ML Feedback connector - AWS IoT Greengrass

AWS IoT Greengrass Version 1 entered the extended life phase on June 30, 2023. For more information, see the AWS IoT Greengrass V1 maintenance policy. After this date, AWS IoT Greengrass V1 won't release updates that provide features, enhancements, bug fixes, or security patches. Devices that run on AWS IoT Greengrass V1 won't be disrupted and will continue to operate and to connect to the cloud. We strongly recommend that you migrate to AWS IoT Greengrass Version 2, which adds significant new features and support for additional platforms.

ML Feedback connector


This connector has moved into the extended life phase, and AWS IoT Greengrass won't release updates that provide features, enhancements to existing features, security patches, or bug fixes. For more information, see AWS IoT Greengrass Version 1 maintenance policy.

The ML Feedback connector makes it easier to access your machine learning (ML) model data for model retraining and analysis. The connector:

  • Uploads input data (samples) used by your ML model to Amazon S3. Model input can be in any format, such as images, JSON, or audio. After samples are uploaded to the cloud, you can use them to retrain the model to improve the accuracy and precision of its predictions. For example, you can use SageMaker Ground Truth to label your samples and SageMaker to retrain the model.

  • Publishes the prediction results from the model as MQTT messages. This lets you monitor and analyze the inference quality of your model in real time. You can also store prediction results and use them to analyze trends over time.

  • Publishes metrics about sample uploads and sample data to Amazon CloudWatch.

To configure this connector, you describe your supported feedback configurations in JSON format. A feedback configuration defines properties such as the destination Amazon S3 bucket, content type, and sampling strategy. (A sampling strategy is used to determine which samples to upload.)

You can use the ML Feedback connector in the following scenarios:

  • With user-defined Lambda functions. Your local inference Lambda functions use the AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning SDK to invoke this connector and pass in the target feedback configuration, model input, and model output (prediction results). For an example, see Usage Example.

  • With the ML Image Classification connector (v2). To use this connector with the ML Image Classification connector, configure the MLFeedbackConnectorConfigId parameter for the ML Image Classification connector.

  • With the ML Object Detection connector. To use this connector with the ML Object Detection connector, configure the MLFeedbackConnectorConfigId parameter for the ML Object Detection connector.

ARN: arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/MLFeedback/versions/1


This connector has the following requirements:

  • AWS IoT Greengrass Core Software v1.9.3 or later.

  • Python version 3.7 or 3.8 installed on the core device and added to the PATH environment variable.


    To use Python 3.8, run the following command to create a symbolic link from the the default Python 3.7 installation folder to the installed Python 3.8 binaries.

    sudo ln -s path-to-python-3.8/python3.8 /usr/bin/python3.7

    This configures your device to meet the Python requirement for AWS IoT Greengrass.

  • One or more Amazon S3 buckets. The number of buckets you use depends on your sampling strategy.

  • The Greengrass group role configured to allow the s3:PutObject action on objects in the destination Amazon S3 bucket, as shown in the following example IAM policy.

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "s3:PutObject", "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::bucket-name/*" ] } ] }

    The policy should include all destination buckets as resources. You can grant granular or conditional access to resources (for example, by using a wildcard * naming scheme).

    For the group role requirement, you must configure the role to grant the required permissions and make sure the role has been added to the group. For more information, see Managing the Greengrass group role (console) or Managing the Greengrass group role (CLI).

  • The CloudWatch Metrics connector added to the Greengrass group and configured. This is required only if you want to use the metrics reporting feature.

  • AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning SDK v1.1.0 is required to interact with this connector.



A set of one or more feedback configurations that the connector can use to upload samples to Amazon S3. A feedback configuration defines parameters such as the destination bucket, content type, and sampling strategy. When this connector is invoked, the calling Lambda function or connector specifies a target feedback configuration.

Display name in the AWS IoT console: Feedback configuration map

Required: true

Type: A well-formed JSON string that defines the set of supported feedback configurations. For an example, see FeedbackConfigurationMap example.

The ID of a feedback configuration object has the following requirements.

The ID:

  • Must be unique across configuration objects.

  • Must begin with a letter or number. Can contain lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.

  • Must be 2 - 63 characters in length.

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,62}$

Examples: MyConfig0, config-a, 12id

The body of a feedback configuration object contains the following properties.


The name of the destination Amazon S3 bucket.


The group role must allow the s3:PutObject action on all destination buckets. For more information, see Requirements.

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^[a-z0-9\.\-]{3,63}$


The content type of the samples to upload. All content for an individual feedback configuration must be of the same type.

