Monitor Amazon GameLift FleetIQ with Amazon CloudWatch - Amazon GameLift

Monitor Amazon GameLift FleetIQ with Amazon CloudWatch

Use Amazon CloudWatch metrics to scale your instance capacity, build operations dashboards, and trigger alarming. Amazon GameLift FleetIQ as a standalone solution emits a set of Amazon CloudWatch metrics to your AWS account. Also see Monitoring Your Auto Scaling Groups and Instances Using Amazon CloudWatch in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

The FleetIQ metrics are listed here. See complete Amazon CloudWatch metric information for Amazon GameLift at Amazon GameLift metrics.

Metric Description


Game servers that are available to run a game execution and are not currently occupied with gameplay. This number includes game servers that have been claimed but are still in AVAILABLE status.

Units: Count

Relevant CloudWatch statistics: Sum

Dimensions: GameServerGroup


Game servers that are currently occupied with gameplay. This number includes game servers that are in UTILIZED status.

Units: Count

Relevant CloudWatch statistics: Sum

Dimensions: GameServerGroup


Game servers on instances scheduled for termination that are currently not supporting gameplay. These game servers are the lowest priority to be claimed in response to a new claim request.

Units: Count

Relevant CloudWatch statistics: Sum

Dimensions: GameServerGroup


Game servers on instances scheduled for termination that are currently supporting gameplay.

Units: Count

Relevant CloudWatch statistics: Sum

Dimensions: GameServerGroup


Portion of game servers that are currently supporting game executions. This metric indicates the amount of game server capacity that is currently in use. It is useful for driving an Auto Scaling policy that can dynamically add and remove instances to match with player demand.

Units: Percent

Relevant CloudWatch statistics: Average, Minimum, Maximum

Dimensions: GameServerGroup


Game servers on Spot Instances that were interrupted due to limited Spot availability.

Units: Count

Relevant CloudWatch statistics: Sum

Dimensions: GameServerGroup, InstanceType


Spot Instances that were interrupted due to limited availability.

Units: Count

Relevant CloudWatch statistics: Sum

Dimensions: GameServerGroup, InstanceType