Use cross-region data delivery - AWS Ground Station

Use cross-region data delivery

The AWS Ground Station cross-region data delivery feature gives you the flexibility to send your data from an antenna to any AWS Ground Station supported AWS Region. This means you can maintain your infrastructure in a single AWS Region and schedule contacts on any AWS Ground Station AWS Ground Station Locations you are onboarded to.

Cross-region data delivery is currently available in all AWS Ground Station supported regions when receiving your contact data in an Amazon S3 Bucket. AWS Ground Station will manage all delivery aspects for you.

Cross-region data delivery to Amazon EC2 with the AWS Ground Station Agent is available in all antenna-to-destination regions. No unique configuration nor approval is required for this setup.

Cross-region data delivery to Amazon EC2 using a dataflow endpoint is available by default* in the antenna-to-destination regions described below.

  • US East (Ohio) Region (us-east-2) to US West (Oregon) Region (us-west-2)

  • US West (Oregon) Region (us-west-2) to US East (Ohio) Region (us-east-2)

To use cross-region data delivery to an Amazon EC2 instance, the dataflow-endpoint must be created in your current AWS Region and your dataflow-endpoint-config must specify the same region.

The preceding information detailing the supported regions, and methods of delivery, for cross-region data delivery is summarized in the following table.

Method of Receiving Antenna Region Receiving Region

Amazon S3 data delivery

All onboarded AWS Ground Station AWS Ground Station Locations

All AWS Ground Station regions

AWS Ground Station Agent on Amazon EC2

All onboarded AWS Ground Station AWS Ground Station Locations

All AWS Ground Station regions

Dataflow endpoint on Amazon EC2*

US East (Ohio) Region (us-east-2)

US West (Oregon) Region (us-west-2)

US West (Oregon) Region (us-west-2)

US East (Ohio) Region (us-east-2)

*Additional antenna-to-destination regions not listed require special Amazon EC2 and software setup. Please contact us at for onboarding instructions.