Amazon GameLift FlexMatch API reference (AWS SDK)
This topic provides a task-based list of API operations for Amazon GameLift FlexMatch. The Amazon GameLift FlexMatch
service API is packaged into the AWS SDK in the aws.gamelift
Download the
Amazon GameLift FlexMatch provides matchmaking services for use with games that are hosted with Amazon GameLift hosting solutions (including managed hosting for custom game servers or Realtime Servers, and hosting on Amazon EC2 with Amazon GameLift FleetIQ), as well as with other hosting systems such as peer-to-peer, on-premises, or cloud compute primitives. See the Amazon GameLift Developer Guide for more information on other Amazon GameLift hosting options.
Set up matchmaking rules and processes
Call these operations to create a FlexMatch matchmaker, configure the matchmaking process for your game, and define a set of custom rules for creating matches and teams.
Matchmaking configuration
CreateMatchmakingConfiguration – Create a matchmaking configuration with instructions for evaluating groups of players and building player teams. When using Amazon GameLift for hosting, also specify how to create a new game session for the match.
DescribeMatchmakingConfigurations – Retrieve matchmaking configurations defined a Amazon GameLift region.
UpdateMatchmakingConfiguration – Change settings for matchmaking configuration. queue.
DeleteMatchmakingConfiguration – Remove a matchmaking configuration from the region.
Matchmaking rule set
CreateMatchmakingRuleSet – Create a set of rules to use when searching for player matches.
DescribeMatchmakingRuleSets – Retrieve matchmaking rule sets defined in a Amazon GameLift region.
ValidateMatchmakingRuleSet – Verify syntax for a set of matchmaking rules.
DeleteMatchmakingRuleSet – Remove a matchmaking rule set from the region.
Request a match for a player or players
Call these operations from your game client service to manage player matchmaking requests.
StartMatchmaking – Request matchmaking for one player or a group who want to play in the same match.
DescribeMatchmaking – Get details on a matchmaking request, including status.
AcceptMatch – For a match that requires player acceptance, notify Amazon GameLift when a player accepts a proposed match.
StopMatchmaking – Cancel a matchmaking request.
StartMatchBackfill - Request additional player matches to fill empty slots in an existing game session.
Available programming languages
The AWS SDK with support for Amazon GameLift is available in the following languages. For information about support for development environments, see the documentation for each language.
C++ (SDK docs
) (Amazon GameLift ) -
Java (SDK docs
) (Amazon GameLift ) -
.NET (SDK docs
) (Amazon GameLift) -
Go (SDK docs
) (Amazon GameLift) -
Python (SDK docs
) (Amazon GameLift ) -
Ruby (SDK docs
) (Amazon GameLift) -
PHP (SDK docs
) (Amazon GameLift) -
JavaScript/Node.js (SDK docs
) (Amazon GameLift)