Use PutTargets with an AWS SDK or CLI - Amazon EventBridge

Use PutTargets with an AWS SDK or CLI

The following code examples show how to use PutTargets.

Action examples are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. You can see this action in context in the following code examples:


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Add an Amazon SNS topic as a target for a rule.

/// <summary> /// Add an Amazon SNS target topic to a rule. /// </summary> /// <param name="ruleName">The name of the rule to update.</param> /// <param name="targetArn">The ARN of the Amazon SNS target.</param> /// <param name="eventBusArn">The optional event bus name, uses default if empty.</param> /// <returns>The ID of the target.</returns> public async Task<string> AddSnsTargetToRule(string ruleName, string targetArn, string? eventBusArn = null) { var targetID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); // Create the list of targets and add a new target. var targets = new List<Target> { new Target() { Arn = targetArn, Id = targetID } }; // Add the targets to the rule. var response = await _amazonEventBridge.PutTargetsAsync( new PutTargetsRequest() { EventBusName = eventBusArn, Rule = ruleName, Targets = targets, }); if (response.FailedEntryCount > 0) { response.FailedEntries.ForEach(e => { _logger.LogError( $"Failed to add target {e.TargetId}: {e.ErrorMessage}, code {e.ErrorCode}"); }); } return targetID; }

Add an input transformer to a target for a rule.

/// <summary> /// Update an Amazon S3 object created rule with a transform on the target. /// </summary> /// <param name="ruleName">The name of the rule.</param> /// <param name="targetArn">The ARN of the target.</param> /// <param name="eventBusArn">Optional event bus ARN. If empty, uses the default event bus.</param> /// <returns>The ID of the target.</returns> public async Task<string> UpdateS3UploadRuleTargetWithTransform(string ruleName, string targetArn, string? eventBusArn = null) { var targetID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var targets = new List<Target> { new Target() { Id = targetID, Arn = targetArn, InputTransformer = new InputTransformer() { InputPathsMap = new Dictionary<string, string>() { {"bucket", "$"}, {"time", "$.time"} }, InputTemplate = "\"Notification: an object was uploaded to bucket <bucket> at <time>.\"" } } }; var response = await _amazonEventBridge.PutTargetsAsync( new PutTargetsRequest() { EventBusName = eventBusArn, Rule = ruleName, Targets = targets, }); if (response.FailedEntryCount > 0) { response.FailedEntries.ForEach(e => { _logger.LogError( $"Failed to add target {e.TargetId}: {e.ErrorMessage}, code {e.ErrorCode}"); }); } return targetID; }
  • For API details, see PutTargets in AWS SDK for .NET API Reference.

SDK for C++

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Include the required files.

#include <aws/core/Aws.h> #include <aws/events/EventBridgeClient.h> #include <aws/events/model/PutTargetsRequest.h> #include <aws/events/model/PutTargetsResult.h> #include <aws/core/utils/Outcome.h> #include <iostream>

Add the target.

Aws::CloudWatchEvents::EventBridgeClient cwe; Aws::CloudWatchEvents::Model::Target target; target.SetArn(lambda_arn); target.SetId(target_id); Aws::CloudWatchEvents::Model::PutTargetsRequest request; request.SetRule(rule_name); request.AddTargets(target); auto putTargetsOutcome = cwe.PutTargets(request); if (!putTargetsOutcome.IsSuccess()) { std::cout << "Failed to create CloudWatch events target for rule " << rule_name << ": " << putTargetsOutcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Successfully created CloudWatch events target for rule " << rule_name << std::endl; }
  • For API details, see PutTargets in AWS SDK for C++ API Reference.


To add targets for CloudWatch Events rules

This example adds a Lambda function as the target of a rule:

aws events put-targets --rule DailyLambdaFunction --targets "Id"="1","Arn"="arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunctionName"

This example sets an Amazon Kinesis stream as the target, so that events caught by this rule are relayed to the stream:

aws events put-targets --rule EC2InstanceStateChanges --targets "Id"="1","Arn"="arn:aws:kinesis:us-east-1:123456789012:stream/MyStream","RoleArn"="arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MyRoleForThisRule"

This example sets two Amazon Kinesis streams as targets for one rule:

aws events put-targets --rule DailyLambdaFunction --targets "Id"="Target1","Arn"="arn:aws:kinesis:us-east-1:379642911888:stream/MyStream1","RoleArn"="arn:aws:iam::379642911888:role/ MyRoleToAccessLambda" "Id"="Target2"," Arn"="arn:aws:kinesis:us-east-1:379642911888:stream/MyStream2","RoleArn"="arn:aws:iam::379642911888:role/MyRoleToAccessLambda"
  • For API details, see PutTargets in AWS CLI Command Reference.

SDK for Java 2.x

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Add an Amazon SNS topic as a target for a rule.

