Monitoring Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database with Amazon CloudWatch - Amazon Aurora

Monitoring Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database with Amazon CloudWatch

CloudWatch metrics for Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database are reported under the following dimensions:

For more information on CloudWatch metrics, see Monitoring Amazon Aurora metrics with Amazon CloudWatch.

DBShardGroup metrics

To see DBShardGroup metrics for Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database in the CloudWatch console, choose RDS, and then choose DBShardGroup.

You can track the following CloudWatch metrics:

  • DBShardGroupACUUtilization – Aurora capacity unit (ACU) usage as a percentage calculated from DBShardGroupCapacity divided by DBShardGroupMaxACU.

  • DBShardGroupCapacity – Number of ACUs consumed by the DB shard group.

  • DBShardGroupMaxACU – Maximum number of ACUs configured for the DB shard group.

  • DBShardGroupMinACU – Minimum number of ACUs required by the DB shard group.

The DBShardGroupIdentifier dimension key is available for aggregating the DBShardGroup metrics.

DBShardGroupRouterAggregation metrics

To see DBShardGroupRouterAggregation metrics for Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database in the CloudWatch console, choose RDS, and then choose DBShardGroupRouterAggregation.

You can track the following CloudWatch metrics:

  • CommitThroughput – The average number of commit operations per second across all of the router nodes in the DB shard group.

  • DatabaseConnections – The sum of all connections across all of the router nodes in the DB shard group.

DBShardGroupInstance metrics

To see DBShardGroupInstance metrics for Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database in the CloudWatch console, choose RDS, and then choose DBShardGroupInstance.

You can track the following CloudWatch metrics:

  • BufferCacheHitRatio – The percentage of data and indexes served from an instance’s memory cache (as opposed to the storage volume).

  • CommitLatency – The average duration for the engine and storage to complete the commit operations for a particular node (router or shard).

  • CommitThroughput – The average number of commit operations per second.

  • MaximumUsedTransactionIDs – The age of the oldest unvacuumed transaction ID, in transactions. If this value reaches 2,146,483,648 (2^31 - 1,000,000), the database is forced into read-only mode, to avoid transaction ID wraparound. For more information, see Preventing transaction ID wraparound failures in the PostgreSQL documentation.

  • NetworkReceiveThroughput – The amount of network throughput received from clients by each instance in the DB shard group. This throughput doesn't include network traffic between instances in the DB shard group and the cluster volume.

  • NetworkThroughput – The aggregated network throughput (both transmitted and received) between clients and routers, and routers and shards in the DB shard group. This throughput doesn't include network traffic between instances in the DB shard group and the cluster volume.

  • NetworkTransmitThroughput – The amount of network throughput sent to clients by each instance in the DB shard group. This throughput doesn't include network traffic between instances in the DB shard group and the cluster volume.

  • ReadIOPS – The average number of disk read input/output operations per second (IOPS).

  • ReadLatency – The average amount time taken per disk read input/output (I/O) operation.

  • ReadThroughput – The average number of bytes read from disk per second.

  • StorageNetworkReceiveThroughput – The amount of network throughput received from the Aurora storage subsystem by each instance in the DB shard group.

  • StorageNetworkThroughput – The aggregated network throughput both transmitted to and received from the Aurora storage subsystem by each instance in the DB shard group.

  • StorageNetworkTransmitThroughput – The amount of network throughput sent to the Aurora storage subsystem by each instance in the DB shard group.

  • TempStorageIOPS – The average number of I/O operations performed on local storage attached to the DB instance. It includes both read and write I/O operations.

    TempStorageIOPS can be used with TempStorageThroughput to diagnose the rare cases where network activity for transfers between your DB instances and local storage devices is responsible for unexpected capacity increases.

  • TempStorageThroughput – The amount of data transferred to and from local storage associated with either a router or a shard.

  • WriteIOPS – The average number of disk write IOPS.

  • WriteLatency – The average amount time taken per disk write I/O operation.

  • WriteThroughput – The average number of bytes written to disk per second.

The following dimension keys are available for aggregating the DBShardGroupInstance metrics:

  • DBClusterIdentifier – The Aurora PostgreSQL DB cluster.

  • DBShardGroupIdentifier – The DB shard group to which the instance belongs.

  • DBShardGroupSubClusterType – The node type, either Distributed Transaction Router (router) or Data Access Shard (shard).

  • DBShardGroupSubClusterIdentifier – The name of the router or shard to which the instance belongs.

The following are examples of aggregating CloudWatch metrics:

  • Total CPUUtilization of all instances that belong to a particular shard or router in a DB shard group.

  • Total CPUUtilization of all instances in a DB shard group.

DBClusterIdentifier metrics

To see DBClusterIdentifier metrics for Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database in the CloudWatch console, choose RDS, and then choose DBClusterIdentifier.

When you use Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database, you might have more input/output (I/O) operations than you would for an Aurora DB cluster. You can track the following CloudWatch metrics for your Limitless Database cluster:

  • VolumeReadIops – The number of billed read I/O operations from a cluster volume, reported at 5-minute intervals.

  • VolumeWriteIops – The number of write disk I/O operations to the cluster volume, reported at 5-minute intervals.

Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database uses the Aurora I/O-Optimized cluster storage configuration. With Aurora I/O-Optimized, you pay a single monthly price for all I/O operations, rather than paying for every one million I/O requests. For more information, see Storage configurations for Amazon Aurora DB clusters.

You might also use more storage than you would for an Aurora DB cluster. You can track the following CloudWatch metrics for storage:

  • BackupRetentionPeriodStorageUsed – The total billed continuous backup storage usage of your Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database cluster.

  • SnapshotStorageUsed – The total billed snapshot storage usage of your Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database cluster.

  • TotalBackupStorageBilled – The sum of your costs for automated backup retention and DB cluster snapshots.

    For more information on backup storage costs, see Understanding Amazon Aurora backup storage usage.

  • VolumeBytesUsed – The amount of storage used by your Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database cluster, reported at 5-minute intervals.