You can get the ARN of a Neptune Analytics graph resource by using the AWS Management Console or the AWS CLI.
For Graphs: Go to your graph page in the Neptune console and look for the “Resource ARN” field.
For graph snapshots: Go to your graph page in the Neptune console and look for the "Snapshot ARN" field.
To get an ARN from the AWS CLI for a particular Neptune Analytics graph resource, you use the get
command for that
resource. The following table shows each AWS CLI command, and the ARN property used with the command to get an ARN.
Resource | AWS CLI command | ARN property |
Graph |
arn |
GraphSnapshot |
arn |
As an example, running the following command:
aws neptune-graph get-graph --graph-id g-vgebxfyat7 --query "arn"
would return "arn:aws:neptune-graph:us-east-1:123456789012:graph/g-vgebxfyat7"