À utiliser CreateAgent avec un AWS SDKou CLI - Amazon Bedrock

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À utiliser CreateAgent avec un AWS SDKou CLI

Les exemples de code suivants montrent comment utiliserCreateAgent.

Les exemples d’actions sont des extraits de code de programmes de plus grande envergure et doivent être exécutés en contexte. Vous pouvez voir cette action en contexte dans l’exemple de code suivant :

SDKpour JavaScript (v3)

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Créez un agent .

import { fileURLToPath } from "url"; import { checkForPlaceholders } from "../lib/utils.js"; import { BedrockAgentClient, CreateAgentCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-bedrock-agent"; /** * Creates an Amazon Bedrock Agent. * * @param {string} agentName - A name for the agent that you create. * @param {string} foundationModel - The foundation model to be used by the agent you create. * @param {string} agentResourceRoleArn - The ARN of the IAM role with permissions required by the agent. * @param {string} [region='us-east-1'] - The AWS region in use. * @returns {Promise<import("@aws-sdk/client-bedrock-agent").Agent>} An object containing details of the created agent. */ export const createAgent = async ( agentName, foundationModel, agentResourceRoleArn, region = "us-east-1", ) => { const client = new BedrockAgentClient({ region }); const command = new CreateAgentCommand({ agentName, foundationModel, agentResourceRoleArn, }); const response = await client.send(command); return response.agent; }; // Invoke main function if this file was run directly. if (process.argv[1] === fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)) { // Replace the placeholders for agentName and accountId, and roleName with a unique name for the new agent, // the id of your AWS account, and the name of an existing execution role that the agent can use inside your account. // For foundationModel, specify the desired model. Ensure to remove the brackets '[]' before adding your data. // A string (max 100 chars) that can include letters, numbers, dashes '-', and underscores '_'. const agentName = "[your-bedrock-agent-name]"; // Your AWS account id. const accountId = "[123456789012]"; // The name of the agent's execution role. It must be prefixed by `AmazonBedrockExecutionRoleForAgents_`. const roleName = "[AmazonBedrockExecutionRoleForAgents_your-role-name]"; // The ARN for the agent's execution role. // Follow the ARN format: 'arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/role-name' const roleArn = `arn:aws:iam::${accountId}:role/${roleName}`; // Specify the model for the agent. Change if a different model is preferred. const foundationModel = "anthropic.claude-v2"; // Check for unresolved placeholders in agentName and roleArn. checkForPlaceholders([agentName, roleArn]); console.log(`Creating a new agent...`); const agent = await createAgent(agentName, foundationModel, roleArn); console.log(agent); }
  • Pour API plus de détails, voir CreateAgentAWS SDK for JavaScript APIRéférence.

SDKpour Python (Boto3)

Il y en a plus à ce sujet GitHub. Consultez l'exemple complet et apprenez à configurer et à exécuter dans AWS Référentiel d'exemples de code.

Créez un agent .

def create_agent(self, agent_name, foundation_model, role_arn, instruction): """ Creates an agent that orchestrates interactions between foundation models, data sources, software applications, user conversations, and APIs to carry out tasks to help customers. :param agent_name: A name for the agent. :param foundation_model: The foundation model to be used for orchestration by the agent. :param role_arn: The ARN of the IAM role with permissions needed by the agent. :param instruction: Instructions that tell the agent what it should do and how it should interact with users. :return: The response from Amazon Bedrock Agents if successful, otherwise raises an exception. """ try: response = self.client.create_agent( agentName=agent_name, foundationModel=foundation_model, agentResourceRoleArn=role_arn, instruction=instruction, ) except ClientError as e: logger.error(f"Error: Couldn't create agent. Here's why: {e}") raise else: return response["agent"]
  • Pour API plus de détails, voir CreateAgentAWS SDKpour Python (Boto3) Reference. API

Pour une liste complète des AWS SDKguides du développeur et exemples de code, voirL'utilisation de ce service avec un AWS SDK. Cette rubrique inclut également des informations sur la mise en route et des détails sur SDK les versions précédentes.