Plan your deployment - Secure Media Delivery at the Edge on AWS

Plan your deployment

This section describes the cost, security, Regions, and other considerations prior to deploying the solution.

Supported AWS Regions

This solution can be launched in any AWS Region of your choice in which regional resources will be created:

  • Secrets in Secrets Manager

  • Step Functions workflows

  • Lambda functions

  • Dynamo DB tables

Note that because automatic session revocation module is deployed as a separate CloudFormation stack, you can deploy it in a different Region as the main stack. This can be beneficial in terms of reducing the costs arising from cross region Athena queries. Refer to Querying across regions for additional Amazon S3 data transfer.

No matter in what target Region you deploy the main stack, which includes the core components of the solution, a dependency with US East (N. Virginia) (us-east-1) Region will exist as some of the components must be defined in that region. This is because those components can be associated with the CloudFront distribution which is a global service. These components are WAF rule group and Lambda@Edge function for signing requests towards API Gateway. Both of these resources are created through custom resource logic synthesized in the main CloudFormation stack deployed in the target region.