Amazon FSx File Gateway is no longer available to new customers. Existing
customers of FSx File Gateway can continue to use the service normally. For capabilities
similar to FSx File Gateway, visit this blog post
Removing gateway software from your hardware appliance
If you no longer need a specific Storage Gateway that you have deployed on a hardware appliance, you can remove the gateway software from the hardware appliance. After you remove the gateway software, you can choose to deploy a new gateway in its place, or delete the hardware appliance itself from the Storage Gateway console. To remove gateway software from your hardware appliance, use the following procedure.
To remove a gateway from a hardware appliance
Open the Storage Gateway console at
. -
Choose Hardware from the navigation pane on the left side of the console page, and then choose the Hardware appliance name for the appliance from which you want to remove gateway software.
From the Actions drop down menu, choose Remove gateway.
The confirmation dialog box appears.
Verify that you want to remove the gateway software from the specified hardware appliance, and then type the word
in the confirmation box. -
Choose Remove to permanently remove the gateway software.
After you remove the gateway software, you can't undo the action. For certain gateway types, you can lose data on deletion, particularly cached data. For more information on deleting a gateway, see Deleting your gateway and removing associated resources.
Removing the gateway doesn't delete the hardware appliance from the console. The hardware appliance remains for future gateway deployments.