Importer un catalogue FleetWise de signaux AWS IoT - AWS IoT FleetWise

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Importer un catalogue FleetWise de signaux AWS IoT

Vous pouvez utiliser la FleetWise console AWS IoT ou API importer un catalogue de signaux.

Importer un catalogue de signaux (console)

Vous pouvez utiliser la FleetWise console AWS IoT pour importer un catalogue de signaux.


Vous ne pouvez avoir qu'un seul catalogue de signaux. Si vous possédez déjà un catalogue de signaux, vous ne verrez pas l'option permettant d'importer un catalogue de signaux dans la console.

Pour importer un catalogue de signaux
  1. Ouvrez la FleetWise console AWS IoT.

  2. Dans le volet de navigation, choisissez Signal catalog.

  3. Sur la page récapitulative du catalogue de signaux, choisissez Importer le catalogue de signaux.

  4. Importez le fichier contenant les signaux.

    • Pour télécharger un fichier depuis un compartiment S3, procédez comme suit :

      1. ChoisissezImport from S3 (Importer depuis S3).

      2. Choisissez Parcourir S3.

      3. Pour les compartiments, entrez le nom ou l'objet du compartiment, choisissez-le dans la liste, puis choisissez le fichier dans la liste. Cliquez sur le bouton Choisir un fichier.

      Ou, pour S3 URI, entrez un Amazon Simple Storage ServiceURI. Pour plus d'informations, consultez la section Méthodes d'accès à un compartiment dans le guide de l'utilisateur Amazon S3.

    • Pour télécharger un fichier depuis votre ordinateur, procédez comme suit :

      1. Choisissez Importer depuis un fichier.

      2. Téléchargez un fichier .json au format Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS).

  5. Vérifiez le catalogue de signaux, puis choisissez Importer un fichier.

Importer un catalogue de signaux (AWS CLI)

Vous pouvez utiliser cette ImportSignalCatalogAPIopération pour télécharger un JSON fichier qui permet de créer un catalogue de signaux. Vous devez suivre les spécifications des signaux du véhicule (VSS) pour enregistrer les signaux dans le JSON fichier. L'exemple suivant utilise AWS CLI.

Pour importer un catalogue de signaux, exécutez la commande suivante.

  • Remplacez signal-catalog-name avec le nom du catalogue de signaux que vous créez.

  • (Facultatif) Remplacez la description par description pour vous aider à identifier le catalogue de signaux.

  • Remplacez signal-catalog-configuration-vss avec le nom du fichier de JSON chaîne contenant les signaux définis dansVSS.

Pour plus d'informations sur la configuration des branches, des attributs, des capteurs et des actionneurs, consultezConfiguration AWS des FleetWise signaux IoT.

aws iotfleetwise import-signal-catalog \ --name signal-catalog-name \ --description description \ --vss file://signal-catalog-configuration-vss.json

Ils JSON doivent être stringifiés et transmis dans le champ. vssJson Voici un exemple de signaux définis dansVSS.

{ "Vehicle": { "type": "branch", "children": { "Chassis": { "type": "branch", "description": "All data concerning steering, suspension, wheels, and brakes.", "children": { "SteeringWheel": { "type": "branch", "description": "Steering wheel signals", "children": { "Diameter": { "type": "attribute", "description": "The diameter of the steering wheel", "datatype": "float", "unit": "cm", "min": 1, "max": 50 }, "HandsOff": { "type": "branch", "children": { "HandsOffSteeringState": { "type": "actuator", "description": "HndsOffStrWhlDtSt. Hands Off Steering State", "datatype": "boolean" }, "HandsOffSteeringMode": { "type": "actuator", "description": "HndsOffStrWhlDtMd. Hands Off Steering Mode", "datatype": "int8", "min": 0, "max": 2 } } } } }, "Accelerator": { "type": "branch", "description": "", "children": { "AcceleratorPedalPosition": { "type": "sensor", "description": "Throttle__Position. Accelerator pedal position as percent. 0 = Not depressed. 100 = Fully depressed.", "datatype": "uint8", "unit": "%", "min": 0, "max": 100.000035 } } } } }, "Powertrain": { "type": "branch", "description": "Powertrain data for battery management, etc.", "children": { "Transmission": { "type": "branch", "description": "Transmission-specific data, stopping at the drive shafts.", "children": { "VehicleOdometer": { "type": "sensor", "description": "Vehicle_Odometer", "datatype": "float", "unit": "km", "min": 0, "max": 67108863.984375 } } }, "CombustionEngine": { "type": "branch", "description": "Engine-specific data, stopping at the bell housing.", "children": { "Engine": { "type": "branch", "description": "Engine description", "children": { "timing": { "type": "branch", "description": "timing description", "children": { "run_time": { "type": "sensor", "description": "Engine run time", "datatype": "int16", "unit": "ms", "min": 0, "max": 10000 }, "idle_time": { "type": "sensor", "description": "Engine idle time", "datatype": "int16", "min": 0, "unit": "ms", "max": 10000 } } } } } } } } }, "Axle": { "type": "branch", "description": "Axle signals", "children": { "TireRRPrs": { "type": "sensor", "description": "TireRRPrs. Right rear Tire pressure in kilo-Pascal", "datatype": "float", "unit": "kPaG", "min": 0, "max": 1020 } } } } }, "Cameras": { "type": "branch", "description": "Branch to aggregate all cameras in the vehicle", "children": { "FrontViewCamera": { "type": "sensor", "datatype": "VehicleDataTypes.SVMCamera", "description": "Front view camera" }, "RearViewCamera": { "type": "sensor", "datatype": "VehicleDataTypes.SVMCamera", "description": "Rear view camera" }, "LeftSideViewCamera": { "type": "sensor", "datatype": "VehicleDataTypes.SVMCamera", "description": "Left side view camera" }, "RightSideViewCamera": { "type": "sensor", "datatype": "VehicleDataTypes.SVMCamera", "description": "Right side view camera" } } }, "ComplexDataTypes": { "VehicleDataTypes": { "type": "branch", "description": "Branch to aggregate all camera related higher order data types", "children": { "SVMCamera": { "type": "struct", "description": "This data type represents Surround View Monitor (SVM) camera system in a vehicle", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message", "children": { "Make": { "type": "property", "description": "Make of the SVM camera", "datatype": "string", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message" }, "Description": { "type": "property", "description": "Description of the SVM camera", "datatype": "string", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message" }, "FPS": { "type": "property", "description": "FPS of the SVM camera", "datatype": "double", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message" }, "Orientation": { "type": "property", "description": "Orientation of the SVM camera", "datatype": "VehicleDataTypes.Orientation", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message" }, "Range": { "type": "property", "description": "Range of the SVM camera", "datatype": "VehicleDataTypes.Range", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message" }, "RawData": { "type": "property", "description": "Represents binary data of the SVM camera", "datatype": "uint8[]", "dataencoding": "binary", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message" }, "CapturedFrames": { "type": "property", "description": "Represents selected frames captured by the SVM camera", "datatype": "VehicleDataTypes.Frame[]", "dataencoding": "typed", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message" } } }, "Range": { "type": "struct", "description": "Range of a camera in centimeters", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message", "children": { "Min": { "type": "property", "description": "Minimum range of a camera in centimeters", "datatype": "uint32", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message" }, "Max": { "type": "property", "description": "Maximum range of a camera in centimeters", "datatype": "uint32", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message" } } }, "Orientation": { "type": "struct", "description": "Orientation of a camera", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message", "children": { "Front": { "type": "property", "description": "Indicates whether the camera is oriented to the front of the vehicle", "datatype": "boolean", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message" }, "Rear": { "type": "property", "description": "Indicates whether the camera is oriented to the rear of the vehicle", "datatype": "boolean", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message" }, "Side": { "type": "property", "description": "Indicates whether the camera is oriented to the side of the vehicle", "datatype": "boolean", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message" } } }, "Frame": { "type": "struct", "description": "Represents a camera frame", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message", "children": { "Data": { "type": "property", "datatype": "string", "dataencoding": "binary", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message" } } } } } } }

