Tutorial: Get started using the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) - Amazon Fraud Detector

Tutorial: Get started using the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3)

This tutorial describes how to build and train an Amazon Fraud Detector model and then using this model to generate real-time fraud predictions using the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3). The model is trained using the account registration example data file that you upload to Amazon S3 bucket.

By the end of this tutorial, you complete the following actions:

  • Build and train an Amazon Fraud Detector model

  • Generate real-time fraud predictions


The following are prerequisite steps for this tutorial.

Get started

Boto is the Amazon Web Services (AWS) SDK for Python. You can use it to create, configure, and manage AWS services. For instructions on how to install Boto3, see AWS SDK for Python (Boto3).

After you install AWS SDK for Python (Boto3), run the following Python example command to confirm that your environment is configured correctly. If your environment is configured correctly, the response contains a list of detectors. If no detectors were created, the list is empty.

import boto3 fraudDetector = boto3.client('frauddetector') response = fraudDetector.get_detectors() print(response)

In this step, you create resources that are used to define model, event, and rules.

Create variable

A variable is a data element from your dataset that you want to use to create event type, model, and rules.

In the following example,the CreateVariable API is used to create two variables. The variables are email_address and ip_address. Assign them to the corresponding variable types: EMAIL_ADDRESS and IP_ADDRESS. These variables are part of the example dataset you uploaded. When you specify the variable type, Amazon Fraud Detector interprets the variable during model training and when getting predictions. Only variables with an associated variable type can be used for model training.

import boto3 fraudDetector = boto3.client('frauddetector') #Create variable email_address fraudDetector.create_variable( name = 'email_address', variableType = 'EMAIL_ADDRESS', dataSource = 'EVENT', dataType = 'STRING', defaultValue = '<unknown>' ) #Create variable ip_address fraudDetector.create_variable( name = 'ip_address', variableType = 'IP_ADDRESS', dataSource = 'EVENT', dataType = 'STRING', defaultValue = '<unknown>' )

Create entity type

An entity represents who is performing the event and an entity type classifies the entity. Example classifications include customer, merchant, or account.

In the following example, PutEntityType API is used to create a sample_customer entity type.

import boto3 fraudDetector = boto3.client('frauddetector') fraudDetector.put_entity_type( name = 'sample_customer', description = 'sample customer entity type' )

Create label

A label classifies an event as fraudulent or legitimate and is used to train the fraud detection model. The model learns to classify events using these label values.

In the following example, the Putlabel API is used to create two labels, fraud and legit.

import boto3 fraudDetector = boto3.client('frauddetector') fraudDetector.put_label( name = 'fraud', description = 'label for fraud events' ) fraudDetector.put_label( name = 'legit', description = 'label for legitimate events' )

With Amazon Fraud Detector, you build models that evaluate risks and generate fraud predictions for individual events. An event type defines the structure of an individual event.

In the following example, the PutEventType API is used to create an event type sample_registration. You define the event type by specifying the variables (email_address,ip_address), entity type (sample_customer), and labels (fraud, legit) that you created in the previous step.

import boto3 fraudDetector = boto3.client('frauddetector') fraudDetector.put_event_type ( name = 'sample_registration', eventVariables = ['ip_address', 'email_address'], labels = ['legit', 'fraud'], entityTypes = ['sample_customer'])

Amazon Fraud Detector trains models to learn to detect fraud for a specific event type. In the previous step, you created the event type. In this step, you create and train a model for the event type. The model acts as a container for your model versions. Each time you train a model, a new version is created.

Use following example codes to create and train an Online Fraud Insights model. This model is called sample_fraud_detection_model. It's for the event type sample_registration using the account registration example dataset that you uploaded to Amazon S3.

For more information about different model types that Amazon Fraud Detector supports, see Choose a model type.

