Limitations and notes for Salesforce Marketing Cloud connector - AWS Glue

Limitations and notes for Salesforce Marketing Cloud connector

The following are limitations or notes for the Salesforce Marketing Cloud connector:

  • When using filter on DateTime datatype field, you need to pass the value in the format "yyyy-mm-ddThh:MM:ssZ".

  • In Data Preview, the Boolean Datatype value comes as a Blank.

  • For SOAP entities, you can define a maximum of two filters, and for REST entities, you can define only one filter, which restricts testing partitioning with filters.

  • Several unexpected behaviors have been observed from the SaaS side: the Link.Alias field in the `linksend` entity does not support the CONTAINS operator (for example, Link.Alias CONTAINS "ViewPrivacyPolicy"), and filter operators for Data Extension entities (such as EQUALS and GREATER THAN) do not return the expected results.