Modifier la fonction Lambda de l'analyseur dans Amazon Bedrock Agents - Amazon Bedrock

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Modifier la fonction Lambda de l'analyseur dans Amazon Bedrock Agents

Chaque modèle d'invite inclut une fonction Lambda d'analyse syntaxique que vous pouvez modifier. Pour écrire une fonction Lambda d'analyse personnalisée, vous devez comprendre l'événement d'entrée envoyé par votre agent et la réponse que l'agent attend en sortie de la fonction Lambda. Vous devez écrire une fonction de gestion pour manipuler les variables de l’événement d’entrée et pour renvoyer la réponse. Pour plus d'informations sur le AWS Lambda fonctionnement, consultez la section Invocation pilotée par des événements dans le Guide du AWS Lambda développeur.

Événement d’entrée Lambda de l’analyseur

Voici la structure générale de l’événement d’entrée de l’agent. Utilisez les champs pour écrire la fonction de gestionnaire Lambda.

{ "messageVersion": "1.0", "agent": { "name": "string", "id": "string", "alias": "string", "version": "string" }, "invokeModelRawResponse": "string", "promptType": "ORCHESTRATION | ROUTING_CLASSIFIER | POST_PROCESSING | PRE_PROCESSING | KNOWLEDGE_BASE_RESPONSE_GENERATION | MEMORY_SUMMARIZATION", "overrideType": "OUTPUT_PARSER" }

La liste suivante décrit les champs d'événements en entrée :

  • messageVersion : version du message identifiant le format des données d’événement entrant dans la fonction Lambda, et format attendu de la réponse provenant d’une fonction Lambda. Amazon Bedrock Agents ne prend en charge que la version 1.0.

  • agent : contient des informations sur le nom, l’ID, l’alias et la version de l’agent auquel appartiennent les invites.

  • invokeModelRawResponse : sortie brute du modèle de fondation de l’invite dont la sortie doit être analysée.

  • promptType : type d’invite dont la sortie doit être analysée.

  • overrideType : artefacts que cette fonction Lambda remplace. Actuellement, seul OUTPUT_PARSER est pris en charge, ce qui indique que l'analyseur par défaut doit être remplacé.

Réponse Lambda de l’analyseur

Votre agent attend une réponse de votre fonction Lambda et utilise cette réponse pour effectuer d'autres actions ou pour l'aider à renvoyer une réponse à l'utilisateur. Votre agent exécute l'action suivante recommandée par le modèle de l'agent. Les actions suivantes peuvent être exécutées dans un ordre séquentiel ou en parallèle en fonction du modèle de l'agent et de la date de création et de préparation de l'agent.

Si vous avez créé et préparé votre agent avant le 4 octobre 2024 et si votre agent utilise Anthropic Claude 3 Sonnet or Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet modèles, par défaut, la prochaine action principale recommandée par le modèle de l'agent sera exécutée par ordre de série.

Si vous avez créé un nouvel agent ou préparé un agent existant après le 10 octobre 2024 et que votre agent utilise Anthropic Claude 3 Sonnet, Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet, ou n'importe lequel non-Anthropic modèles, les actions de l'étape suivante recommandées par le modèle de l'agent s'exécuteront en parallèle. Cela signifie que plusieurs actions, par exemple un mélange de groupes d'actions, de fonctions et de bases de connaissances, seront exécutées en parallèle. Cela réduit le nombre d'appels effectués vers le modèle, ce qui réduit la latence globale.

Vous pouvez activer les actions parallèles pour vos agents créées et préparées avant le 4 octobre 2024 en appelant PrepareAgentAPIou en sélectionnant Prepare dans le générateur d'agents de votre agent dans la console. Une fois l'agent préparé, vous verrez un modèle d'invite mis à jour et une nouvelle version du schéma Lambda de l'analyseur Lambda.

Exemple de réponse Lambda de l'analyseur

Voici des exemples de la structure générale de la réponse de l'agent exécutant les principales actions recommandées par ordre de série et de l'agent exécutant les actions suivantes en parallèle. Utilisez les champs de réponse de la fonction Lambda pour configurer la manière dont la sortie est renvoyée.

Exemple de réponse d'un agent exécutant les principales actions recommandées suivantes par ordre séquentiel

Sélectionnez l'onglet qui indique si vous avez défini le groupe d'action avec un OpenAPI schéma ou avec les détails de la fonction :


Cela MessageVersion 1.0 indique que l'agent exécute les actions recommandées suivantes dans l'ordre des séries.

OpenAPI schema
{ "messageVersion": "1.0", "promptType": "ORCHESTRATION | PRE_PROCESSING | ROUTING_CLASSIFIER | POST_PROCESSING | KNOWLEDGE_BASE_RESPONSE_GENERATION", "preProcessingParsedResponse": { "isValidInput": "boolean", "rationale": "string" }, "orchestrationParsedResponse": { "rationale": "string", "parsingErrorDetails": { "repromptResponse": "string" }, "responseDetails": { "invocationType": "AGENT_COLLABORATOR | ACTION_GROUP | KNOWLEDGE_BASE | FINISH | ASK_USER", "agentAskUser": { "responseText": "string", "id": "string" }, "agentCollaboratorInvocation": { "agentCollaboratorName": "string", "input": { "text": "string" } } ... } }, "routingClassifierParsedResponse": { "parsingErrorDetails": { "repromptResponse": "string" }, "responseDetails": { "type": "AGENT | LAST_AGENT | UNDECIDED", "agentCollaboratorInvocation": { "agentCollaboratorName": "string", "input": { "text": "string" } } } } } "actionGroupInvocation": { "actionGroupName": "string", "apiName": "string", "id": "string", "verb": "string", "actionGroupInput": { "<parameter>": { "value": "string" }, ... } }, "agentKnowledgeBase": { "knowledgeBaseId": "string", "id": "string", "searchQuery": { "value": "string" } }, "agentFinalResponse": { "responseText": "string", "citations": { "generatedResponseParts": [{ "text": "string", "references": [{"sourceId": "string"}] }] } }, } }, "knowledgeBaseResponseGenerationParsedResponse": { "generatedResponse": { "generatedResponseParts": [ { "text": "string", "references": [ {"sourceId": "string"}, ... ] } ] } }, "postProcessingParsedResponse": { "responseText": "string", "citations": { "generatedResponseParts": [{ "text": "string", "references": [{ "sourceId": "string" }] }] } } }
Function details
{ "messageVersion": "1.0", "promptType": "ORCHESTRATION | PRE_PROCESSING | POST_PROCESSING | KNOWLEDGE_BASE_RESPONSE_GENERATION", "preProcessingParsedResponse": { "isValidInput": "boolean", "rationale": "string" }, "orchestrationParsedResponse": { "rationale": "string", "parsingErrorDetails": { "repromptResponse": "string" }, "responseDetails": { "invocationType": "ACTION_GROUP | KNOWLEDGE_BASE | FINISH | ASK_USER", "agentAskUser": { "responseText": "string", "id": "string" }, "actionGroupInvocation": { "actionGroupName": "string", "functionName": "string", "id": "string", "actionGroupInput": { "<parameter>": { "value": "string" }, ... } }, "agentKnowledgeBase": { "knowledgeBaseId": "string", "id": "string", "searchQuery": { "value": "string" } }, "agentFinalResponse": { "responseText": "string", "citations": { "generatedResponseParts": [{ "text": "string", "references": [{"sourceId": "string"}] }] } }, } }, "knowledgeBaseResponseGenerationParsedResponse": { "generatedResponse": { "generatedResponseParts": [ { "text": "string", "references": [ {"sourceId": "string"}, ... ] } ] } }, "postProcessingParsedResponse": { "responseText": "string", "citations": { "generatedResponseParts": [{ "text": "string", "references": [{ "sourceId": "string" }] }] } } }

Exemple de réponse d'un agent exécutant les actions suivantes en parallèle

Sélectionnez l'onglet qui indique si vous avez défini le groupe d'action avec un OpenAPI schéma ou avec les détails de la fonction :


Cela MessageVersion 2.0 indique que l'agent exécute les prochaines actions recommandées en parallèle

OpenAPI schema
{ "messageVersion": "2.0", "promptType": "ORCHESTRATION | PRE_PROCESSING | POST_PROCESSING | KNOWLEDGE_BASE_RESPONSE_GENERATION", "preProcessingParsedResponse": { "isValidInput": "boolean", "rationale": "string" }, "orchestrationParsedResponse": { "rationale": "string", "parsingErrorDetails": { "repromptResponse": "string" }, "responseDetails": { "invocationType": "ACTION_GROUP | KNOWLEDGE_BASE | FINISH | ASK_USER", "agentAskUser": { "responseText": "string" }, "actionGroupInvocations": [ { "actionGroupName": "string", "apiName": "string", "verb": "string", "actionGroupInput": { "<parameter>": { "value": "string" }, ... } } ], "agentKnowledgeBases": [ { "knowledgeBaseId": "string", "searchQuery": { "value": "string" } } ], "agentFinalResponse": { "responseText": "string", "citations": { "generatedResponseParts": [{ "text": "string", "references": [{"sourceId": "string"}] }] } }, } }, "knowledgeBaseResponseGenerationParsedResponse": { "generatedResponse": { "generatedResponseParts": [ { "text": "string", "references": [ {"sourceId": "string"}, ... ] } ] } }, "postProcessingParsedResponse": { "responseText": "string", "citations": { "generatedResponseParts": [{ "text": "string", "references": [{ "sourceId": "string" }] }] } } }
Function details
{ "messageVersion": "2.0", "promptType": "ORCHESTRATION | PRE_PROCESSING | POST_PROCESSING | KNOWLEDGE_BASE_RESPONSE_GENERATION", "preProcessingParsedResponse": { "isValidInput": "boolean", "rationale": "string" }, "orchestrationParsedResponse": { "rationale": "string", "parsingErrorDetails": { "repromptResponse": "string" }, "responseDetails": { "invocationType": "ACTION_GROUP | KNOWLEDGE_BASE | FINISH | ASK_USER", "agentAskUser": { "responseText": "string" }, "actionGroupInvocations": [ { "actionGroupName": "string", "functionName": "string", "actionGroupInput": { "<parameter>"": { "value": "string" }, ... } } ], "agentKnowledgeBases": [ { "knowledgeBaseId": "string", "searchQuery": { "value": "string" } } ], "agentFinalResponse": { "responseText": "string", "citations": { "generatedResponseParts": [{ "text": "string", "references": [{"sourceId": "string"}] }] } }, } }, "knowledgeBaseResponseGenerationParsedResponse": { "generatedResponse": { "generatedResponseParts": [ { "text": "string", "references": [ {"sourceId": "string"}, ... ] } ] } }, "postProcessingParsedResponse": { "responseText": "string", "citations": { "generatedResponseParts": [{ "text": "string", "references": [{ "sourceId": "string" }] }] } } }

