IsEven class - AWS Glue

IsEven class

The IsEven transform returns a Boolean value in a new column that indicates whether the source column or value is even. If the source column or value is a decimal, the result is false.


from pyspark.context import SparkContext from pyspark.sql import SparkSession from awsgluedi.transforms import * sc = SparkContext() spark = SparkSession(sc) input_df = spark.createDataFrame( [(5,), (0,), (-1,), (2,), (None,)], ["source_column"], ) try: df_output = math_functions.IsEven.apply( data_frame=input_df, spark_context=sc, source_column="source_column", target_column="target_column", value=None, true_string="Even", false_string="Not even", ) except: print("Unexpected Error happened ") raise


The output will be:

``` +------------+------------+ |source_column|target_column| +------------+------------+ | 5| Not even| | 0| Even| | -1| Not even| | 2| Even| | null| null| +------------+------------+ ```

The IsEven transformation takes the `source_column` as "source_column" and the `target_column` as "target_column". It checks if the value in the `"source_column"` is even or not. If the value is even, it sets the `"target_column"` value to the `true_string` "Even". If the value is odd, it sets the `"target_column"` value to the `false_string` "Not even". If the `"source_column"` value is `null`, the `"target_column"` value is set to `null`.

The transformation correctly identifies the even numbers (0 and 2) and sets the `"target_column"` value to "Even". For odd numbers (5 and -1), it sets the `"target_column"` value to "Not even". For the `null` value in `"source_column"`, the `"target_column"` value is set to `null`.


__call__(spark_context, data_frame, target_column, source_column=None, true_string=DEFAULT_TRUE_STRING, false_string=DEFAULT_FALSE_STRING, value=None)

The IsEven transform returns a Boolean value in a new column that indicates whether the source column or value is even. If the source column or value is a decimal, the result is false.

  • source_column – The name of an existing column.

  • target_column – The name of the new column to be created.

  • true_string – A string that indicates whether the value is even.

  • false_string – A string that indicates whether the value is not even.

apply(cls, *args, **kwargs)

Inherited from GlueTransform apply.


Inherited from GlueTransform name.


Inherited from GlueTransform describeArgs.


Inherited from GlueTransform describeReturn.


Inherited from GlueTransform describeTransform.


Inherited from GlueTransform describeErrors.


Inherited from GlueTransform describe.