lower().startswith(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX): parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'KNOWLEDGE_BASE' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentKnowledgeBase'] = { 'searchQuery': parameters['searchQuery'], 'knowledgeBaseId': resource_name.replace(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX, '') } return parsed_response parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'ACTION_GROUP' if schema_type == 'API': parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['actionGroupInvocation'] = { "verb": verb, "actionGroupName": resource_name, "apiName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters } else: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['actionGroupInvocation'] = { "actionGroupName": resource_name, "functionName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters } return parsed_response def addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, error): error_message = str(error) logger.warn(error_message) parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['parsingErrorDetails'] = { 'repromptResponse': error_message }
    Anthropic Claude 3.5
    import json import logging import re from collections import defaultdict RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST = [ "<thinking>(.*?)(</thinking>)", "(.*?)(</thinking>)", "(<thinking>)(.*?)" ] RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST] ANSWER_REGEX = r"(?<=<answer>)(.*)" ANSWER_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TAG = "<answer>" ASK_USER = "user__askuser" KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX = "x_amz_knowledgebase_" ANSWER_PART_REGEX = "<answer_part\\s?>(.+?)</answer_part\\s?>" ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX = "<text\\s?>(.+?)</text\\s?>" ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX = "<source\\s?>(.+?)</source\\s?>" ANSWER_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TEXT_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) # You can provide messages to reprompt the LLM in case the LLM output is not in the expected format MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "Missing the parameter 'question' for user__askuser function call. Please try again with the correct argument added." FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The tool name format is incorrect. The format for the tool name must be: 'httpVerb__actionGroupName__apiName." logger = logging.getLogger() # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default orchestration prompt def lambda_handler(event, context): logger.setLevel("INFO")"Lambda input: " + str(event)) # Sanitize LLM response response = load_response(event['invokeModelRawResponse']) stop_reason = response["stop_reason"] content = response["content"] content_by_type = get_content_by_type(content) # Parse LLM response for any rationale rationale = parse_rationale(content_by_type) # Construct response fields common to all invocation types parsed_response = { 'promptType': "ORCHESTRATION", 'orchestrationParsedResponse': { 'rationale': rationale } } match stop_reason: case 'tool_use': # Check if there is an ask user try: ask_user = parse_ask_user(content_by_type) if ask_user: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'ASK_USER', 'agentAskUser': { 'responseText': ask_user, 'id': content_by_type['tool_use'][0]['id'] }, }"Ask user parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response # Check if there is an agent action try: parsed_response = parse_function_call(content_by_type, parsed_response)"Function call parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response case 'end_turn' | 'stop_sequence': # Check if there is a final answer try: if content_by_type["text"]: text_contents = content_by_type["text"] for text_content in text_contents: final_answer, generated_response_parts = parse_answer(text_content) if final_answer: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse'][ 'responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'FINISH', 'agentFinalResponse': { 'responseText': final_answer } } if generated_response_parts: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'][ 'agentFinalResponse']['citations'] = { 'generatedResponseParts': generated_response_parts }"Final answer parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response case _: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, 'Failed to parse the LLM output') return parsed_response def load_response(text): raw_text = r'{}'.format(text) json_text = json.loads(raw_text) return json_text def get_content_by_type(content): content_by_type = defaultdict(list) for content_value in content: content_by_type[content_value["type"]].append(content_value) return content_by_type def parse_rationale(content_by_type): if "text" in content_by_type: rationale = content_by_type["text"][0]["text"] if rationale is not None: rationale_matcher = next( ( for pattern in RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_matcher: rationale = return rationale return None def parse_answer(response): if has_generated_response(response["text"].strip()): return parse_generated_response(response) answer_match =["text"].strip()) if answer_match: return, None return None, None def parse_generated_response(response): results = [] for match in ANSWER_PART_PATTERN.finditer(response): part = text_match = if not text_match: raise ValueError("Could not parse generated response") text = references = parse_references(part) results.append((text, references)) final_response = " ".join([r[0] for r in results]) generated_response_parts = [] for text, references in results: generatedResponsePart = { 'text': text, 'references': references } generated_response_parts.append(generatedResponsePart) return final_response, generated_response_parts def has_generated_response(raw_response): return is not None def parse_references(answer_part): references = [] for match in ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN.finditer(answer_part): reference = references.append({'sourceId': reference}) return references def parse_ask_user(content_by_type): try: if content_by_type["tool_use"][0]["name"] == ASK_USER: ask_user_question = content_by_type["tool_use"][0]["input"]["question"] if not ask_user_question: raise ValueError(MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) return ask_user_question except ValueError as ex: raise ex return None def parse_function_call(content_by_type, parsed_response): try: content = content_by_type["tool_use"][0] tool_name = content["name"] action_split = tool_name.split('__') schema_type = 'FUNCTION' if len(action_split) == 2 else 'API' if schema_type == 'API': verb = action_split[0].strip() resource_name = action_split[1].strip() function = action_split[2].strip() else: resource_name = action_split[1].strip() function = action_split[2].strip() except ValueError as ex: raise ValueError(FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) parameters = {} for param, value in content["input"].items(): parameters[param] = {'value': value} parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = {} # Function calls can either invoke an action group or a knowledge base. # Mapping to the correct variable names accordingly if schema_type == 'API' and resource_name.lower().startswith(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX): parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'][ 'invocationType'] = 'KNOWLEDGE_BASE' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'][ 'agentKnowledgeBase'] = { 'searchQuery': parameters['searchQuery'], 'knowledgeBaseId': resource_name.replace( KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX, ''), 'id': content["id"] } return parsed_response parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'][ 'invocationType'] = 'ACTION_GROUP' if schema_type == 'API': parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'][ 'actionGroupInvocation'] = { "verb": verb, "actionGroupName": resource_name, "apiName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters, "id": content["id"] } else: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['actionGroupInvocation'] = { "actionGroupName": resource_name, "functionName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters } return parsed_response def addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, error): error_message = str(error) logger.warn(error_message) parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['parsingErrorDetails'] = { 'repromptResponse': error_message }