La liste suivante décrit les champs de réponse Lambda :

  • messageVersion : version du message identifiant le format des données d’événement entrant dans la fonction Lambda, et format attendu de la réponse provenant d’une fonction Lambda.

  • promptType : type d’invite du tour en cours.

  • preProcessingParsedResponse : réponse analysée pour le type d’invite PRE_PROCESSING.

  • orchestrationParsedResponse : réponse analysée pour le type d’invite ORCHESTRATION. Voir ci-dessous pour plus d’informations.

  • knowledgeBaseResponseGenerationParsedResponse : réponse analysée pour le type d’invite KNOWLEDGE_BASE_RESPONSE_GENERATION.

  • postProcessingParsedResponse : réponse analysée pour le type d’invite POST_PROCESSING.

Pour plus de détails sur les réponses analysées pour les quatre modèles d'invite, consultez les onglets suivants.

{ "isValidInput": "boolean", "rationale": "string" }

preProcessingParsedResponse comporte les champs suivants.

  • isValidInput : spécifie si l’entrée utilisateur est valide ou non. Vous pouvez définir la fonction pour déterminer comment caractériser la validité de l’entrée utilisateur.

  • rationale : raisonnement qui sous-tend la catégorisation des entrées utilisateur. Cette justification est fournie par le modèle dans la réponse brute, la fonction Lambda l'analyse et l'agent la présente dans la trace pour le prétraitement.


Le format du orchestrationResponse varie selon que vous avez défini ou non le groupe d'actions avec un OpenAPI détails du schéma ou de la fonction :

  • Si vous avez défini le groupe d'action avec un OpenAPI schéma, la réponse doit être au format suivant :

    { "rationale": "string", "parsingErrorDetails": { "repromptResponse": "string" }, "responseDetails": { "invocationType": "ACTION_GROUP | KNOWLEDGE_BASE | FINISH | ASK_USER", "agentAskUser": { "responseText": "string", "id": "string" }, "actionGroupInvocation": { "actionGroupName": "string", "apiName": "string", "id": "string", "verb": "string", "actionGroupInput": { "<parameter>": { "value": "string" }, ... } }, "agentKnowledgeBase": { "knowledgeBaseId": "string", "id": "string", "searchQuery": { "value": "string" } }, "agentFinalResponse": { "responseText": "string", "citations": { "generatedResponseParts": [ { "text": "string", "references": [ {"sourceId": "string"}, ... ] }, ... ] } }, } }
  • Si vous avez défini le groupe d'actions avec les détails de la fonction, la réponse doit être au format suivant :

    { "rationale": "string", "parsingErrorDetails": { "repromptResponse": "string" }, "responseDetails": { "invocationType": "ACTION_GROUP | KNOWLEDGE_BASE | FINISH | ASK_USER", "agentAskUser": { "responseText": "string", "id": "string" }, "actionGroupInvocation": { "actionGroupName": "string", "functionName": "string", "id": "string", "actionGroupInput": { "<parameter>": { "value": "string" }, ... } }, "agentKnowledgeBase": { "knowledgeBaseId": "string", "id": "string", "searchQuery": { "value": "string" } }, "agentFinalResponse": { "responseText": "string", "citations": { "generatedResponseParts": [ { "text": "string", "references": [ {"sourceId": "string"}, ... ] }, ... ] } }, } }

orchestrationParsedResponseIl contient les champs suivants :

  • rationale : raisonnement expliquant ce qu’il convient de faire ensuite, en fonction de la sortie du modèle de fondation. Vous pouvez définir la fonction à analyser à partir de la sortie du modèle.

  • parsingErrorDetails : contient repromptResponse, qui est le message demandant au modèle de mettre à jour sa réponse brute lorsque sa réponse ne peut pas être analysée. Vous pouvez définir la fonction pour manipuler la manière d’envoyer une nouvelle invite au modèle.

  • responseDetails : contient les informations relatives à la gestion de la sortie du modèle de fondation. Contient invocationType, qui est l’étape suivante à suivre par l’agent, et un second champ qui doit correspondre à invocationType. Les objets suivants sont possibles.

    • agentAskUser : compatible avec le type d’invocation ASK_USER. Ce type d’invocation met fin à l’étape d’orchestration. Contient responseText pour demander plus d’informations à l’utilisateur. Vous pouvez définir votre fonction pour manipuler ce champ.

    • actionGroupInvocation : compatible avec le type d’invocation ACTION_GROUP. Vous pouvez définir votre fonction Lambda pour déterminer les groupes d'actions à invoquer et les paramètres à transmettre. Contient les champs suivants :

      • actionGroupName : groupe d’actions à invoquer.

      • Les champs suivants sont obligatoires si vous avez défini le groupe d'action avec un OpenAPI schéma :

        • apiName— Nom de l'APIopération à invoquer dans le groupe d'actions.

        • verb— Méthode de l'APIopération à utiliser.

      • Le champ suivant est obligatoire si vous avez défini le groupe d'actions avec les détails des fonctions :

        • functionName— Nom de la fonction à invoquer dans le groupe d'actions.

      • actionGroupInput— Contient les paramètres à spécifier dans la demande API d'opération.

    • agentKnowledgeBase : compatible avec le type d’invocation KNOWLEDGE_BASE. Vous pouvez définir la fonction pour déterminer comment interroger les bases de connaissances. Contient les champs suivants :

      • knowledgeBaseId : identifiant unique de la base de connaissances.

      • searchQuery— Contient la requête à envoyer à la base de connaissances value sur le terrain.

    • agentFinalResponse : compatible avec le type d’invocation FINISH. Ce type d’invocation met fin à l’étape d’orchestration. Contient la réponse à l’utilisateur dans le champ responseText et les citations correspondant à la réponse dans l’objet citations.

{ "generatedResponse": { "generatedResponseParts": [ { "text": "string", "references": [ { "sourceId": "string" }, ... ] }, ... ] } }

knowledgeBaseResponseGenerationParsedResponseIl contient le formulaire generatedResponse d'interrogation de la base de connaissances et les références des sources de données.

{ "responseText": "string", "citations": { "generatedResponseParts": [ { "text": "string", "references": [ { "sourceId": "string" }, ... ] }, ... ] } }

postProcessingParsedResponseIl contient les champs suivants :

  • responseText : réponse à renvoyer à l’utilisateur final. Vous pouvez définir la fonction pour mettre en forme cette réponse.

  • citations : contient une liste de citations correspondant à la réponse. Chaque citation indique le texte cité et ses références.

Exemples de fonctions Lambda d’analyseur

Pour voir des exemples d'événements et de réponses d'entrée de la fonction Lambda de l'analyseur Lambda, sélectionnez l'un des onglets suivants.


Exemple d'événement d'entrée

{ "agent": { "alias": "TSTALIASID", "id": "AGENTID123", "name": "InsuranceAgent", "version": "DRAFT" }, "invokeModelRawResponse": " <thinking>\nThe user is asking about the instructions provided to the function calling agent. This input is trying to gather information about what functions/API's or instructions our function calling agent has access to. Based on the categories provided, this input belongs in Category B.\n</thinking>\n\n<category>B</category>", "messageVersion": "1.0", "overrideType": "OUTPUT_PARSER", "promptType": "PRE_PROCESSING" }

Exemple de réponse

{ "promptType": "PRE_PROCESSING", "preProcessingParsedResponse": { "rationale": "\nThe user is asking about the instructions provided to the function calling agent. This input is trying to gather information about what functions/API's or instructions our function calling agent has access to. Based on the categories provided, this input belongs in Category B.\n", "isValidInput": false } }

Exemple d'événement d'entrée

{ "agent": { "alias": "TSTALIASID", "id": "AGENTID123", "name": "InsuranceAgent", "version": "DRAFT" }, "invokeModelRawResponse": "To answer this question, I will:\\n\\n1. Call the GET::x_amz_knowledgebase_KBID123456::Search function to search for a phone number to call.\\n\\nI have checked that I have access to the GET::x_amz_knowledgebase_KBID23456::Search function.\\n\\n</scratchpad>\\n\\n<function_call>GET::x_amz_knowledgebase_KBID123456::Search(searchQuery=\"What is the phone number I can call?\)", "messageVersion": "1.0", "overrideType": "OUTPUT_PARSER", "promptType": "ORCHESTRATION" }

