Cost - Application Pattern Orchestrator on AWS


You are responsible for the cost of the AWS services used while running this solution. As of the most recent revision, the cost for running this solution with the default settings, considering a deployment of 50 application patterns, in the US East (N.Virginia) Region is approximately USD $194.32 a month.

Cost table

Service Monthly usage estimate Total monthly cost (USD)
Amazon CloudFront Data transfer out to internet: first 1,024 GB/month are free. $0
Amazon Cognito The Cognito User Pool feature has a free tier of 50,000 MAUs for users who sign in directly to Cognito User Pools and 50 MAUs for users federated through SAML 2.0 based identity providers. Percent of monthly users who sign in through SAML or OIDC federation: 10% $0
AWS CodeCommit First 5 active users are free. For 50 patterns there will be 50 IAM roles corresponding to Security check AWS CodeBuild projects. $45.00
Amazon EventBridge Event rules are free. $0
AWS Secrets Manager Number of secrets (1), Average duration of each secret (30 days), Number of API calls (100 per month) $0.40
Amazon API Gateway HTTP API requests units (millions), Average size of each request (34 KB), REST API request units (millions), Cache memory size (GB) (None), WebSocket message units (thousands), Average message size (32 KB), Requests (1 per month) $1.29
AWS Key Management Service Number of customer managed Customer Master Keys (CMK) (59), Number of symmetric requests (2000000) $65.00
AWS Lambda Architecture (x86), Amount of ephemeral storage allocated (512 MB), Number of requests (4000 per month) $0
AWS CodeBuild Number of builds in a month (1000), Average build duration (minutes) (5), Operating system (Linux), Compute instance type (general1.small) $25.00
AWS CodePipeline Number of active pipelines used per account per month (50) $49.00
Amazon DynamoDB Free 25 GB of storage and up to 200 million read/write requests per month, Table class (Standard), Average item size (all attributes) (1 KB) $0
Service Catalog Create one portfolio containing 50 products published 10 times a day $0
Amazon S3 S3 Standard storage (2 GB per month) $0.11
AWS CodeArtifact First 2GB of storage and first 100,000 requests of CodeArtifact usage for free every month. $0
Amazon CloudWatch Number of Metrics (includes detailed and custom metrics) (10), GetMetricData: Number of metrics requested (10), GetMetricWidgetImage: Number of metrics requested (10), Number of other API requests (10), Number of Dashboards (1), Standard Logs: Data Ingested (1 GB), Logs Delivered to CloudWatch Logs: Data Ingested (1 GB) $4.35
Amazon Simple Notification Service Requests (1 million per month) $0
Amazon Simple Queue Service Data transfer cost (0), Standard queue requests (1 million per month), FIFO queue requests (1 million per month) $0
Amazon Simple Email Service For 50 application patterns published 2 times a day and sending email notifications to 100 pattern subscribers, the total emails sent will be approximately 10,000 a month. $3.80
Total monthly cost USD $194.32

You can use the AWS Pricing Calculator for estimating costs based on your usage.