Create a model

In the following example, the CreateModel API is used to create a model.

import boto3 fraudDetector = boto3.client('frauddetector') fraudDetector.create_model ( modelId = 'sample_fraud_detection_model', eventTypeName = 'sample_registration', modelType = 'ONLINE_FRAUD_INSIGHTS')

Train a model

In the following example, the CreateModelVersion API is used to train the model. Specify 'EXTERNAL_EVENTS' for the trainingDataSource and the Amazon S3 location where you stored your example dataset and the RoleArn of the Amazon S3 bucket for externalEventsDetail. For trainingDataSchema parameter, specify how Amazon Fraud Detector interprets the example data. More specifically, specify which variables to include and how to classify the event labels.

import boto3 fraudDetector = boto3.client('frauddetector') fraudDetector.create_model_version ( modelId = 'sample_fraud_detection_model', modelType = 'ONLINE_FRAUD_INSIGHTS', trainingDataSource = 'EXTERNAL_EVENTS', trainingDataSchema = { 'modelVariables' : ['ip_address', 'email_address'], 'labelSchema' : { 'labelMapper' : { 'FRAUD' : ['fraud'], 'LEGIT' : ['legit'] } } }, externalEventsDetail = { 'dataLocation' : 's3://your-S3-bucket-name/your-example-data-filename.csv', 'dataAccessRoleArn' : 'role_arn' } )

You can train your model multiple times. Each time that you train a model, a new version is created. After model training is complete, the model version status updates to TRAINING_COMPLETE. You can review the model performance score and other model performance metrics.

Review model performance

An important step in using Amazon Fraud Detector is to assess the accuracy of your model using model scores and performance metrics. After model training is complete, Amazon Fraud Detector validates model performance using the 15% of your data that wasn't used to train the model. It generates a model performance score and other performance metrics.

Use the DescribeModelVersions API to review model performance. Look at the Model performance overall score and all other metrics generated by Amazon Fraud Detector for this model.

To learn more about the model performance score and performance metrics, see Model scores and Model performance metrics.

You can expect all your trained Amazon Fraud Detector models to have real-world fraud detection performance metrics, which are similar to the metrics in this tutorial.

Deploy a model

After you reviewed the performance metrics of your trained model, deploy the model and make it available to Amazon Fraud Detector to generate fraud predictions. To deploy the trained model, use the UpdateModelVersionStatus API. In the following example, it's used to update the model version status to ACTIVE.

import boto3 fraudDetector = boto3.client('frauddetector') fraudDetector.update_model_version_status ( modelId = 'sample_fraud_detection_model', modelType = 'ONLINE_FRAUD_INSIGHTS', modelVersionNumber = '1.00', status = 'ACTIVE' )

A detector contains the detection logic, such as the models and rules. This logic is for a particular event that you want to evaluate for fraud. A rule is a condition that you specify to tell Amazon Fraud Detector how to interpret variable values during prediction. And outcome is the result of a fraud prediction. A detector can have multiple versions with each version having a status of DRAFT, ACTIVE, or INACTIVE. A detector version must have at least one rule that's associated with it.

Use the following example codes to create detector, rules, outcome, and to publish the detector.

Create a detector

In the following example, the PutDetector API is used to create a sample_detector detector for sample_registration event type.

import boto3 fraudDetector = boto3.client('frauddetector') fraudDetector.put_detector ( detectorId = 'sample_detector', eventTypeName = 'sample_registration' )

Create outcomes

Outcomes are created for each possible fraud prediction result. In the following example, the PutOutcome API is used to create three outcomes - verify_customer, review, and approve. These outcomes are later assigned to rules.

import boto3 fraudDetector = boto3.client('frauddetector') fraudDetector.put_outcome( name = 'verify_customer', description = 'this outcome initiates a verification workflow' ) fraudDetector.put_outcome( name = 'review', description = 'this outcome sidelines event for review' ) fraudDetector.put_outcome( name = 'approve', description = 'this outcome approves the event' )

Create rules

Rule consists of one or more variables from your dataset, a logic expression, and one or more outcomes.