Exemple de réponse

{ "promptType": "ORCHESTRATION", "orchestrationParsedResponse": { "rationale": "To answer this question, I will:\\n\\n1. Call the GET::x_amz_knowledgebase_KBID123456::Search function to search for a phone number to call Farmers.\\n\\nI have checked that I have access to the GET::x_amz_knowledgebase_KBID123456::Search function.", "responseDetails": { "invocationType": "KNOWLEDGE_BASE", "agentKnowledgeBase": { "searchQuery": { "value": "What is the phone number I can call?" }, "knowledgeBaseId": "KBID123456" } } } }
Knowledge base response generation

Exemple d'événement d'entrée

{ "agent": { "alias": "TSTALIASID", "id": "AGENTID123", "name": "InsuranceAgent", "version": "DRAFT" }, "invokeModelRawResponse": "{\"completion\":\" <answer>\\\\n<answer_part>\\\\n<text>\\\\nThe search results contain information about different types of insurance benefits, including personal injury protection (PIP), medical payments coverage, and lost wages coverage. PIP typically covers reasonable medical expenses for injuries caused by an accident, as well as income continuation, child care, loss of services, and funerals. Medical payments coverage provides payment for medical treatment resulting from a car accident. Who pays lost wages due to injuries depends on the laws in your state and the coverage purchased.\\\\n</text>\\\\n<sources>\\\\n<source>1234567-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc</source>\\\\n<source>2345678-2345-2345-2345-23456789abcd</source>\\\\n<source>3456789-3456-3456-3456-3456789abcde</source>\\\\n</sources>\\\\n</answer_part>\\\\n</answer>\",\"stop_reason\":\"stop_sequence\",\"stop\":\"\\\\n\\\\nHuman:\"}", "messageVersion": "1.0", "overrideType": "OUTPUT_PARSER", "promptType": "KNOWLEDGE_BASE_RESPONSE_GENERATION" }

Exemple de réponse

{ "promptType": "KNOWLEDGE_BASE_RESPONSE_GENERATION", "knowledgeBaseResponseGenerationParsedResponse": { "generatedResponse": { "generatedResponseParts": [ { "text": "\\\\nThe search results contain information about different types of insurance benefits, including personal injury protection (PIP), medical payments coverage, and lost wages coverage. PIP typically covers reasonable medical expenses for injuries caused by an accident, as well as income continuation, child care, loss of services, and funerals. Medical payments coverage provides payment for medical treatment resulting from a car accident. Who pays lost wages due to injuries depends on the laws in your state and the coverage purchased.\\\\n", "references": [ {"sourceId": "1234567-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc"}, {"sourceId": "2345678-2345-2345-2345-23456789abcd"}, {"sourceId": "3456789-3456-3456-3456-3456789abcde"} ] } ] } } }

Exemple d'événement d'entrée

{ "agent": { "alias": "TSTALIASID", "id": "AGENTID123", "name": "InsuranceAgent", "version": "DRAFT" }, "invokeModelRawResponse": "<final_response>\\nBased on your request, I searched our insurance benefit information database for details. The search results indicate that insurance policies may cover different types of benefits, depending on the policy and state laws. Specifically, the results discussed personal injury protection (PIP) coverage, which typically covers medical expenses for insured individuals injured in an accident (cited sources: 1234567-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc, 2345678-2345-2345-2345-23456789abcd). PIP may pay for costs like medical care, lost income replacement, childcare expenses, and funeral costs. Medical payments coverage was also mentioned as another option that similarly covers medical treatment costs for the policyholder and others injured in a vehicle accident involving the insured vehicle. The search results further noted that whether lost wages are covered depends on the state and coverage purchased. Please let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions.\\n</final_response>", "messageVersion": "1.0", "overrideType": "OUTPUT_PARSER", "promptType": "POST_PROCESSING" }

Exemple de réponse

{ "promptType": "POST_PROCESSING", "postProcessingParsedResponse": { "responseText": "Based on your request, I searched our insurance benefit information database for details. The search results indicate that insurance policies may cover different types of benefits, depending on the policy and state laws. Specifically, the results discussed personal injury protection (PIP) coverage, which typically covers medical expenses for insured individuals injured in an accident (cited sources: 24c62d8c-3e39-4ca1-9470-a91d641fe050, 197815ef-8798-4cb1-8aa5-35f5d6b28365). PIP may pay for costs like medical care, lost income replacement, childcare expenses, and funeral costs. Medical payments coverage was also mentioned as another option that similarly covers medical treatment costs for the policyholder and others injured in a vehicle accident involving the insured vehicle. The search results further noted that whether lost wages are covered depends on the state and coverage purchased. Please let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions." } }
Memory summarization

Exemple d'événement d'entrée

{ "messageVersion": "1.0", "promptType": "MEMORY_SUMMARIZATION", "invokeModelRawResponse": "<summary> <topic name="user goals">User initiated the conversation with a greeting.</topic> </summary>" }

Exemple de réponse

{"topicwiseSummaries": [ { "topic": "TopicName1", "summary": "My Topic 1 Summary" } ... ] }

Pour voir des exemples de fonctions Lambda de l'analyseur, développez la section contenant les exemples de modèles d'invite que vous souhaitez consulter. La fonction lambda_handler renvoie la réponse analysée à l’agent.

L'exemple suivant montre une fonction Lambda d'un analyseur de prétraitement écrite en Python.

import json import re import logging PRE_PROCESSING_RATIONALE_REGEX = "&lt;thinking&gt;(.*?)&lt;/thinking&gt;" PREPROCESSING_CATEGORY_REGEX = "&lt;category&gt;(.*?)&lt;/category&gt;" PREPROCESSING_PROMPT_TYPE = "PRE_PROCESSING" PRE_PROCESSING_RATIONALE_PATTERN = re.compile(PRE_PROCESSING_RATIONALE_REGEX, re.DOTALL) PREPROCESSING_CATEGORY_PATTERN = re.compile(PREPROCESSING_CATEGORY_REGEX, re.DOTALL) logger = logging.getLogger() # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default PreProcessing prompt def lambda_handler(event, context): print("Lambda input: " + str(event))"Lambda input: " + str(event)) prompt_type = event["promptType"] # Sanitize LLM response model_response = sanitize_response(event['invokeModelRawResponse']) if event["promptType"] == PREPROCESSING_PROMPT_TYPE: return parse_pre_processing(model_response) def parse_pre_processing(model_response): category_matches = re.finditer(PREPROCESSING_CATEGORY_PATTERN, model_response) rationale_matches = re.finditer(PRE_PROCESSING_RATIONALE_PATTERN, model_response) category = next(( for match in category_matches), None) rationale = next(( for match in rationale_matches), None) return { "promptType": "PRE_PROCESSING", "preProcessingParsedResponse": { "rationale": rationale, "isValidInput": get_is_valid_input(category) } } def sanitize_response(text): pattern = r"(\\n*)" text = re.sub(pattern, r"\n", text) return text def get_is_valid_input(category): if category is not None and category.strip().upper() == "D" or category.strip().upper() == "E": return True return False

Les exemples suivants montrent une fonction Lambda d'analyseur d'orchestration écrite en Python.

L'exemple de code diffère selon que votre groupe d'action a été défini avec un OpenAPI schéma ou avec les détails de la fonction :

  1. Pour voir des exemples de groupe d'action défini avec un OpenAPI schéma, sélectionnez l'onglet correspondant au modèle dont vous souhaitez voir des exemples.

