Reading from HubSpot entities - AWS Glue

Reading from HubSpot entities


A HubSpot object you would like to read from. You will need the object name such as contact or task. The following table shows the supported entities.

Supported entities for source:

Entity API version Can be filtered Supports limit Supports Order by Supports Select * Supports partioning
Campaigns v1 No Yes No Yes No
Companies v3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Contacts v3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Contact Lists v1 No Yes No Yes No
Deals v3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
CRM Pipeline (Deal Pipelines) v1 No No No Yes No
Email Events v1 No Yes No Yes No
Calls v3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Notes v3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Emails v3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Meetings v3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Tasks v3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Postal Mails v3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Custom Objects v3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Forms v2 No No No Yes No
Owners v3 No Yes No Yes No
Products v3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Tickets v3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Workflows v3 No No No Yes No
Associations v4 Yes No No Yes No
Associations Labels v4 No No No Yes No


hubspot_read = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_options( connection_type="hubspot", connection_options={ "connectionName": "connectionName", "ENTITY_NAME": "contact", "API_VERSION": "v3" }

HubSpot entity and field details:

HubSpot API v4:

Entity API version Field Data type Supported operators
Association Label v4 category String N/A
typeId Integer N/A
label String N/A
Associations from Struct N/A
id String "="
to List N/A

For the Associations object, to fetch associations between two objects, you need to provide the 'from Id' (the ID of the first object) via a mandatory filter while creating an AWS Glue job. If you want to fetch associations for multiple from IDs in that case, you have to provide multiple IDs in the where clause. For example: for fetching Associations for contact IDs '1' and '151', you need to provide a filter as where id=1 AND id=151.

HubSpot API v3:

Entity Field Data type Supported operators
Owner firstName String N/A
lastName String N/A
createdAt DateTime N/A
archived Boolean N/A
teams List N/A
id String N/A
userId Integer N/A
email String N/A
updatedAt DateTime N/A
Workflow name String N/A
id Integer N/A
type String N/A
enabled Boolean N/A
insertedAt Long N/A
updatedAt Long N/A
contactListIds Struct N/A
personaTagIds List N/A

For the following entities, HubSpot provides endpoints to fetch metadata dynamically, so that operator support is captured at the datatype level for each entity.


DML_STATUS is a virtual field added on every record at runtime to determine its status (CREATED/UPDATED).

Entity Data type Supported operators
Contact Integer "=, !=, <, >, >=, <="
Long "=, !=, <, >, >=, <="
String "=, !=, LIKE"
Date N/A
DateTime "between"
Boolean "="
List N/A
Struct N/A
Company Integer "=, !=, <, >, >=, <="
Long "=, !=, <, >, >=, <="
String "=, !=, LIKE"
Date N/A
DateTime "between"
Boolean "="
List N/A
Struct N/A
Deal Integer "=, !=, <, >, >=, <="
Long "=, !=, <, >, >=, <="
String "=, !=, LIKE"
Date N/A
DateTime "between"
Boolean "="
List N/A
Struct N/A
Ticket Integer "=, !=, <, >, >=, <="
Long "=, !=, <, >, >=, <="
String "=, !=, LIKE"
Date N/A
DateTime "between"
Boolean "="
List N/A
Struct N/A
Product Integer "=, !=, <, >, >=, <="
Long "=, !=, <, >, >=, <="
String "=, !=, LIKE"
Date N/A
DateTime "between"
Boolean "="
List N/A
Struct N/A
Custom Object Integer "=, !=, <, >, >=, <="
Long "=, !=, <, >, >=, <="
String "=, !=, LIKE"
Date N/A
DateTime "between"
Boolean "="
List N/A
Struct N/A
Call Integer "=, !=, <, >, >=, <="
Long "=, !=, <, >, >=, <="
String "=, !=, LIKE"
Date N/A
DateTime "between"
Boolean "="
List N/A
Struct N/A
Email Integer "=, !=, <, >, >=, <="
Long "=, !=, <, >, >=, <="
String "=, !=, LIKE"
Date N/A
DateTime "between"
Boolean "="
List N/A
Struct N/A
Meeting Integer "=, !=, <, >, >=, <="
Long "=, !=, <, >, >=, <="
String "=, !=, LIKE"
Date N/A
DateTime "between"
Boolean "="
List N/A
Struct N/A
Note Integer "=, !=, <, >, >=, <="
Long "=, !=, <, >, >=, <="
String "=, !=, LIKE"
Date N/A
DateTime "between"
Boolean "="
List N/A
Struct N/A
Task Integer "=, !=, <, >, >=, <="
Long "=, !=, <, >, >=, <="
String "=, !=, LIKE"
Date N/A
DateTime "between"
Boolean "="
List N/A
Struct N/A
Postal Mail Integer "=, !=, <, >, >=, <="
Long "=, !=, <, >, >=, <="
String "=, !=, LIKE"
Date N/A
DateTime "between"
Boolean "="
List N/A
Struct N/A

