Exporting data from your HealthLake data store using $export - AWS HealthLake

Exporting data from your HealthLake data store using $export

To make an export request using the FHIR REST API specify $export as part of the POST request, and include request parameters in the body of your request. According to the FHIR specification, the FHIR server must support GET requests, and can support POST requests. In order to support additional parameters, a body is needed to start the export, therefore HealthLake supports POST requests.


HealthLake data stores created prior to June 1, 2023 only support FHIR REST API based export job requests for system-wide exports.

HealthLake data stores created prior to June 1, 2023 do not support getting the status of an export using a GET request on a data store's endpoint.

All export requests you make using the FHIR REST API are returned in ndjson format and exported to an Amazon S3 bucket. Each S3 object will contain only a single FHIR resource type.

You can make a single export request for each AWS account at a time. To learn more about the Service Quotas associated with HealthLake, see AWS HealthLake endpoints and quotas.

To learn more about making an export requesting using the FHIR REST API, see Exporting data from your HealthLake data store with FHIR REST API operations.