Customer Onboarding - AWS Ground Station

Customer Onboarding

To complete registration for your AWS Ground Station account, see the Satellites and Resources section in the AWS Ground Station console page for onboarding details. The AWS Ground Station team will work with you to onboard your satellites to the service. Once you onboard your satellite, the satellite will be available to use when managing a contact. Instructions for managing a contact are provided in Listing and Reserving Contacts.

Onboarding your satellite(s) will grant you access to send and receive data to and from the satellite. In addition to onboarding your own satellites, customers may also onboard the following satellites to downlink direct broadcast data using AWS Ground Station:

  • Aqua

  • SNPP

  • JPSS-1/NOAA-20

  • Terra

Once onboarded, these satellites can be accessed for immediate use. AWS Ground Station maintains a number of preconfigured AWS CloudFormation templates to make getting started with the service easier. Instructions and details for accessing and using this template are provided in the Create Your Resources Using a AWS CloudFormation Template section of the user guide.

For more information about these satellites and the kind of data they transmit, see Aqua, JPSS-1/NOAA-20 and SNPP, and Terra.