MappingSpec - AWS Glue



MappingSpec case class

case class MappingSpec( sourcePath: SchemaPath, sourceType: DataType, targetPath: SchemaPath, targetType: DataTyp ) extends Product4[String, String, String, String] { override def _1: String = sourcePath.toString override def _2: String = ExtendedTypeName.fromDataType(sourceType) override def _3: String = targetPath.toString override def _4: String = ExtendedTypeName.fromDataType(targetType) }
  • sourcePath — The SchemaPath of the source field.

  • sourceType — The DataType of the source field.

  • targetPath — The SchemaPath of the target field.

  • targetType — The DataType of the target field.

A MappingSpec specifies a mapping from a source path and a source data type to a target path and a target data type. The value at the source path in the source frame appears in the target frame at the target path. The source data type is cast to the target data type.

It extends from Product4 so that you can handle any Product4 in your applyMapping interface.

MappingSpec object

object MappingSpec

The MappingSpec object has the following members:

Val orderingByTarget

val orderingByTarget: Ordering[MappingSpec]

Def apply

def apply( sourcePath : String, sourceType : DataType, targetPath : String, targetType : DataType ) : MappingSpec

Creates a MappingSpec.

  • sourcePath — A string representation of the source path.

  • sourceType — The source DataType.

  • targetPath — A string representation of the target path.

  • targetType — The target DataType.

Returns a MappingSpec.

Def apply

def apply( sourcePath : String, sourceTypeString : String, targetPath : String, targetTypeString : String ) : MappingSpec

Creates a MappingSpec.

  • sourcePath — A string representation of the source path.

  • sourceType — A string representation of the source data type.

  • targetPath — A string representation of the target path.

  • targetType — A string representation of the target data type.

Returns a MappingSpec.

Def apply

def apply( product : Product4[String, String, String, String] ) : MappingSpec

Creates a MappingSpec.

  • product — The Product4 of the source path, source data type, target path, and target data type.

Returns a MappingSpec.