HubSpot API v2:

Entity Field Data type Supported operators
Form portalId Integer N/A
guid String N/A
name String N/A
method String N/A
cssClass String N/A
redirect String N/A
submitText String N/A
notifyRecipients String N/A
createdAt Long N/A
updatedAt Long N/A
ignoreCurrentValues Boolean N/A
deletable Boolean N/A
inlineMessage Boolean N/A
captchaEnabled Boolean N/A
cloneable Boolean N/A
formFieldGroups List N/A
editable Boolean N/A
deletedAt Integer N/A
themeName String N/A
parentId Integer N/A
style String N/A
isPublished Boolean N/A
publishAt Integer N/A
unpublishAt Integer N/A
publishedAt Integer N/A
kickbackEmailWorkflowId String N/A
kickbackEmailsJson Integer N/A
customUid String N/A
createMarketableContact Boolean N/A
editVersion Integer N/A
thankYouMessageJson String N/A
themeColor String N/A
alwaysCreateNewCompany Boolean N/A
internalUpdatedAt Long N/A
businessUnitId Integer N/A
portableKey String N/A
paymentSessionTemplateIds List N/A
selectedExternalOptions List N/A

HubSpot API v1:

Entity Field Data type Supported operators
Campaign id Integer N/A
appId Integer N/A
appName String N/A
lastUpdatedTime Long N/A
Contact_List dynamic Boolean N/A
name String N/A
portalId Integer N/A
createdAt Long N/A
listId Integer N/A
updatedAt Long N/A
ListType String N/A
filters List N/A
authorId Integer N/A
metaData Struct N/A
archived Boolean N/A
ilsFilterBranch String N/A
filterIds List N/A
limitExempt Boolean N/A
internal Boolean N/A
readOnly Boolean N/A
parentId Integer N/A
Email_Event id String N/A
type String N/A
recipient String N/A
portalId Integer N/A
appId Integer N/A
appName String N/A
emailCampaignId Long N/A
attempt Integer N/A
created Long N/A
sentBy Struct N/A
smtpId String N/A
response String N/A
subject String N/A
cc List N/A
bcc List N/A
replyTo List N/A
from String N/A
dropReason String N/A
dropMessage String N/A
browser Struct N/A
userAgent String N/A
duration Long N/A
location Struct N/A
filteredEvent Boolean N/A
deviceType String N/A
suppressedReason String N/A
suppressedMessage String N/A
CRM_Pipeline pipelineId String N/A
createdAt Long N/A
updatedAt Long N/A
objectType String N/A
label String N/A
displayOrder Integer N/A
active Boolean N/A
stages List N/A
objectTypeId String N/A
default Boolean N/A

Partitioning queries

You can provide the additional Spark options PARTITION_FIELD, LOWER_BOUND, UPPER_BOUND, and NUM_PARTITIONS if you want to utilize concurrency in Spark. With these parameters, the original query would be split into NUM_PARTITIONS number of sub-queries that can be executed by Spark tasks concurrently.

  • PARTITION_FIELD: the name of the field to be used to partition the query.

  • LOWER_BOUND: an inclusive lower bound value of the chosen partition field.

    For the DateTime field, we accept the value in ISO format.

    Examples of valid value:

  • UPPER_BOUND: an exclusive upper bound value of the chosen partition field.

  • NUM_PARTITIONS: the number of partitions.

The following table describes the entity partitioning field support details:

Entity name Partitioning fields Data type
contact hs_object_id Long
createdate, lastmodifieddate DateTime
company hs_object_id Long
createdate, hs_lastmodifieddate DateTime
deal hs_object_id Long
createdate, hs_createdate, hs_lastmodifieddate DateTime
ticket hs_object_id Long
createdate, hs_lastmodifieddate DateTime
product hs_object_id Long
createdate, hs_lastmodifieddate DateTime
custom_object hs_object_id Long
createdate, hs_lastmodifieddate DateTime
call hs_object_id Long
createdate, hs_lastmodifieddate DateTime
email hs_object_id Long
createdate, hs_lastmodifieddate DateTime
meeting hs_object_id Long
createdate, hs_lastmodifieddate DateTime
note hs_object_id Long
createdate, hs_lastmodifieddate DateTime
task hs_object_id Long
createdate, hs_lastmodifieddate DateTime
postal_mail hs_object_id Long
createdate, hs_lastmodifieddate DateTime


hubspot_read = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_options( connection_type="hubspot", connection_options={ "connectionName": "connectionName", "ENTITY_NAME": "company", "API_VERSION": "v3", "PARTITION_FIELD": "hs_object_id" "LOWER_BOUND": "50" "UPPER_BOUND": "16726619290" "NUM_PARTITIONS": "10" }