Implement best practices with CloudWatch Alarms - Amazon Data Firehose

Implement best practices with CloudWatch Alarms

Add CloudWatch alarms for when the following metrics exceed the buffering limit (a maximum of 15 minutes).

  • DeliveryToS3.DataFreshness

  • DeliveryToIceberg.DataFreshness

  • DeliveryToSplunk.DataFreshness

  • DeliveryToAmazonOpenSearchService.DataFreshness

  • DeliveryToAmazonOpenSearchServerless.DataFreshness

  • DeliveryToHttpEndpoint.DataFreshness

Also, create alarms based on the following metric math expressions.

  • IncomingBytes (Sum per 5 Minutes) / 300 approaches a percentage of BytesPerSecondLimit.

  • IncomingRecords (Sum per 5 Minutes) / 300 approaches a percentage of RecordsPerSecondLimit.

  • IncomingPutRequests (Sum per 5 Minutes) / 300 approaches a percentage of PutRequestsPerSecondLimit.

Another metric for which we recommend an alarm is ThrottledRecords.

For information about troubleshooting when alarms go to the ALARM state, see Troubleshoot errors in Amazon Data Firehose.