Required: true

Type: string

Examples: image/jpeg, application/json, audio/ogg


The key prefix to use for uploaded samples. A prefix is similar to a directory name. It allows you to store similar data under the same directory in a bucket. For more information, see Object key and metadata in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.

Required: false

Type: string


The file extension to use for uploaded samples. Must be a valid file extension for the content type.

Required: false

Type: string

Examples: jpg, json, ogg


The sampling strategy to use to filter which samples to upload. If omitted, the connector tries to upload all the samples that it receives.

Required: false

Type: A well-formed JSON string that contains the following properties.


The name of the sampling strategy.

Required: true

Type: string



The rate for the Random sampling strategy.

Required: true if strategy-name is RANDOM_SAMPLING.

Type: number

Valid values: 0.0 - 1.0


The threshold for the Least Confidence, Margin, or Entropy sampling strategy.

Required: true if strategy-name is LEAST_CONFIDENCE, MARGIN, or ENTROPY.

Type: number

Valid values:

  • 0.0 - 1.0 for the LEAST_CONFIDENCE or MARGIN strategy.

  • 0.0 - no limit for the ENTROPY strategy.


The maximum number of requests that the connector can process at a time.

You can use this parameter to restrict memory consumption by limiting the number of requests that the connector processes at the same time. Requests that exceed this limit are ignored.

Display name in the AWS IoT console: Request limit

Required: false

Type: string

Valid values: 0 - 999

Valid pattern: ^$|^[0-9]{1,3}$

Create Connector Example (AWS CLI)

The following CLI command creates a ConnectorDefinition with an initial version that contains the ML Feedback connector.

aws greengrass create-connector-definition --name MyGreengrassConnectors --initial-version '{ "Connectors": [ { "Id": "MyMLFeedbackConnector", "ConnectorArn": "arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/MLFeedback/versions/1", "Parameters": { "FeedbackConfigurationMap": "{ \"RandomSamplingConfiguration\": { \"s3-bucket-name\": \"my-aws-bucket-random-sampling\", \"content-type\": \"image/png\", \"file-ext\": \"png\", \"sampling-strategy\": { \"strategy-name\": \"RANDOM_SAMPLING\", \"rate\": 0.5 } }, \"LeastConfidenceConfiguration\": { \"s3-bucket-name\": \"my-aws-bucket-least-confidence-sampling\", \"content-type\": \"image/png\", \"file-ext\": \"png\", \"sampling-strategy\": { \"strategy-name\": \"LEAST_CONFIDENCE\", \"threshold\": 0.4 } } }", "RequestLimit": "10" } } ] }'

FeedbackConfigurationMap example

The following is an expanded example value for the FeedbackConfigurationMap parameter. This example includes several feedback configurations that use different sampling strategies.

{ "ConfigID1": { "s3-bucket-name": "my-aws-bucket-random-sampling", "content-type": "image/png", "file-ext": "png", "sampling-strategy": { "strategy-name": "RANDOM_SAMPLING", "rate": 0.5 } }, "ConfigID2": { "s3-bucket-name": "my-aws-bucket-margin-sampling", "content-type": "image/png", "file-ext": "png", "sampling-strategy": { "strategy-name": "MARGIN", "threshold": 0.4 } }, "ConfigID3": { "s3-bucket-name": "my-aws-bucket-least-confidence-sampling", "content-type": "image/png", "file-ext": "png", "sampling-strategy": { "strategy-name": "LEAST_CONFIDENCE", "threshold": 0.4 } }, "ConfigID4": { "s3-bucket-name": "my-aws-bucket-entropy-sampling", "content-type": "image/png", "file-ext": "png", "sampling-strategy": { "strategy-name": "ENTROPY", "threshold": 2 } }, "ConfigID5": { "s3-bucket-name": "my-aws-bucket-no-sampling", "s3-prefix": "DeviceA", "content-type": "application/json" } }

Sampling strategies

The connector supports four sampling strategies that determine whether to upload samples that are passed to the connector. Samples are discrete instances of data that a model uses for a prediction. You can use sampling strategies to filter for the samples that are most likely to improve model accuracy.


Randomly uploads samples based on the supplied rate. It uploads a sample if a randomly generated value is less than the rate. The higher the rate, the more samples are uploaded.


This strategy disregards any model prediction that is supplied.


Uploads samples whose maximum confidence probability falls below the supplied threshold.

Example scenario:

Threshold: .6

Model prediction: [.2, .2, .4, .2]

Maximum confidence probability: .4


Use the sample because maximum confidence probability (.4) <= threshold (.6).