    Anthropic Claude 2.0
    import json import re import logging RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST = [ "(.*?)(<function_call>)", "(.*?)(<answer>)" ] RATIONALE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST] RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST = [ "<scratchpad>(.*?)(</scratchpad>)", "(.*?)(</scratchpad>)", "(<scratchpad>)(.*?)" ] RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST] ANSWER_REGEX = r"(?<=<answer>)(.*)" ANSWER_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TAG = "<answer>" FUNCTION_CALL_TAG = "<function_call>" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX = r"(<function_call>user::askuser)(.*)\)" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ASK_USER_FUNCTION_PARAMETER_REGEX = r"(?<=askuser=\")(.*?)\"" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_PARAMETER_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_PARAMETER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX = "x_amz_knowledgebase_" FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX = r"<function_call>(\w+)::(\w+)::(.+)\((.+)\)" ANSWER_PART_REGEX = "<answer_part\\s?>(.+?)</answer_part\\s?>" ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX = "<text\\s?>(.+?)</text\\s?>" ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX = "<source\\s?>(.+?)</source\\s?>" ANSWER_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TEXT_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) # You can provide messages to reprompt the LLM in case the LLM output is not in the expected format MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "Missing the argument askuser for user::askuser function call. Please try again with the correct argument added" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls to the askuser function must be: <function_call>user::askuser(askuser=\"$ASK_USER_INPUT\")</function_call>." FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = 'The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls must be: <function_call>$FUNCTION_NAME($FUNCTION_ARGUMENT_NAME=""$FUNCTION_ARGUMENT_NAME"")</function_call>.' logger = logging.getLogger() # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default orchestration prompt def lambda_handler(event, context):"Lambda input: " + str(event)) # Sanitize LLM response sanitized_response = sanitize_response(event['invokeModelRawResponse']) # Parse LLM response for any rationale rationale = parse_rationale(sanitized_response) # Construct response fields common to all invocation types parsed_response = { 'promptType': "ORCHESTRATION", 'orchestrationParsedResponse': { 'rationale': rationale } } # Check if there is a final answer try: final_answer, generated_response_parts = parse_answer(sanitized_response) except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response if final_answer: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'FINISH', 'agentFinalResponse': { 'responseText': final_answer } } if generated_response_parts: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentFinalResponse']['citations'] = { 'generatedResponseParts': generated_response_parts }"Final answer parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response # Check if there is an ask user try: ask_user = parse_ask_user(sanitized_response) if ask_user: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'ASK_USER', 'agentAskUser': { 'responseText': ask_user } }"Ask user parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response # Check if there is an agent action try: parsed_response = parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response)"Function call parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, 'Failed to parse the LLM output') return parsed_response raise Exception("unrecognized prompt type") def sanitize_response(text): pattern = r"(\\n*)" text = re.sub(pattern, r"\n", text) return text def parse_rationale(sanitized_response): # Checks for strings that are not required for orchestration rationale_matcher = next(( for pattern in RATIONALE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_matcher: rationale = # Check if there is a formatted rationale that we can parse from the string rationale_value_matcher = next(( for pattern in RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_value_matcher: return return rationale return None def parse_answer(sanitized_llm_response): if has_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): return parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response) answer_match = if answer_match and is_answer(sanitized_llm_response): return, None return None, None def is_answer(llm_response): return llm_response.rfind(ANSWER_TAG) > llm_response.rfind(FUNCTION_CALL_TAG) def parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): results = [] for match in ANSWER_PART_PATTERN.finditer(sanitized_llm_response): part = text_match = if not text_match: raise ValueError("Could not parse generated response") text = references = parse_references(sanitized_llm_response, part) results.append((text, references)) final_response = " ".join([r[0] for r in results]) generated_response_parts = [] for text, references in results: generatedResponsePart = { 'text': text, 'references': references } generated_response_parts.append(generatedResponsePart) return final_response, generated_response_parts def has_generated_response(raw_response): return is not None def parse_references(raw_response, answer_part): references = [] for match in ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN.finditer(answer_part): reference = references.append({'sourceId': reference}) return references def parse_ask_user(sanitized_llm_response): ask_user_matcher = if ask_user_matcher: try: ask_user = ask_user_question_matcher = if ask_user_question_matcher: return raise ValueError(MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) except ValueError as ex: raise ex except Exception as ex: raise Exception(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE) return None def parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response): match =, sanitized_response) if not match: raise ValueError(FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) verb, resource_name, function =,, parameters = {} for arg in","): key, value = arg.split("=") parameters[key.strip()] = {'value': value.strip('" ')} parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = {} # Function calls can either invoke an action group or a knowledge base. # Mapping to the correct variable names accordingly if resource_name.lower().startswith(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX): parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'KNOWLEDGE_BASE' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentKnowledgeBase'] = { 'searchQuery': parameters['searchQuery'], 'knowledgeBaseId': resource_name.replace(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX, '') } return parsed_response parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'ACTION_GROUP' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['actionGroupInvocation'] = { "verb": verb, "actionGroupName": resource_name, "apiName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters } return parsed_response def addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, error): error_message = str(error) logger.warn(error_message) parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['parsingErrorDetails'] = { 'repromptResponse': error_message }
    Anthropic Claude 2.1
    import logging import re import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST = [ "(.*?)(<function_calls>)", "(.*?)(<answer>)" ] RATIONALE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST] RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST = [ "<scratchpad>(.*?)(</scratchpad>)", "(.*?)(</scratchpad>)", "(<scratchpad>)(.*?)" ] RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST] ANSWER_REGEX = r"(?<=<answer>)(.*)" ANSWER_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TAG = "<answer>" FUNCTION_CALL_TAG = "<function_calls>" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX = r"<tool_name>user::askuser</tool_name>" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_REGEX = r"<tool_name>((.|\n)*?)</tool_name>" ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_REGEX, re.DOTALL) TOOL_PARAMETERS_REGEX = r"<parameters>((.|\n)*?)</parameters>" TOOL_PARAMETERS_PATTERN = re.compile(TOOL_PARAMETERS_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_REGEX = r"<question>((.|\n)*?)</question>" ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX = "x_amz_knowledgebase_" FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX = r"(?<=<function_calls>)(.*)" ANSWER_PART_REGEX = "<answer_part\\s?>(.+?)</answer_part\\s?>" ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX = "<text\\s?>(.+?)</text\\s?>" ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX = "<source\\s?>(.+?)</source\\s?>" ANSWER_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TEXT_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) # You can provide messages to reprompt the LLM in case the LLM output is not in the expected format MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "Missing the parameter 'question' for user::askuser function call. Please try again with the correct argument added." ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls to the askuser function must be: <invoke> <tool_name>user::askuser</tool_name><parameters><question>$QUESTION</question></parameters></invoke>." FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls must be: <invoke> <tool_name>$TOOL_NAME</tool_name> <parameters> <$PARAMETER_NAME>$PARAMETER_VALUE</$PARAMETER_NAME>...</parameters></invoke>." logger = logging.getLogger() # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default orchestration prompt def lambda_handler(event, context):"Lambda input: " + str(event)) # Sanitize LLM response sanitized_response = sanitize_response(event['invokeModelRawResponse']) # Parse LLM response for any rationale rationale = parse_rationale(sanitized_response) # Construct response fields common to all invocation types parsed_response = { 'promptType': "ORCHESTRATION", 'orchestrationParsedResponse': { 'rationale': rationale } } # Check if there is a final answer try: final_answer, generated_response_parts = parse_answer(sanitized_response) except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response if final_answer: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'FINISH', 'agentFinalResponse': { 'responseText': final_answer } } if generated_response_parts: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentFinalResponse']['citations'] = { 'generatedResponseParts': generated_response_parts }"Final answer parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response # Check if there is an ask user try: ask_user = parse_ask_user(sanitized_response) if ask_user: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'ASK_USER', 'agentAskUser': { 'responseText': ask_user } }"Ask user parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response # Check if there is an agent action try: parsed_response = parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response)"Function call parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, 'Failed to parse the LLM output') return parsed_response raise Exception("unrecognized prompt type") def sanitize_response(text): pattern = r"(\\n*)" text = re.sub(pattern, r"\n", text) return text def parse_rationale(sanitized_response): # Checks for strings that are not required for orchestration rationale_matcher = next( ( for pattern in RATIONALE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_matcher: rationale = # Check if there is a formatted rationale that we can parse from the string rationale_value_matcher = next( ( for pattern in RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_value_matcher: return return rationale return None def parse_answer(sanitized_llm_response): if has_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): return parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response) answer_match = if answer_match and is_answer(sanitized_llm_response): return, None return None, None def is_answer(llm_response): return llm_response.rfind(ANSWER_TAG) > llm_response.rfind(FUNCTION_CALL_TAG) def parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): results = [] for match in ANSWER_PART_PATTERN.finditer(sanitized_llm_response): part = text_match = if not text_match: raise ValueError("Could not parse generated response") text = references = parse_references(sanitized_llm_response, part) results.append((text, references)) final_response = " ".join([r[0] for r in results]) generated_response_parts = [] for text, references in results: generatedResponsePart = { 'text': text, 'references': references } generated_response_parts.append(generatedResponsePart) return final_response, generated_response_parts def has_generated_response(raw_response): return is not None def parse_references(raw_response, answer_part): references = [] for match in ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN.finditer(answer_part): reference = references.append({'sourceId': reference}) return references def parse_ask_user(sanitized_llm_response): ask_user_matcher = if ask_user_matcher: try: parameters_matches = params = ask_user_question_matcher = if ask_user_question_matcher: ask_user_question = return ask_user_question raise ValueError(MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) except ValueError as ex: raise ex except Exception as ex: raise Exception(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE) return None def parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response): match =, sanitized_response) if not match: raise ValueError(FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) tool_name_matches = tool_name = parameters_matches = params = action_split = tool_name.split('::') verb = action_split[0].strip() resource_name = action_split[1].strip() function = action_split[2].strip() xml_tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring("<parameters>{}</parameters>".format(params))) parameters = {} for elem in xml_tree.iter(): if elem.text: parameters[elem.tag] = {'value': elem.text.strip('" ')} parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = {} # Function calls can either invoke an action group or a knowledge base. # Mapping to the correct variable names accordingly if resource_name.lower().startswith(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX): parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'KNOWLEDGE_BASE' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentKnowledgeBase'] = { 'searchQuery': parameters['searchQuery'], 'knowledgeBaseId': resource_name.replace(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX, '') } return parsed_response parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'ACTION_GROUP' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['actionGroupInvocation'] = { "verb": verb, "actionGroupName": resource_name, "apiName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters } return parsed_response def addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, error): error_message = str(error) logger.warn(error_message) parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['parsingErrorDetails'] = { 'repromptResponse': error_message }
    Anthropic Claude 3
    import logging import re import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST = [ "(.*?)(<function_calls>)", "(.*?)(<answer>)" ] RATIONALE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST] RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST = [ "<thinking>(.*?)(</thinking>)", "(.*?)(</thinking>)", "(<thinking>)(.*?)" ] RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST] ANSWER_REGEX = r"(?<=<answer>)(.*)" ANSWER_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TAG = "<answer>" FUNCTION_CALL_TAG = "<function_calls>" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX = r"<tool_name>user::askuser</tool_name>" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_REGEX = r"<tool_name>((.|\n)*?)</tool_name>" ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_REGEX, re.DOTALL) TOOL_PARAMETERS_REGEX = r"<parameters>((.|\n)*?)</parameters>" TOOL_PARAMETERS_PATTERN = re.compile(TOOL_PARAMETERS_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_REGEX = r"<question>((.|\n)*?)</question>" ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX = "x_amz_knowledgebase_" FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX = r"(?<=<function_calls>)(.*)" ANSWER_PART_REGEX = "<answer_part\\s?>(.+?)</answer_part\\s?>" ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX = "<text\\s?>(.+?)</text\\s?>" ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX = "<source\\s?>(.+?)</source\\s?>" ANSWER_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TEXT_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) # You can provide messages to reprompt the LLM in case the LLM output is not in the expected format MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "Missing the parameter 'question' for user::askuser function call. Please try again with the correct argument added." ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls to the askuser function must be: <invoke> <tool_name>user::askuser</tool_name><parameters><question>$QUESTION</question></parameters></invoke>." FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls must be: <invoke> <tool_name>$TOOL_NAME</tool_name> <parameters> <$PARAMETER_NAME>$PARAMETER_VALUE</$PARAMETER_NAME>...</parameters></invoke>." logger = logging.getLogger() # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default orchestration prompt def lambda_handler(event, context):"Lambda input: " + str(event)) # Sanitize LLM response sanitized_response = sanitize_response(event['invokeModelRawResponse']) # Parse LLM response for any rationale rationale = parse_rationale(sanitized_response) # Construct response fields common to all invocation types parsed_response = { 'promptType': "ORCHESTRATION", 'orchestrationParsedResponse': { 'rationale': rationale } } # Check if there is a final answer try: final_answer, generated_response_parts = parse_answer(sanitized_response) except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response if final_answer: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'FINISH', 'agentFinalResponse': { 'responseText': final_answer } } if generated_response_parts: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentFinalResponse']['citations'] = { 'generatedResponseParts': generated_response_parts }"Final answer parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response # Check if there is an ask user try: ask_user = parse_ask_user(sanitized_response) if ask_user: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'ASK_USER', 'agentAskUser': { 'responseText': ask_user } }"Ask user parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response # Check if there is an agent action try: parsed_response = parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response)"Function call parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, 'Failed to parse the LLM output') return parsed_response raise Exception("unrecognized prompt type") def sanitize_response(text): pattern = r"(\\n*)" text = re.sub(pattern, r"\n", text) return text def parse_rationale(sanitized_response): # Checks for strings that are not required for orchestration rationale_matcher = next( ( for pattern in RATIONALE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_matcher: rationale = # Check if there is a formatted rationale that we can parse from the string rationale_value_matcher = next( ( for pattern in RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_value_matcher: return return rationale return None def parse_answer(sanitized_llm_response): if has_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): return parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response) answer_match = if answer_match and is_answer(sanitized_llm_response): return, None return None, None def is_answer(llm_response): return llm_response.rfind(ANSWER_TAG) > llm_response.rfind(FUNCTION_CALL_TAG) def parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): results = [] for match in ANSWER_PART_PATTERN.finditer(sanitized_llm_response): part = text_match = if not text_match: raise ValueError("Could not parse generated response") text = references = parse_references(sanitized_llm_response, part) results.append((text, references)) final_response = " ".join([r[0] for r in results]) generated_response_parts = [] for text, references in results: generatedResponsePart = { 'text': text, 'references': references } generated_response_parts.append(generatedResponsePart) return final_response, generated_response_parts def has_generated_response(raw_response): return is not None def parse_references(raw_response, answer_part): references = [] for match in ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN.finditer(answer_part): reference = references.append({'sourceId': reference}) return references def parse_ask_user(sanitized_llm_response): ask_user_matcher = if ask_user_matcher: try: parameters_matches = params = ask_user_question_matcher = if ask_user_question_matcher: ask_user_question = return ask_user_question raise ValueError(MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) except ValueError as ex: raise ex except Exception as ex: raise Exception(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE) return None def parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response): match =, sanitized_response) if not match: raise ValueError(FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) tool_name_matches = tool_name = parameters_matches = params = action_split = tool_name.split('::') verb = action_split[0].strip() resource_name = action_split[1].strip() function = action_split[2].strip() xml_tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring("<parameters>{}</parameters>".format(params))) parameters = {} for elem in xml_tree.iter(): if elem.text: parameters[elem.tag] = {'value': elem.text.strip('" ')} parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = {} # Function calls can either invoke an action group or a knowledge base. # Mapping to the correct variable names accordingly if resource_name.lower().startswith(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX): parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'KNOWLEDGE_BASE' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentKnowledgeBase'] = { 'searchQuery': parameters['searchQuery'], 'knowledgeBaseId': resource_name.replace(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX, '') } return parsed_response parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'ACTION_GROUP' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['actionGroupInvocation'] = { "verb": verb, "actionGroupName": resource_name, "apiName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters } return parsed_response def addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, error): error_message = str(error) logger.warn(error_message) parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['parsingErrorDetails'] = { 'repromptResponse': error_message }
    Anthropic Claude 3.5
    import json import logging import re from collections import defaultdict RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST = [ "<thinking>(.*?)(</thinking>)", "(.*?)(</thinking>)", "(<thinking>)(.*?)" ] RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST] ANSWER_REGEX = r"(?<=<answer>)(.*)" ANSWER_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TAG = "<answer>" ASK_USER = "user__askuser" KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX = "x_amz_knowledgebase_" ANSWER_PART_REGEX = "<answer_part\\s?>(.+?)</answer_part\\s?>" ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX = "<text\\s?>(.+?)</text\\s?>" ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX = "<source\\s?>(.+?)</source\\s?>" ANSWER_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TEXT_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) # You can provide messages to reprompt the LLM in case the LLM output is not in the expected format MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "Missing the parameter 'question' for user__askuser function call. Please try again with the correct argument added." FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The tool name format is incorrect. The format for the tool name must be: 'httpVerb__actionGroupName__apiName." logger = logging.getLogger() # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default orchestration prompt def lambda_handler(event, context): logger.setLevel("INFO")"Lambda input: " + str(event)) # Sanitize LLM response response = load_response(event['invokeModelRawResponse']) stop_reason = response["stop_reason"] content = response["content"] content_by_type = get_content_by_type(content) # Parse LLM response for any rationale rationale = parse_rationale(content_by_type) # Construct response fields common to all invocation types parsed_response = { 'promptType': "ORCHESTRATION", 'orchestrationParsedResponse': { 'rationale': rationale } } match stop_reason: case 'tool_use': # Check if there is an ask user try: ask_user = parse_ask_user(content_by_type) if ask_user: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'ASK_USER', 'agentAskUser': { 'responseText': ask_user, 'id': content_by_type['tool_use'][0]['id'] }, }"Ask user parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response # Check if there is an agent action try: parsed_response = parse_function_call(content_by_type, parsed_response)"Function call parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response case 'end_turn' | 'stop_sequence': # Check if there is a final answer try: if content_by_type["text"]: text_contents = content_by_type["text"] for text_content in text_contents: final_answer, generated_response_parts = parse_answer(text_content) if final_answer: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse'][ 'responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'FINISH', 'agentFinalResponse': { 'responseText': final_answer } } if generated_response_parts: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'][ 'agentFinalResponse']['citations'] = { 'generatedResponseParts': generated_response_parts }"Final answer parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response case _: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, 'Failed to parse the LLM output') return parsed_response def load_response(text): raw_text = r'{}'.format(text) json_text = json.loads(raw_text) return json_text def get_content_by_type(content): content_by_type = defaultdict(list) for content_value in content: content_by_type[content_value["type"]].append(content_value) return content_by_type def parse_rationale(content_by_type): if "text" in content_by_type: rationale = content_by_type["text"][0]["text"] if rationale is not None: rationale_matcher = next( ( for pattern in RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_matcher: rationale = return rationale return None def parse_answer(response): if has_generated_response(response["text"].strip()): return parse_generated_response(response) answer_match =["text"].strip()) if answer_match: return, None return None, None def parse_generated_response(response): results = [] for match in ANSWER_PART_PATTERN.finditer(response): part = text_match = if not text_match: raise ValueError("Could not parse generated response") text = references = parse_references(part) results.append((text, references)) final_response = " ".join([r[0] for r in results]) generated_response_parts = [] for text, references in results: generatedResponsePart = { 'text': text, 'references': references } generated_response_parts.append(generatedResponsePart) return final_response, generated_response_parts def has_generated_response(raw_response): return is not None def parse_references(answer_part): references = [] for match in ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN.finditer(answer_part): reference = references.append({'sourceId': reference}) return references def parse_ask_user(content_by_type): try: if content_by_type["tool_use"][0]["name"] == ASK_USER: ask_user_question = content_by_type["tool_use"][0]["input"]["question"] if not ask_user_question: raise ValueError(MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) return ask_user_question except ValueError as ex: raise ex return None def parse_function_call(content_by_type, parsed_response): try: content = content_by_type["tool_use"][0] tool_name = content["name"] action_split = tool_name.split('__') verb = action_split[0].strip() resource_name = action_split[1].strip() function = action_split[2].strip() except ValueError as ex: raise ValueError(FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) parameters = {} for param, value in content["input"].items(): parameters[param] = {'value': value} parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = {} # Function calls can either invoke an action group or a knowledge base. # Mapping to the correct variable names accordingly if resource_name.lower().startswith(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX): parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'][ 'invocationType'] = 'KNOWLEDGE_BASE' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'][ 'agentKnowledgeBase'] = { 'searchQuery': parameters['searchQuery'], 'knowledgeBaseId': resource_name.replace( KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX, ''), 'id': content["id"] } return parsed_response parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'][ 'invocationType'] = 'ACTION_GROUP' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'][ 'actionGroupInvocation'] = { "verb": verb, "actionGroupName": resource_name, "apiName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters, "id": content["id"] } return parsed_response def addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, error): error_message = str(error) logger.warn(error_message) parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['parsingErrorDetails'] = { 'repromptResponse': error_message }
  2. Pour voir des exemples de groupe d'actions défini avec les détails des fonctions, sélectionnez l'onglet correspondant au modèle pour lequel vous souhaitez voir des exemples.

