Creating, editing, and deleting applications - AWS App Studio

AWS App Studio is in preview and is subject to change.

Creating, editing, and deleting applications

Viewing applications

Use the following procedure to view applications in App Studio.

To view applications
  1. In the navigation pane, choose My applications in the Build section. You will be taken to a page displaying a list of applications that you have access to.

  2. On the My applications page, a table displays a list of your applications with the following details:

    • Application name: The name of the application.

    • Status: The status of the application. The possible values are:

      • Draft: The application has not been published.

      • Published: The application has been published.

    • Last updated: The date that the application was last edited.

    • Role: Your role in relation to the application. The possible values are:

      • Owner: App owners have all access and permissions to the app.

      • Co-owner: App co-owners have access similar to app owners.

      • Edit-only: Users with Edit-only access to an app can edit the app, but cannot invite other builders to the app, publish the app to production, add new data sources, delete the app, or clone the app.

  3. You can choose the arrow in the Actions column to open the actions menu for that application with the following options:

    • Edit: Opens the app for editing in the builder studio. Editing is only available to app owners and editors.

    • Share: Opens a dialog box where the app link can be copied. Sharing is only available on published applications.

    • View: Opens the running application. Viewing is only available on published applications.

    • Duplicate: Create another app with the same components, automations, and entities as the current app.

    • Rename: Provide a new name for the app.

    • Delete: Deletes the application. Deletion is only available to app owners and admins.

Creating an application

Use the following procedure to create an application in App Studio.

To create an application
  1. There are two options for creating an application in App Studio:

    • In the navigation pane, choose Builder hub. Choose Get started in the banner.

    • In the navigation pane, choose My applications in the Build section. You will be taken to a page displaying a list of applications that you have access to.

      Choose + Create app.

  2. In the Create app dialog box, give your application a name.

  3. Choose Create to create your application. You will be taken to the application studio where you can use components, automations, and data to configure the look and function of your application. For information about building applications, see Getting started with AWS App Studio.

Editing an application

Use the following procedure to edit an application in App Studio.

To edit an application
  1. In the navigation pane, choose My applications in the Build section. You will be taken to a page displaying a list of applications that you have access to.

  2. Choose the dropdown in the Actions column of the application you want to edit.

  3. To rename an application, choose Rename, give your application a new name, and choose Rename.

  4. To edit an application, choose Edit. This will take you to the application studio where you can use components, automations, and data to configure the look and function of your application. For information about building applications, see Getting started with AWS App Studio.

Application settings

In the application studio, you can view and update the following application settings.

App navigation

By default, App Studio shows all pages in the app navigation of published apps or when previewing apps. You can reorder the pages or remove pages from the navigation in the App navigation section, which contains the following settings:

  • The Show navigation for these pages toggle defines if app users can navigate to the defined pages in your app.

  • In Home page, choose the page you want app users to be navigated to when first accessing your app from the dropdown.

  • In Other pages, choose if pages can be navigated to, and which order they are displayed in the app navigation menu.

Deleting an application

Use the following procedure to delete an application in App Studio.

To delete an application
  1. In the navigation pane, choose My applications in the Build section. You will be taken to a page displaying a list of applications that you have access to.

  2. Choose the dropdown in the Actions column of the application you want to delete.

  3. Choose Delete.

  4. In the Delete application dialog box, carefully review the information about deleting applications. If you want to delete the application, choose Delete.