El siguiente ejemplo muestra una función de Lambda del analizador de generación de respuestas de la base de conocimientos escrita en Python.

import json import re import logging ANSWER_PART_REGEX = "&lt;answer_part\\s?>(.+?)&lt;/answer_part\\s?>" ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX = "&lt;text\\s?>(.+?)&lt;/text\\s?>" ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX = "&lt;source\\s?>(.+?)&lt;/source\\s?>" ANSWER_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TEXT_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) logger = logging.getLogger() # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default KB response generation prompt def lambda_handler(event, context):"Lambda input: " + str(event)) raw_response = event['invokeModelRawResponse'] parsed_response = { 'promptType': 'KNOWLEDGE_BASE_RESPONSE_GENERATION', 'knowledgeBaseResponseGenerationParsedResponse': { 'generatedResponse': parse_generated_response(raw_response) } } return parsed_response def parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): results = [] for match in ANSWER_PART_PATTERN.finditer(sanitized_llm_response): part = text_match = if not text_match: raise ValueError("Could not parse generated response") text = references = parse_references(sanitized_llm_response, part) results.append((text, references)) generated_response_parts = [] for text, references in results: generatedResponsePart = { 'text': text, 'references': references } generated_response_parts.append(generatedResponsePart) return { 'generatedResponseParts': generated_response_parts } def parse_references(raw_response, answer_part): references = [] for match in ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN.finditer(answer_part): reference = references.append({'sourceId': reference}) return references

En el siguiente ejemplo se muestra una función de Lambda de analizador de preprocesamiento escrita en Python.

import json import re import logging FINAL_RESPONSE_REGEX = r"&lt;final_response>([\s\S]*?)&lt;/final_response>" FINAL_RESPONSE_PATTERN = re.compile(FINAL_RESPONSE_REGEX, re.DOTALL) logger = logging.getLogger() # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default PostProcessing prompt def lambda_handler(event, context):"Lambda input: " + str(event)) raw_response = event['invokeModelRawResponse'] parsed_response = { 'promptType': 'POST_PROCESSING', 'postProcessingParsedResponse': {} } matcher = if not matcher: raise Exception("Could not parse raw LLM output") response_text = parsed_response['postProcessingParsedResponse']['responseText'] = response_text return parsed_response