Registering a blueprint in AWS Glue - AWS Glue

Registering a blueprint in AWS Glue

After the AWS Glue developer has coded the blueprint and uploaded a ZIP archive to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), an AWS Glue administrator must register the blueprint. Registering the blueprint makes it available for use.

When you register a blueprint, AWS Glue copies the blueprint archive to a reserved Amazon S3 location. You can then delete the archive from the upload location.

To register a blueprint, you need read permissions on the Amazon S3 location that contains the uploaded archive. You also need the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permission glue:CreateBlueprint. For the suggested permissions for an AWS Glue administrator who must register, view, and maintain blueprints, see AWS Glue administrator permissions for blueprints.

You can register a blueprint by using the AWS Glue console, AWS Glue API, or AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).

To register a blueprint (console)
  1. Ensure that you have read permissions (s3:GetObject) on the blueprint ZIP archive in Amazon S3.

  2. Open the AWS Glue console at

    Sign in as a user that has permissions to register a blueprint. Switch to the same AWS Region as the Amazon S3 bucket that contains the blueprint ZIP archive.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose blueprints. Then on the blueprints page, choose Add blueprint.

  4. Enter a blueprint name and optional description.

  5. For ZIP archive location (S3), enter the Amazon S3 path of the uploaded blueprint ZIP archive. Include the archive file name in the path and begin the path with s3://.

  6. (Optional) Add tag one or more tags.

  7. Choose Add blueprint.

    The blueprints page returns and shows that the blueprint status is CREATING. Choose the refresh button until the status changes to ACTIVE or FAILED.

  8. If the status is FAILED, select the blueprint, and on the Actions menu, choose View.

    The detail page shows the reason for the failure. If the error message is "Unable to access object at location..." or "Access denied on object at location...", review the following requirements:

    • The user that you are signed in as must have read permission on the blueprint ZIP archive in Amazon S3.

    • The Amazon S3 bucket that contains the ZIP archive must have a bucket policy that grants read permission on the object to your AWS account ID. For more information, see Developing blueprints in AWS Glue.

    • The Amazon S3 bucket that you're using must be in the same Region as the Region that you're signed into on the console.

  9. Ensure that data analysts have permissions on the blueprint.

    The suggested IAM policy for data analysts is shown in Data analyst permissions for blueprints. This policy grants glue:GetBlueprint on any resource. If your policy is more fine-grained at the resource level, then grant data analysts permissions on this newly created resource.

To register a blueprint (AWS CLI)
  1. Enter the following command.

    aws glue create-blueprint --name <blueprint-name> [--description <description>] --blueprint-location s3://<s3-path>/<archive-filename>
  2. Enter the following command to check the blueprint status. Repeat the command until the status goes to ACTIVE or FAILED.

    aws glue get-blueprint --name <blueprint-name>

    If the status is FAILED and the error message is "Unable to access object at location..." or "Access denied on object at location...", review the following requirements:

    • The user that you are signed in as must have read permission on the blueprint ZIP archive in Amazon S3.

    • The Amazon S3 bucket containing the ZIP archive must have a bucket policy that grants read permission on the object to your AWS account ID. For more information, see Publishing a blueprint.

    • The Amazon S3 bucket that you're using must be in the same Region as the Region that you're signed into on the console.