// Add a rule which triggers an SNS target when a file is uploaded to an S3 // bucket. public static void addSnsEventRule(EventBridgeClient eventBrClient, String ruleName, String topicArn, String topicName, String eventRuleName, String bucketName) { String targetID = java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString(); Target myTarget = Target.builder() .id(targetID) .arn(topicArn) .build(); List<Target> targets = new ArrayList<>(); targets.add(myTarget); PutTargetsRequest request = PutTargetsRequest.builder() .eventBusName(null) .targets(targets) .rule(ruleName) .build(); eventBrClient.putTargets(request); System.out.println("Added event rule " + eventRuleName + " with Amazon SNS target " + topicName + " for bucket " + bucketName + "."); }

Add an input transformer to a target for a rule.

public static void updateCustomRuleTargetWithTransform(EventBridgeClient eventBrClient, String topicArn, String ruleName) { String targetId = java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString(); InputTransformer inputTransformer = InputTransformer.builder() .inputTemplate("\"Notification: sample event was received.\"") .build(); Target target = Target.builder() .id(targetId) .arn(topicArn) .inputTransformer(inputTransformer) .build(); try { PutTargetsRequest targetsRequest = PutTargetsRequest.builder() .rule(ruleName) .targets(target) .eventBusName(null) .build(); eventBrClient.putTargets(targetsRequest); } catch (EventBridgeException e) { System.err.println(e.awsErrorDetails().errorMessage()); System.exit(1); } }
  • For API details, see PutTargets in AWS SDK for Java 2.x API Reference.

SDK for JavaScript (v3)

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Import the SDK and client modules and call the API.

import { EventBridgeClient, PutTargetsCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-eventbridge"; export const putTarget = async ( existingRuleName = "some-rule", targetArn = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:000000000000:function:test-func", uniqueId =, ) => { const client = new EventBridgeClient({}); const response = await client.send( new PutTargetsCommand({ Rule: existingRuleName, Targets: [ { Arn: targetArn, Id: uniqueId, }, ], }), ); console.log("PutTargets response:"); console.log(response); // PutTargets response: // { // '$metadata': { // httpStatusCode: 200, // requestId: 'f5b23b9a-2c17-45c1-ad5c-f926c3692e3d', // extendedRequestId: undefined, // cfId: undefined, // attempts: 1, // totalRetryDelay: 0 // }, // FailedEntries: [], // FailedEntryCount: 0 // } return response; };
  • For API details, see PutTargets in AWS SDK for JavaScript API Reference.

SDK for JavaScript (v2)

There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository.

// Load the AWS SDK for Node.js var AWS = require("aws-sdk"); // Set the region AWS.config.update({ region: "REGION" }); // Create CloudWatchEvents service object var ebevents = new AWS.EventBridge({ apiVersion: "2015-10-07" }); var params = { Rule: "DEMO_EVENT", Targets: [ { Arn: "LAMBDA_FUNCTION_ARN", Id: "myEventBridgeTarget", }, ], }; ebevents.putTargets(params, function (err, data) { if (err) { console.log("Error", err); } else { console.log("Success", data); } });
  • For API details, see PutTargets in AWS SDK for JavaScript API Reference.

SDK for Kotlin

There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository.

// Add a rule that triggers an SNS target when a file is uploaded to an S3 bucket. suspend fun addSnsEventRule( ruleName: String?, topicArn: String?, topicName: String, eventRuleName: String, bucketName: String, ) { val targetID = UUID.randomUUID().toString() val myTarget = Target { id = targetID arn = topicArn } val targetsOb = mutableListOf<Target>() targetsOb.add(myTarget) val request = PutTargetsRequest { eventBusName = null targets = targetsOb rule = ruleName } EventBridgeClient { region = "us-east-1" }.use { eventBrClient -> eventBrClient.putTargets(request) println("Added event rule $eventRuleName with Amazon SNS target $topicName for bucket $bucketName.") } }

Add an input transformer to a target for a rule.

suspend fun updateCustomRuleTargetWithTransform( topicArn: String?, ruleName: String?, ) { val targetId = UUID.randomUUID().toString() val inputTransformerOb = InputTransformer { inputTemplate = "\"Notification: sample event was received.\"" } val target = Target { id = targetId arn = topicArn inputTransformer = inputTransformerOb } val targetsRequest = PutTargetsRequest { rule = ruleName targets = listOf(target) eventBusName = null } EventBridgeClient { region = "us-east-1" }.use { eventBrClient -> eventBrClient.putTargets(targetsRequest) } }
  • For API details, see PutTargets in AWS SDK for Kotlin API reference.

For a complete list of AWS SDK developer guides and code examples, see Using EventBridge with an AWS SDK. This topic also includes information about getting started and details about previous SDK versions.