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Reverse Geocode

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Reverse Geocode - Amazon Location Service
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If results are stored, they will be billed at the higher Storage pricing tier. Use the IntendedUse parameter to specify whether the results are for single use or storage. Refer to Places pricing for cost implications associated with stored results.

Reverse Geocode converts geographic coordinates into a human-readable address or place. It provides detailed address components, place type, category, and street information, with filtering options based on place type to refine results. The API can also include additional features, such as time zone information and political view adjustments.

Use cases

  • Add supplementary data to customer position data: Improve position data records by including zip codes, coordinates, and utilizing persistent storage to support informed business and marketing decisions.

  • Position data standardization: Apply geocoding in data pipelines or batch processes to standardize position data, utilizing persistent storage for ongoing reference.

  • Determine time zones: Identify the time zone for cities or addresses to provide accurate timestamps for applications like travel, scheduling, and invoicing.

Understand the request

The Reverse Geocode API request accepts a combination of required and optional parameters to customize results. The required parameter QueryPosition (longitude and latitude) specifies the coordinates to reverse geocode. Optional parameters include AdditionalFeatures for extra data, Filter to refine results, and MaxResults to limit the number of returned results. Additional options like Language, PoliticalView, and IntendedUse allow for further customization. For more details, refer to the Reverse Geocode API Reference.

The request accepts the following key parameters:


The Key parameter is optional if other authentication methods are used.

  • Key: Optional parameter for authentication.

For more information, see Authenticate with Amazon Location Service.


Parameters used for defining the geographic location and search radius.

  • QueryPosition: Specifies the longitude and latitude for the reverse geocode request.

  • QueryRadius: Defines the search radius around the coordinates.

For more information, see Querying and biasing.

Refining results

Apply filters to limit the search results to specific countries or place types.

  • Filter: Filter for results based on country or place type.

For more details, see Filtering.

Internationalization and localization

Options to customize the language and apply a political view to the results.

  • Language: Specifies the language of the results.

  • PoliticalView: Applies a political view reflecting territorial claims.

For more information, see Localization and internationalization.

Additional features

Requests extra data, such as time zone information.

  • AdditionalFeatures: Option to request additional data such as time zone details.

For more information, see Additional features.

Understand the response

The response from the Reverse Geocode API provides detailed information about locations at the specified coordinates. The ResultItems array includes a list of place objects, each containing address details, categories, and geographic position. Additional data such as TimeZone, FoodTypes, and PostalCodeDetails offer further context. The response also includes bounding box information for mapping and the distance from the query position. For more details, see the Reverse Geocode API Reference.

The response includes the following key data:

Address and related details

Detailed address information for the returned location.

  • Address: Complete address information, including country, region, postal code, and street details.

  • PostalCodeDetails: Additional details related to postal codes, such as classifications and postal authorities.

  • StreetComponents: Additional details about the street, including base name and type.

Place types and categories

Describes the type and category of the returned place.

  • Categories: Categories describing the place, such as Restaurants or Schools.

  • PlaceType: Specifies the type of place, such as a city, address, or region.

Result analysis

Information on how closely each result matches the input query.

  • MatchScores: Scores indicating the accuracy of each match to the input query.

Additional details

Provides extra location-related data.

  • TimeZone: Time zone information for the location.

  • AccessPoints: Geographic coordinates representing entry points to the location.

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