Uploads samples if the margin between the top two confidence probabilities falls within the supplied threshold. The margin is the difference between the top two probabilities.

Example scenario:

Threshold: .02

Model prediction: [.3, .35, .34, .01]

Top two confidence probabilities: [.35, .34]

Margin: .01 (.35 - .34)


Use the sample because margin (.01) <= threshold (.02).


Uploads samples whose entropy is greater than the supplied threshold. Uses the model prediction's normalized entropy.

Example scenario:

Threshold: 0.75

Model prediction: [.5, .25, .25]

Entropy for prediction: 1.03972


Use sample because entropy (1.03972) > threshold (0.75).

Input data

User-defined Lambda functions use the publish function of the feedback client in the AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning SDK to invoke the connector. For an example, see Usage Example.


This connector doesn't accept MQTT messages as input data.

The publish function takes the following arguments:


The ID of the target feedback configuration. This must match the ID of a feedback configuration defined in the FeedbackConfigurationMap parameter for the ML Feedback connector.

Required: true

Type: string


The input data that was passed to a model for inference. This input data is uploaded using the target configuration unless it is filtered out based on the sampling strategy.

Required: true

Type: bytes


The prediction results from the model. The result type can be a dictionary or a list. For example, the prediction results from the ML Image Classification connector is a list of probabilities (such as [0.25, 0.60, 0.15]). This data is published to the /feedback/message/prediction topic.

Required: true

Type: dictionary or list of float values


Customer-defined, application-specific metadata that is attached to the uploaded sample and published to the /feedback/message/prediction topic. The connector also inserts a publish-ts key with a timestamp value into the metadata.

Required: false

Type: dictionary

Example: {"some-key": "some value"}

Output data

This connector publishes data to three MQTT topics:

  • Status information from the connector on the feedback/message/status topic.

  • Prediction results on the feedback/message/prediction topic.

  • Metrics destined for CloudWatch on the cloudwatch/metric/put topic.

You must configure subscriptions to allow the connector to communicate on MQTT topics. For more information, see Inputs and outputs.

Topic filter: feedback/message/status

Use this topic to monitor the status of sample uploads and dropped samples. The connector publishes to this topic every time that it receives a request.

Example output: Sample upload succeeded
{ "response": { "status": "success", "s3_response": { "ResponseMetadata": { "HostId": "IOWQ4fDEXAMPLEQM+ey7N9WgVhSnQ6JEXAMPLEZb7hSQDASK+Jd1vEXAMPLEa3Km", "RetryAttempts": 1, "HTTPStatusCode": 200, "RequestId": "79104EXAMPLEB723", "HTTPHeaders": { "content-length": "0", "x-amz-id-2": "lbbqaDVFOhMlyU3gRvAX1ZIdg8P0WkGkCSSFsYFvSwLZk3j7QZhG5EXAMPLEdd4/pEXAMPLEUqU=", "server": "AmazonS3", "x-amz-expiration": "expiry-date=\"Wed, 17 Jul 2019 00:00:00 GMT\", rule-id=\"OGZjYWY3OTgtYWI2Zi00ZDllLWE4YmQtNzMyYzEXAMPLEoUw\"", "x-amz-request-id": "79104EXAMPLEB723", "etag": "\"b9c4f172e64458a5fd674EXAMPLE5628\"", "date": "Thu, 11 Jul 2019 00:12:50 GMT", "x-amz-server-side-encryption": "AES256" } }, "bucket": "greengrass-feedback-connector-data-us-west-2", "ETag": "\"b9c4f172e64458a5fd674EXAMPLE5628\"", "Expiration": "expiry-date=\"Wed, 17 Jul 2019 00:00:00 GMT\", rule-id=\"OGZjYWY3OTgtYWI2Zi00ZDllLWE4YmQtNzMyYzEXAMPLEoUw\"", "key": "s3-key-prefix/UUID.file_ext", "ServerSideEncryption": "AES256" } }, "id": "5aaa913f-97a3-48ac-5907-18cd96b89eeb" }

The connector adds the bucket and key fields to the response from Amazon S3. For more information about the Amazon S3 response, see PUT object in the Amazon Simple Storage Service API Reference.

Example output: Sample dropped because of the sampling strategy
{ "response": { "status": "sample_dropped_by_strategy" }, "id": "4bf5aeb0-d1e4-4362-5bb4-87c05de78ba3" }
Example output: Sample upload failed

A failure status includes the error message as the error_message value and the exception class as the error value.

