View your experiments - AWS Fault Injection Service

View your experiments

You can view the progress of a running experiment, and you can view experiments that have completed, stopped, or failed.

Stopped, completed, and failed experiments are automatically removed from your account after 120 days.

To view experiments using the console
  1. Open the AWS FIS console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Experiments.

  3. Choose the Experiment ID of the experiment to open its details page.

  4. Do one or more of the following:

    • Check Details, State for the state of the experiment.

    • Choose the Actions tab for information about the experiment actions.

    • Choose the Targets tab for information about the experiment targets.

    • Choose the Timeline tab for a visual representation of the actions based on their start and end times.

To view experiments using the CLI

Use the list-experiments command to get a list of experiments, and use the get-experiment command to get information about a specific experiment.

Experiment states

An experiment can be in one of the following states:

  • pending – The experiment is pending.

  • initiating – The experiment is preparing to start.

  • running – The experiment is running.

  • completed – All actions in the experiment completed successfully.

  • stopping – The stop condition was triggered or the experiment was stopped manually.

  • stopped – All running or pending actions in the experiment are stopped.

  • failed – The experiment failed due to an error, such as insufficient permissions or incorrect syntax.

  • cancelled – The experimented was stopped or prevented from starting due to an engaged safety lever.

Action states

An action can be in one of the following states:

  • pending – The action is pending, either because the experiment hasn't started or the action is to start later in the experiment.

  • initiating – The action is preparing to start.

  • running – The action is running.

  • completed – The action completed successfully.

  • cancelled – The experiment stopped before the action started.

  • skipped – The action has been skipped.

  • stopping – The action is stopping.

  • stopped – All running or pending actions in the experiment are stopped.

  • failed – The action failed due to a client error, such as insufficient permissions or incorrect syntax.