[DL.SCM.2] Keep feature branches short-lived - DevOps Guidance

[DL.SCM.2] Keep feature branches short-lived


In version control systems, feature branches provide a structured way to develop new functions or address defects. These branches are carved out with the intent of eventually merging changes into the main code base for release. Traditional branching methods, such as GitFlow, lean towards creating long-lived feature branches which can introduce challenges including complex merges and divergent code bases. Modern branching strategies, including GitHub flow and trunk-based development, emphasize the significance of keeping feature branches short-lived to avoid these challenges. We recommend trunk-based development paired with a pull request workflow utilizing short-lived feature branches as the most effective branching strategy when practicing DevOps. 

The core benefit of short-lived feature branches is the promotion of continuous integration. By frequently integrating code changes into the main releasable branch of the repository, teams discover integration problems early on. This approach prevents last-minute chaos when merging code bases leading to software that can be reliably released at any time. We recommend merging into the main releasable branch at least once per day.

Smaller teams might prefer committing directly to the trunk of the releasable branch. Larger teams or those working on complex software might lean towards a Pull-Request workflow that uses short-lived branches. Regardless of the branching strategy you choose to use, the principle remains: branches should be transient, preferably representing a single contributor's work. To enforce this, put a process in place to remove branches that are already merged and prevent long-lived branches by actively deleting branches that surpass a specific retention period.

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