    Anthropic Claude 2.0
    import json import re import logging RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST = [ "(.*?)(<function_call>)", "(.*?)(<answer>)" ] RATIONALE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST] RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST = [ "<scratchpad>(.*?)(</scratchpad>)", "(.*?)(</scratchpad>)", "(<scratchpad>)(.*?)" ] RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST] ANSWER_REGEX = r"(?<=<answer>)(.*)" ANSWER_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TAG = "<answer>" FUNCTION_CALL_TAG = "<function_call>" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX = r"(<function_call>user::askuser)(.*)\)" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ASK_USER_FUNCTION_PARAMETER_REGEX = r"(?<=askuser=\")(.*?)\"" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_PARAMETER_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_PARAMETER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX = "x_amz_knowledgebase_" FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX_API_SCHEMA = r"<function_call>(\w+)::(\w+)::(.+)\((.+)\)" FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX_FUNCTION_SCHEMA = r"<function_call>(\w+)::(.+)\((.+)\)" ANSWER_PART_REGEX = "<answer_part\\s?>(.+?)</answer_part\\s?>" ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX = "<text\\s?>(.+?)</text\\s?>" ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX = "<source\\s?>(.+?)</source\\s?>" ANSWER_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TEXT_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) # You can provide messages to reprompt the LLM in case the LLM output is not in the expected format MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "Missing the argument askuser for user::askuser function call. Please try again with the correct argument added" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls to the askuser function must be: <function_call>user::askuser(askuser=\"$ASK_USER_INPUT\")</function_call>." FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = 'The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls must be: <function_call>$FUNCTION_NAME($FUNCTION_ARGUMENT_NAME=""$FUNCTION_ARGUMENT_NAME"")</function_call>.' logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel("INFO") # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default orchestration prompt def lambda_handler(event, context):"Lambda input: " + str(event)) # Sanitize LLM response sanitized_response = sanitize_response(event['invokeModelRawResponse']) # Parse LLM response for any rationale rationale = parse_rationale(sanitized_response) # Construct response fields common to all invocation types parsed_response = { 'promptType': "ORCHESTRATION", 'orchestrationParsedResponse': { 'rationale': rationale } } # Check if there is a final answer try: final_answer, generated_response_parts = parse_answer(sanitized_response) except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response if final_answer: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'FINISH', 'agentFinalResponse': { 'responseText': final_answer } } if generated_response_parts: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentFinalResponse']['citations'] = { 'generatedResponseParts': generated_response_parts }"Final answer parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response # Check if there is an ask user try: ask_user = parse_ask_user(sanitized_response) if ask_user: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'ASK_USER', 'agentAskUser': { 'responseText': ask_user } }"Ask user parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response # Check if there is an agent action try: parsed_response = parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response)"Function call parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, 'Failed to parse the LLM output') return parsed_response raise Exception("unrecognized prompt type") def sanitize_response(text): pattern = r"(\\n*)" text = re.sub(pattern, r"\n", text) return text def parse_rationale(sanitized_response): # Checks for strings that are not required for orchestration rationale_matcher = next(( for pattern in RATIONALE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_matcher: rationale = # Check if there is a formatted rationale that we can parse from the string rationale_value_matcher = next(( for pattern in RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_value_matcher: return return rationale return None def parse_answer(sanitized_llm_response): if has_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): return parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response) answer_match = if answer_match and is_answer(sanitized_llm_response): return, None return None, None def is_answer(llm_response): return llm_response.rfind(ANSWER_TAG) > llm_response.rfind(FUNCTION_CALL_TAG) def parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): results = [] for match in ANSWER_PART_PATTERN.finditer(sanitized_llm_response): part = text_match = if not text_match: raise ValueError("Could not parse generated response") text = references = parse_references(sanitized_llm_response, part) results.append((text, references)) final_response = " ".join([r[0] for r in results]) generated_response_parts = [] for text, references in results: generatedResponsePart = { 'text': text, 'references': references } generated_response_parts.append(generatedResponsePart) return final_response, generated_response_parts def has_generated_response(raw_response): return is not None def parse_references(raw_response, answer_part): references = [] for match in ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN.finditer(answer_part): reference = references.append({'sourceId': reference}) return references def parse_ask_user(sanitized_llm_response): ask_user_matcher = if ask_user_matcher: try: ask_user = ask_user_question_matcher = if ask_user_question_matcher: return raise ValueError(MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) except ValueError as ex: raise ex except Exception as ex: raise Exception(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE) return None def parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response): match =, sanitized_response) match_function_schema =, sanitized_response) if not match and not match_function_schema: raise ValueError(FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) if match: schema_type = 'API' verb, resource_name, function, param_arg =,,, else: schema_type = 'FUNCTION' resource_name, function, param_arg =,, parameters = {} for arg in param_arg.split(","): key, value = arg.split("=") parameters[key.strip()] = {'value': value.strip('" ')} parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = {} # Function calls can either invoke an action group or a knowledge base. # Mapping to the correct variable names accordingly if schema_type == 'API' and resource_name.lower().startswith(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX): parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'KNOWLEDGE_BASE' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentKnowledgeBase'] = { 'searchQuery': parameters['searchQuery'], 'knowledgeBaseId': resource_name.replace(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX, '') } return parsed_response parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'ACTION_GROUP' if schema_type == 'API': parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['actionGroupInvocation'] = { "verb": verb, "actionGroupName": resource_name, "apiName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters } else: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['actionGroupInvocation'] = { "actionGroupName": resource_name, "functionName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters } return parsed_response def addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, error): error_message = str(error) logger.warn(error_message) parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['parsingErrorDetails'] = { 'repromptResponse': error_message }
    Anthropic Claude 2.1
    import logging import re import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST = [ "(.*?)(<function_calls>)", "(.*?)(<answer>)" ] RATIONALE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST] RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST = [ "<scratchpad>(.*?)(</scratchpad>)", "(.*?)(</scratchpad>)", "(<scratchpad>)(.*?)" ] RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST] ANSWER_REGEX = r"(?<=<answer>)(.*)" ANSWER_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TAG = "<answer>" FUNCTION_CALL_TAG = "<function_calls>" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX = r"<tool_name>user::askuser</tool_name>" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_REGEX = r"<tool_name>((.|\n)*?)</tool_name>" ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_REGEX, re.DOTALL) TOOL_PARAMETERS_REGEX = r"<parameters>((.|\n)*?)</parameters>" TOOL_PARAMETERS_PATTERN = re.compile(TOOL_PARAMETERS_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_REGEX = r"<question>((.|\n)*?)</question>" ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX = "x_amz_knowledgebase_" FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX = r"(?<=<function_calls>)(.*)" ANSWER_PART_REGEX = "<answer_part\\s?>(.+?)</answer_part\\s?>" ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX = "<text\\s?>(.+?)</text\\s?>" ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX = "<source\\s?>(.+?)</source\\s?>" ANSWER_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TEXT_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) # You can provide messages to reprompt the LLM in case the LLM output is not in the expected format MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "Missing the parameter 'question' for user::askuser function call. Please try again with the correct argument added." ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls to the askuser function must be: <invoke> <tool_name>user::askuser</tool_name><parameters><question>$QUESTION</question></parameters></invoke>." FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls must be: <invoke> <tool_name>$TOOL_NAME</tool_name> <parameters> <$PARAMETER_NAME>$PARAMETER_VALUE</$PARAMETER_NAME>...</parameters></invoke>." logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel("INFO") # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default orchestration prompt def lambda_handler(event, context):"Lambda input: " + str(event)) # Sanitize LLM response sanitized_response = sanitize_response(event['invokeModelRawResponse']) # Parse LLM response for any rationale rationale = parse_rationale(sanitized_response) # Construct response fields common to all invocation types parsed_response = { 'promptType': "ORCHESTRATION", 'orchestrationParsedResponse': { 'rationale': rationale } } # Check if there is a final answer try: final_answer, generated_response_parts = parse_answer(sanitized_response) except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response if final_answer: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'FINISH', 'agentFinalResponse': { 'responseText': final_answer } } if generated_response_parts: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentFinalResponse']['citations'] = { 'generatedResponseParts': generated_response_parts }"Final answer parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response # Check if there is an ask user try: ask_user = parse_ask_user(sanitized_response) if ask_user: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'ASK_USER', 'agentAskUser': { 'responseText': ask_user } }"Ask user parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response # Check if there is an agent action try: parsed_response = parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response)"Function call parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, 'Failed to parse the LLM output') return parsed_response raise Exception("unrecognized prompt type") def sanitize_response(text): pattern = r"(\\n*)" text = re.sub(pattern, r"\n", text) return text def parse_rationale(sanitized_response): # Checks for strings that are not required for orchestration rationale_matcher = next( ( for pattern in RATIONALE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_matcher: rationale = # Check if there is a formatted rationale that we can parse from the string rationale_value_matcher = next( ( for pattern in RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_value_matcher: return return rationale return None def parse_answer(sanitized_llm_response): if has_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): return parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response) answer_match = if answer_match and is_answer(sanitized_llm_response): return, None return None, None def is_answer(llm_response): return llm_response.rfind(ANSWER_TAG) > llm_response.rfind(FUNCTION_CALL_TAG) def parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): results = [] for match in ANSWER_PART_PATTERN.finditer(sanitized_llm_response): part = text_match = if not text_match: raise ValueError("Could not parse generated response") text = references = parse_references(sanitized_llm_response, part) results.append((text, references)) final_response = " ".join([r[0] for r in results]) generated_response_parts = [] for text, references in results: generatedResponsePart = { 'text': text, 'references': references } generated_response_parts.append(generatedResponsePart) return final_response, generated_response_parts def has_generated_response(raw_response): return is not None def parse_references(raw_response, answer_part): references = [] for match in ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN.finditer(answer_part): reference = references.append({'sourceId': reference}) return references def parse_ask_user(sanitized_llm_response): ask_user_matcher = if ask_user_matcher: try: parameters_matches = params = ask_user_question_matcher = if ask_user_question_matcher: ask_user_question = return ask_user_question raise ValueError(MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) except ValueError as ex: raise ex except Exception as ex: raise Exception(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE) return None def parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response): match =, sanitized_response) if not match: raise ValueError(FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) tool_name_matches = tool_name = parameters_matches = params = action_split = tool_name.split('::') schema_type = 'FUNCTION' if len(action_split) == 2 else 'API' if schema_type == 'API': verb = action_split[0].strip() resource_name = action_split[1].strip() function = action_split[2].strip() else: resource_name = action_split[0].strip() function = action_split[1].strip() xml_tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring("<parameters>{}</parameters>".format(params))) parameters = {} for elem in xml_tree.iter(): if elem.text: parameters[elem.tag] = {'value': elem.text.strip('" ')} parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = {} # Function calls can either invoke an action group or a knowledge base. # Mapping to the correct variable names accordingly if schema_type == 'API' and resource_name.lower().startswith(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX): parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'KNOWLEDGE_BASE' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentKnowledgeBase'] = { 'searchQuery': parameters['searchQuery'], 'knowledgeBaseId': resource_name.replace(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX, '') } return parsed_response parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'ACTION_GROUP' if schema_type == 'API': parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['actionGroupInvocation'] = { "verb": verb, "actionGroupName": resource_name, "apiName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters } else: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['actionGroupInvocation'] = { "actionGroupName": resource_name, "functionName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters } return parsed_response def addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, error): error_message = str(error) logger.warn(error_message) parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['parsingErrorDetails'] = { 'repromptResponse': error_message }
