Design a FlexMatch rule set - Amazon GameLift

Design a FlexMatch rule set

This topic covers the basic structure of a rule set and how to build a rule set for small matches up to 40 players. A matchmaking rule set does two things: lay out a match's team structure and size and tell the matchmaker how to choose players to form the best possible match.

But your matchmaking rule set can do more. For example, you can:

  • Optimize the matchmaking algorithm for your game.

  • Set up minimum player latency requirements to protect the quality of gameplay.

  • Gradually relax team requirements and match rules over time so all active players can find an acceptable match when they want one.

  • Define handling for group matchmaking requests using party aggregation.

  • Process large matches of 40 or more players. For more information about building large matches, see Design a FlexMatch large-match rule set.

When building a matchmaking rule set, consider the following optional and required tasks:

You can build your rule set using the Amazon GameLift console or the CreateMatchmakingRuleSet operation.