L'exemple suivant montre les mêmes signaux définis VSS dans une JSON chaîne.

{ "vssJson": "{\"Vehicle\":{\"type\":\"branch\",\"children\":{\"Chassis\":{\"type\":\"branch\",\"description\":\"All data concerning steering, suspension, wheels, and brakes.\",\"children\":{\"SteeringWheel\":{\"type\":\"branch\",\"description\":\"Steering wheel signals\",\"children\":{\"Diameter\":{\"type\":\"attribute\",\"description\":\"The diameter of the steering wheel\",\"datatype\":\"float\",\"unit\":\"cm\",\"min\":1,\"max\":50},\"HandsOff\":{\"type\":\"branch\",\"children\":{\"HandsOffSteeringState\":{\"type\":\"actuator\",\"description\":\"HndsOffStrWhlDtSt. Hands Off Steering State\",\"datatype\":\"boolean\"},\"HandsOffSteeringMode\":{\"type\":\"actuator\",\"description\":\"HndsOffStrWhlDtMd. Hands Off Steering Mode\",\"datatype\":\"int8\",\"min\":0,\"max\":2}}}}},\"Accelerator\":{\"type\":\"branch\",\"description\":\"\",\"children\":{\"AcceleratorPedalPosition\":{\"type\":\"sensor\",\"description\":\"Throttle__Position. Accelerator pedal position as percent. 0 = Not depressed. 100 = Fully depressed.\",\"datatype\":\"uint8\",\"unit\":\"%\",\"min\":0,\"max\":100.000035}}}}},\"Powertrain\":{\"type\":\"branch\",\"description\":\"Powertrain data for battery management, etc.\",\"children\":{\"Transmission\":{\"type\":\"branch\",\"description\":\"Transmission-specific data, stopping at the drive shafts.\",\"children\":{\"VehicleOdometer\":{\"type\":\"sensor\",\"description\":\"Vehicle_Odometer\",\"datatype\":\"float\",\"unit\":\"km\",\"min\":0,\"max\":67108863.984375}}},\"CombustionEngine\":{\"type\":\"branch\",\"description\":\"Engine-specific data, stopping at the bell housing.\",\"children\":{\"Engine\":{\"type\":\"branch\",\"description\":\"Engine description\",\"children\":{\"timing\":{\"type\":\"branch\",\"description\":\"timing description\",\"children\":{\"run_time\":{\"type\":\"sensor\",\"description\":\"Engine run time\",\"datatype\":\"int16\",\"unit\":\"ms\",\"min\":0,\"max\":10000},\"idle_time\":{\"type\":\"sensor\",\"description\":\"Engine idle time\",\"datatype\":\"int16\",\"min\":0,\"unit\":\"ms\",\"max\":10000}}}}}}}}},\"Axle\":{\"type\":\"branch\",\"description\":\"Axle signals\",\"children\":{\"TireRRPrs\":{\"type\":\"sensor\",\"description\":\"TireRRPrs. Right rear Tire pressure in kilo-Pascal\",\"datatype\":\"float\",\"unit\":\"kPaG\",\"min\":0,\"max\":1020}}}}}}" }

Vous pouvez télécharger un script de démonstration pour convertir ROS 2 messages en VSS JSON fichiers compatibles avec le catalogue de signaux. Pour plus d'informations, consultez le Guide du développeur de données Vision System.

Les données du système de vision sont en version préliminaire et sont susceptibles d'être modifiées.