Deploy the solution - Amazon Marketing Cloud Uploader from AWS

Deploy the solution

This solution uses AWS CloudFormation templates and stacks to automate its deployment. The CloudFormation template specifies the AWS resources included in this solution and their properties. The CloudFormation stack provisions the resources that are described in the template.


  1. An active Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC) instance. You can create and manage your instance either through the AMC console or through the AMC APIs.

  2. Keep note of these parameters from the Amazon Marketing Cloud that will be used throughout this solution. See section Locating AMC instance information to retrieve these values.

    • AMC instance ID

    • Amazon Ads Advertiser ID

    • Data upload AWS account ID

  3. Keep note of OAuth credentials from Login with Amazon (LwA) application that will be used by this solution for authorizing to Amazon Ads API. To set up LwA and request access to Amazon Ads API, see Amazon Ads Developer guides and the sections Retrieving Client ID and Client Secret.

    • Client ID

    • Client Secret

  4. AWS account with administrator access to create an S3 bucket, IAM roles, and deploy CloudFormation templates.

  5. First-party data formatted in CSV or JSON format per the requirements described in the AMC data upload file format requirements section of this guide.

Deployment process overview

Before you launch the solution, review the cost, architecture, security, and other considerations discussed in this guide. Follow the step-by-step instructions in this section to configure and deploy the solution into your account.

Time to deploy: Approximately 10 minutes

Step 1: Set up first-party data S3 bucket

  • Create an Amazon S3 bucket

Step 2: Upload your first-party data to S3

  • Upload your files

Step 3: Launch the stack

Step 4: Access the web interface

  • Open the URL shown in the UserInterface output of the base stack. You can also get this URL with the following AWS CLI command:

    aws cloudformation --region $REGION describe-stacks --stack-name $STACK_NAME --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='UserInterface'].OutputValue" --output text
  • Sign in to the web application.


This solution includes an option to send anonymized operational metrics to AWS. We use this data to better understand how customers use this solution and related services and products. AWS owns the data gathered though this survey. Data collection is subject to the Privacy Notice.

To opt out of this feature, download the template, modify the AWS CloudFormation mapping section, and then use the AWS CloudFormation console to upload your updated template and deploy the solution. For more information, refer to the Anonymized data collection section of this guide.

Step 5: (optional) Create user accounts