    Anthropic Claude 3
    import logging import re import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST = [ "(.*?)(<function_calls>)", "(.*?)(<answer>)" ] RATIONALE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_REGEX_LIST] RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST = [ "<thinking>(.*?)(</thinking>)", "(.*?)(</thinking>)", "(<thinking>)(.*?)" ] RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST] ANSWER_REGEX = r"(?<=<answer>)(.*)" ANSWER_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TAG = "<answer>" FUNCTION_CALL_TAG = "<function_calls>" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX = r"<tool_name>user::askuser</tool_name>" ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_REGEX = r"<tool_name>((.|\n)*?)</tool_name>" ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_TOOL_NAME_REGEX, re.DOTALL) TOOL_PARAMETERS_REGEX = r"<parameters>((.|\n)*?)</parameters>" TOOL_PARAMETERS_PATTERN = re.compile(TOOL_PARAMETERS_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_REGEX = r"<question>((.|\n)*?)</question>" ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_PATTERN = re.compile(ASK_USER_TOOL_PARAMETER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX = "x_amz_knowledgebase_" FUNCTION_CALL_REGEX = r"(?<=<function_calls>)(.*)" ANSWER_PART_REGEX = "<answer_part\\s?>(.+?)</answer_part\\s?>" ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX = "<text\\s?>(.+?)</text\\s?>" ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX = "<source\\s?>(.+?)</source\\s?>" ANSWER_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TEXT_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) # You can provide messages to reprompt the LLM in case the LLM output is not in the expected format MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "Missing the parameter 'question' for user::askuser function call. Please try again with the correct argument added." ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls to the askuser function must be: <invoke> <tool_name>user::askuser</tool_name><parameters><question>$QUESTION</question></parameters></invoke>." FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The function call format is incorrect. The format for function calls must be: <invoke> <tool_name>$TOOL_NAME</tool_name> <parameters> <$PARAMETER_NAME>$PARAMETER_VALUE</$PARAMETER_NAME>...</parameters></invoke>." logger = logging.getLogger() # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default orchestration prompt def lambda_handler(event, context):"Lambda input: " + str(event)) # Sanitize LLM response sanitized_response = sanitize_response(event['invokeModelRawResponse']) # Parse LLM response for any rationale rationale = parse_rationale(sanitized_response) # Construct response fields common to all invocation types parsed_response = { 'promptType': "ORCHESTRATION", 'orchestrationParsedResponse': { 'rationale': rationale } } # Check if there is a final answer try: final_answer, generated_response_parts = parse_answer(sanitized_response) except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response if final_answer: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'FINISH', 'agentFinalResponse': { 'responseText': final_answer } } if generated_response_parts: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentFinalResponse']['citations'] = { 'generatedResponseParts': generated_response_parts }"Final answer parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response # Check if there is an ask user try: ask_user = parse_ask_user(sanitized_response) if ask_user: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'ASK_USER', 'agentAskUser': { 'responseText': ask_user } }"Ask user parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response # Check if there is an agent action try: parsed_response = parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response)"Function call parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, 'Failed to parse the LLM output') return parsed_response raise Exception("unrecognized prompt type") def sanitize_response(text): pattern = r"(\\n*)" text = re.sub(pattern, r"\n", text) return text def parse_rationale(sanitized_response): # Checks for strings that are not required for orchestration rationale_matcher = next( ( for pattern in RATIONALE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_matcher: rationale = # Check if there is a formatted rationale that we can parse from the string rationale_value_matcher = next( ( for pattern in RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_value_matcher: return return rationale return None def parse_answer(sanitized_llm_response): if has_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): return parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response) answer_match = if answer_match and is_answer(sanitized_llm_response): return, None return None, None def is_answer(llm_response): return llm_response.rfind(ANSWER_TAG) > llm_response.rfind(FUNCTION_CALL_TAG) def parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): results = [] for match in ANSWER_PART_PATTERN.finditer(sanitized_llm_response): part = text_match = if not text_match: raise ValueError("Could not parse generated response") text = references = parse_references(sanitized_llm_response, part) results.append((text, references)) final_response = " ".join([r[0] for r in results]) generated_response_parts = [] for text, references in results: generatedResponsePart = { 'text': text, 'references': references } generated_response_parts.append(generatedResponsePart) return final_response, generated_response_parts def has_generated_response(raw_response): return is not None def parse_references(raw_response, answer_part): references = [] for match in ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN.finditer(answer_part): reference = references.append({'sourceId': reference}) return references def parse_ask_user(sanitized_llm_response): ask_user_matcher = if ask_user_matcher: try: parameters_matches = params = ask_user_question_matcher = if ask_user_question_matcher: ask_user_question = return ask_user_question raise ValueError(MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) except ValueError as ex: raise ex except Exception as ex: raise Exception(ASK_USER_FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REMPROMPT_MESSAGE) return None def parse_function_call(sanitized_response, parsed_response): match =, sanitized_response) if not match: raise ValueError(FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) tool_name_matches = tool_name = parameters_matches = params = action_split = tool_name.split('::') schema_type = 'FUNCTION' if len(action_split) == 2 else 'API' if schema_type == 'API': verb = action_split[0].strip() resource_name = action_split[1].strip() function = action_split[2].strip() else: resource_name = action_split[0].strip() function = action_split[1].strip() xml_tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring("<parameters>{}</parameters>".format(params))) parameters = {} for elem in xml_tree.iter(): if elem.text: parameters[elem.tag] = {'value': elem.text.strip('" ')} parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = {} # Function calls can either invoke an action group or a knowledge base. # Mapping to the correct variable names accordingly if schema_type == 'API' and resource_name.lower().startswith(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX): parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'KNOWLEDGE_BASE' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['agentKnowledgeBase'] = { 'searchQuery': parameters['searchQuery'], 'knowledgeBaseId': resource_name.replace(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX, '') } return parsed_response parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['invocationType'] = 'ACTION_GROUP' if schema_type == 'API': parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['actionGroupInvocation'] = { "verb": verb, "actionGroupName": resource_name, "apiName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters } else: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['actionGroupInvocation'] = { "actionGroupName": resource_name, "functionName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters } return parsed_response def addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, error): error_message = str(error) logger.warn(error_message) parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['parsingErrorDetails'] = { 'repromptResponse': error_message }
    Anthropic Claude 3.5
    import json import logging import re from collections import defaultdict RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST = [ "<thinking>(.*?)(</thinking>)", "(.*?)(</thinking>)", "(<thinking>)(.*?)" ] RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS = [re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) for regex in RATIONALE_VALUE_REGEX_LIST] ANSWER_REGEX = r"(?<=<answer>)(.*)" ANSWER_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TAG = "<answer>" ASK_USER = "user__askuser" KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX = "x_amz_knowledgebase_" ANSWER_PART_REGEX = "<answer_part\\s?>(.+?)</answer_part\\s?>" ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX = "<text\\s?>(.+?)</text\\s?>" ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX = "<source\\s?>(.+?)</source\\s?>" ANSWER_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TEXT_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) # You can provide messages to reprompt the LLM in case the LLM output is not in the expected format MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "Missing the parameter 'question' for user__askuser function call. Please try again with the correct argument added." FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE = "The tool name format is incorrect. The format for the tool name must be: 'httpVerb__actionGroupName__apiName." logger = logging.getLogger() # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default orchestration prompt def lambda_handler(event, context): logger.setLevel("INFO")"Lambda input: " + str(event)) # Sanitize LLM response response = load_response(event['invokeModelRawResponse']) stop_reason = response["stop_reason"] content = response["content"] content_by_type = get_content_by_type(content) # Parse LLM response for any rationale rationale = parse_rationale(content_by_type) # Construct response fields common to all invocation types parsed_response = { 'promptType': "ORCHESTRATION", 'orchestrationParsedResponse': { 'rationale': rationale } } match stop_reason: case 'tool_use': # Check if there is an ask user try: ask_user = parse_ask_user(content_by_type) if ask_user: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'ASK_USER', 'agentAskUser': { 'responseText': ask_user, 'id': content_by_type['tool_use'][0]['id'] }, }"Ask user parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response # Check if there is an agent action try: parsed_response = parse_function_call(content_by_type, parsed_response)"Function call parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response case 'end_turn' | 'stop_sequence': # Check if there is a final answer try: if content_by_type["text"]: text_contents = content_by_type["text"] for text_content in text_contents: final_answer, generated_response_parts = parse_answer(text_content) if final_answer: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse'][ 'responseDetails'] = { 'invocationType': 'FINISH', 'agentFinalResponse': { 'responseText': final_answer } } if generated_response_parts: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'][ 'agentFinalResponse']['citations'] = { 'generatedResponseParts': generated_response_parts }"Final answer parsed response: " + str(parsed_response)) return parsed_response except ValueError as e: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, e) return parsed_response case _: addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, 'Failed to parse the LLM output') return parsed_response def load_response(text): raw_text = r'{}'.format(text) json_text = json.loads(raw_text) return json_text def get_content_by_type(content): content_by_type = defaultdict(list) for content_value in content: content_by_type[content_value["type"]].append(content_value) return content_by_type def parse_rationale(content_by_type): if "text" in content_by_type: rationale = content_by_type["text"][0]["text"] if rationale is not None: rationale_matcher = next( ( for pattern in RATIONALE_VALUE_PATTERNS if, None) if rationale_matcher: rationale = return rationale return None def parse_answer(response): if has_generated_response(response["text"].strip()): return parse_generated_response(response) answer_match =["text"].strip()) if answer_match: return, None return None, None def parse_generated_response(response): results = [] for match in ANSWER_PART_PATTERN.finditer(response): part = text_match = if not text_match: raise ValueError("Could not parse generated response") text = references = parse_references(part) results.append((text, references)) final_response = " ".join([r[0] for r in results]) generated_response_parts = [] for text, references in results: generatedResponsePart = { 'text': text, 'references': references } generated_response_parts.append(generatedResponsePart) return final_response, generated_response_parts def has_generated_response(raw_response): return is not None def parse_references(answer_part): references = [] for match in ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN.finditer(answer_part): reference = references.append({'sourceId': reference}) return references def parse_ask_user(content_by_type): try: if content_by_type["tool_use"][0]["name"] == ASK_USER: ask_user_question = content_by_type["tool_use"][0]["input"]["question"] if not ask_user_question: raise ValueError(MISSING_API_INPUT_FOR_USER_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) return ask_user_question except ValueError as ex: raise ex return None def parse_function_call(content_by_type, parsed_response): try: content = content_by_type["tool_use"][0] tool_name = content["name"] action_split = tool_name.split('__') schema_type = 'FUNCTION' if len(action_split) == 2 else 'API' if schema_type == 'API': verb = action_split[0].strip() resource_name = action_split[1].strip() function = action_split[2].strip() else: resource_name = action_split[1].strip() function = action_split[2].strip() except ValueError as ex: raise ValueError(FUNCTION_CALL_STRUCTURE_REPROMPT_MESSAGE) parameters = {} for param, value in content["input"].items(): parameters[param] = {'value': value} parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'] = {} # Function calls can either invoke an action group or a knowledge base. # Mapping to the correct variable names accordingly if schema_type == 'API' and resource_name.lower().startswith(KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX): parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'][ 'invocationType'] = 'KNOWLEDGE_BASE' parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'][ 'agentKnowledgeBase'] = { 'searchQuery': parameters['searchQuery'], 'knowledgeBaseId': resource_name.replace( KNOWLEDGE_STORE_SEARCH_ACTION_PREFIX, ''), 'id': content["id"] } return parsed_response parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'][ 'invocationType'] = 'ACTION_GROUP' if schema_type == 'API': parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails'][ 'actionGroupInvocation'] = { "verb": verb, "actionGroupName": resource_name, "apiName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters, "id": content["id"] } else: parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['responseDetails']['actionGroupInvocation'] = { "actionGroupName": resource_name, "functionName": function, "actionGroupInput": parameters } return parsed_response def addRepromptResponse(parsed_response, error): error_message = str(error) logger.warn(error_message) parsed_response['orchestrationParsedResponse']['parsingErrorDetails'] = { 'repromptResponse': error_message }