{ "response": { "status": "fail", "error_message": "[RequestId: 4bf5aeb0-d1e4-4362-5bb4-87c05de78ba3] Failed to upload model input data due to exception. Model prediction will not be published. Exception type: NoSuchBucket, error: An error occurred (NoSuchBucket) when calling the PutObject operation: The specified bucket does not exist", "error": "NoSuchBucket" }, "id": "4bf5aeb0-d1e4-4362-5bb4-87c05de78ba3" }
Example output: Request throttled because of the request limit
{ "response": { "status": "fail", "error_message": "Request limit has been reached (max request: 10 ). Dropping request.", "error": "Queue.Full" }, "id": "4bf5aeb0-d1e4-4362-5bb4-87c05de78ba3" }
Topic filter: feedback/message/prediction

Use this topic to listen for predictions based on uploaded sample data. This lets you analyze your model performance in real time. Model predictions are published to this topic only if data is successfully uploaded to Amazon S3. Messages published on this topic are in JSON format. They contain the link to the uploaded data object, the model's prediction, and the metadata included in the request.

You can also store prediction results and use them to report and analyze trends over time. Trends can provide valuable insights. For example, a decreasing accuracy over time trend can help you to decide whether the model needs to be retrained.

Example output
{ "source-ref": "s3://greengrass-feedback-connector-data-us-west-2/s3-key-prefix/UUID.file_ext", "model-prediction": [ 0.5, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1 ], "config-id": "ConfigID2", "metadata": { "publish-ts": "2019-07-11 00:12:48.816752" } }

You can configure the IoT Analytics connector to subscribe to this topic and send the information to AWS IoT Analytics for further or historical analysis.

Topic filter: cloudwatch/metric/put

This is the output topic used to publish metrics to CloudWatch. This feature requires that you install and configure the CloudWatch Metrics connector.

Metrics include:

  • The number of uploaded samples.

  • The size of uploaded samples.

  • The number of errors from uploads to Amazon S3.

  • The number of dropped samples based on the sampling strategy.

  • The number of throttled requests.

Example output: Size of the data sample (published before the actual upload)
{ "request": { "namespace": "GreengrassFeedbackConnector", "metricData": { "value": 47592, "unit": "Bytes", "metricName": "SampleSize" } } }
Example output: Sample upload succeeded
{ "request": { "namespace": "GreengrassFeedbackConnector", "metricData": { "value": 1, "unit": "Count", "metricName": "SampleUploadSuccess" } } }
Example output: Sample upload succeeded and prediction result published
{ "request": { "namespace": "GreengrassFeedbackConnector", "metricData": { "value": 1, "unit": "Count", "metricName": "SampleAndPredictionPublished" } } }
Example output: Sample upload failed
{ "request": { "namespace": "GreengrassFeedbackConnector", "metricData": { "value": 1, "unit": "Count", "metricName": "SampleUploadFailure" } } }
Example output: Sample dropped because of the sampling strategy
{ "request": { "namespace": "GreengrassFeedbackConnector", "metricData": { "value": 1, "unit": "Count", "metricName": "SampleNotUsed" } } }
Example output: Request throttled because of the request limit
{ "request": { "namespace": "GreengrassFeedbackConnector", "metricData": { "value": 1, "unit": "Count", "metricName": "ErrorRequestThrottled" } } }

Usage Example

The following example is a user-defined Lambda function that uses the AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning SDK to send data to the ML Feedback connector.


You can download the AWS IoT Greengrass Machine Learning SDK from the AWS IoT Greengrass downloads page.

import json import logging import os import sys import greengrass_machine_learning_sdk as ml client = ml.client('feedback') try: feedback_config_id = os.environ["FEEDBACK_CONFIG_ID"] model_input_data_dir = os.environ["MODEL_INPUT_DIR"] model_prediction_str = os.environ["MODEL_PREDICTIONS"] model_prediction = json.loads(model_prediction_str) except Exception as e:"Failed to open environment variables. Failed with exception:{}".format(e)) sys.exit(1) try: with open(os.path.join(model_input_data_dir, os.listdir(model_input_data_dir)[0]), 'rb') as f: content = except Exception as e:"Failed to open model input directory. Failed with exception:{}".format(e)) sys.exit(1) def invoke_feedback_connector():"Invoking feedback connector.") try: client.publish( ConfigId=feedback_config_id, ModelInput=content, ModelPrediction=model_prediction ) except Exception as e:"Exception raised when invoking feedback connector:{}".format(e)) sys.exit(1) invoke_feedback_connector() def function_handler(event, context): return


The ML Feedback connector includes the following third-party software/licensing:

This connector is released under the Greengrass Core Software License Agreement.

See also