In the following example, the CreateRule API is used to create three different rules: high_risk, medium_risk, and low_risk. Create rule expressions to compare the model performance score sample_fraud_detection_model_insightscore value against various thresholds. This is to determine the level of risk for an event and assign outcome that was defined in the previous step.

import boto3 fraudDetector = boto3.client('frauddetector') fraudDetector.create_rule( ruleId = 'high_fraud_risk', detectorId = 'sample_detector', expression = '$sample_fraud_detection_model_insightscore > 900', language = 'DETECTORPL', outcomes = ['verify_customer'] ) fraudDetector.create_rule( ruleId = 'medium_fraud_risk', detectorId = 'sample_detector', expression = '$sample_fraud_detection_model_insightscore <= 900 and $sample_fraud_detection_model_insightscore > 700', language = 'DETECTORPL', outcomes = ['review'] ) fraudDetector.create_rule( ruleId = 'low_fraud_risk', detectorId = 'sample_detector', expression = '$sample_fraud_detection_model_insightscore <= 700', language = 'DETECTORPL', outcomes = ['approve'] )

Create a detector version

A detector version defines model and rules that are used to get fraud prediction.

In the following example, the CreateDetectorVersion API is used to create a detector version. It does this by providing model version details, rules, and a rule execution mode FIRST_MATCHED. A rule execution mode specifies the sequence for evaluating rules. The rule execution mode FIRST_MATCHED specifies that the rules are evaluated sequentially, first to last, stopping at first matched rule.

import boto3 fraudDetector = boto3.client('frauddetector') fraudDetector.create_detector_version( detectorId = 'sample_detector', rules = [{ 'detectorId' : 'sample_detector', 'ruleId' : 'high_fraud_risk', 'ruleVersion' : '1' }, { 'detectorId' : 'sample_detector', 'ruleId' : 'medium_fraud_risk', 'ruleVersion' : '1' }, { 'detectorId' : 'sample_detector', 'ruleId' : 'low_fraud_risk', 'ruleVersion' : '1' } ], modelVersions = [{ 'modelId' : 'sample_fraud_detection_model', 'modelType': 'ONLINE_FRAUD_INSIGHTS', 'modelVersionNumber' : '1.00' } ], ruleExecutionMode = 'FIRST_MATCHED' )

The last step of this tutorial uses the detector sample_detector created in the previous step to generate fraud predictions for sample_registration event type in real time. The detector evaluates the example data that's uploaded to Amazon S3. The response includes model performance scores as well as any outcomes that are associated to the matched rules.

In the following example, the GetEventPrediction API is used to provide data from a single account registration with each request. For this tutorial, take data (email_address and ip_address) from the account registration example data file. Each line (row) after the top header line represents data from a single account registration event.

import boto3 fraudDetector = boto3.client('frauddetector') fraudDetector.get_event_prediction( detectorId = 'sample_detector', eventId = '802454d3-f7d8-482d-97e8-c4b6db9a0428', eventTypeName = 'sample_registration', eventTimestamp = '2020-07-13T23:18:21Z', entities = [{'entityType':'sample_customer', 'entityId':'12345'}], eventVariables = { 'email_address': 'johndoe@exampledomain.com', 'ip_address': '' } )

After you completed this tutorial, you did the following:

  • Uploaded an example event dataset to Amazon S3.

  • Created variables, entities, and labels that are used to create and train a model.

  • Created and trained a model using the example dataset.

  • Viewed the model performance score and other performance metrics that Amazon Fraud Detector generated.

  • Deployed the fraud detection model.

  • Created a detector and added the deployed model.

  • Added rules, the rule execution order, and outcomes to the detector.

  • Created detector version.

  • Tested the detector by providing different inputs and checking if the rules and rule execution order worked as expected.

(Optional) Explore the Amazon Fraud Detector APIs with a Jupyter (iPython) Notebook

For more examples for how to use the Amazon Fraud Detector APIs, see aws-fraud-detector-samples GitHub repository. The topics that the notebooks cover include both building models and detectors using the Amazon Fraud Detector APIs and making batch fraud prediction requests using the GetEventPrediction API.