L'exemple suivant montre une fonction Lambda de génération de réponses de la base de connaissances écrite en Python.

import json import re import logging ANSWER_PART_REGEX = "&lt;answer_part\\s?>(.+?)&lt;/answer_part\\s?>" ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX = "&lt;text\\s?>(.+?)&lt;/text\\s?>" ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX = "&lt;source\\s?>(.+?)&lt;/source\\s?>" ANSWER_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_TEXT_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_TEXT_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN = re.compile(ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_REGEX, re.DOTALL) logger = logging.getLogger() # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default KB response generation prompt def lambda_handler(event, context):"Lambda input: " + str(event)) raw_response = event['invokeModelRawResponse'] parsed_response = { 'promptType': 'KNOWLEDGE_BASE_RESPONSE_GENERATION', 'knowledgeBaseResponseGenerationParsedResponse': { 'generatedResponse': parse_generated_response(raw_response) } } return parsed_response def parse_generated_response(sanitized_llm_response): results = [] for match in ANSWER_PART_PATTERN.finditer(sanitized_llm_response): part = text_match = if not text_match: raise ValueError("Could not parse generated response") text = references = parse_references(sanitized_llm_response, part) results.append((text, references)) generated_response_parts = [] for text, references in results: generatedResponsePart = { 'text': text, 'references': references } generated_response_parts.append(generatedResponsePart) return { 'generatedResponseParts': generated_response_parts } def parse_references(raw_response, answer_part): references = [] for match in ANSWER_REFERENCE_PART_PATTERN.finditer(answer_part): reference = references.append({'sourceId': reference}) return references

L'exemple suivant montre une fonction Lambda d'un analyseur de post-traitement écrite en Python.

import json import re import logging FINAL_RESPONSE_REGEX = r"&lt;final_response>([\s\S]*?)&lt;/final_response>" FINAL_RESPONSE_PATTERN = re.compile(FINAL_RESPONSE_REGEX, re.DOTALL) logger = logging.getLogger() # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default PostProcessing prompt def lambda_handler(event, context):"Lambda input: " + str(event)) raw_response = event['invokeModelRawResponse'] parsed_response = { 'promptType': 'POST_PROCESSING', 'postProcessingParsedResponse': {} } matcher = if not matcher: raise Exception("Could not parse raw LLM output") response_text = parsed_response['postProcessingParsedResponse']['responseText'] = response_text return parsed_response

L'exemple suivant montre une fonction Lambda d'un analyseur de synthèse de mémoire écrite en Python.

import re import logging SUMMARY_TAG_PATTERN = r'<summary>(.*?)</summary>' TOPIC_TAG_PATTERN = r'<topic name="(.+?)"\s*>(.+?)</topic>' logger = logging.getLogger() # This parser lambda is an example of how to parse the LLM output for the default LTM SUmmarization prompt def lambda_handler(event, context):"Lambda input: " + str(event)) # Sanitize LLM response model_response = sanitize_response(event['invokeModelRawResponse']) if event["promptType"] == "MEMORY_SUMMARIZATION": return format_response(parse_llm_response(model_response), event["promptType"]) def format_response(topic_summaries, prompt_type): return { "promptType": prompt_type, "memorySummarizationParsedResponse": { "topicwiseSummaries": topic_summaries } } def parse_llm_response(output: str): # First extract content within summary tag summary_match =, output, re.DOTALL) if not summary_match: raise Exception("Error while parsing summarizer model output, no summary tag found!") summary_content = topic_summaries = parse_topic_wise_summaries(summary_content) return topic_summaries def parse_topic_wise_summaries(content): summaries = [] # Then extract content within topic tag for match in re.finditer(TOPIC_TAG_PATTERN, content, re.DOTALL): topic_name = topic_summary = summaries.append({ 'topic': topic_name, 'summary': topic_summary }) if not summaries: raise Exception("Error while parsing summarizer model output, no topics found!") return summaries def sanitize_response(text): pattern = r"(\\n*)" text = re.sub(pattern, r"\n", text) return text