Use AWS Ground Station Configs - AWS Ground Station

Use AWS Ground Station Configs

Configs are resources that AWS Ground Station uses to define the parameters for each aspect of your contact. Add the configs you want to a mission profile, and then that mission profile will be used when executing the contact. You can define several different types of configs. The configs can be grouped into two categories:

  • Tracking configs

  • Dataflow configs

A TrackingConfig is the only type of tracking config. It's used to configure the autotrack setting of the antenna during a contact, and is required in a mission profile.

The configs that can be used in a mission profile dataflow can be thought of as dataflow nodes that each represent an AWS Ground Station managed resource that can send or receive data. A mission profile requires at least one pair of these configs, with one representing a source of data, and one representing a destination. These configs are summarized in the following table.

Config name Dataflow source/destination












Source and/or Destination

See the following documentation for more information about how to perform operations on configs using AWS CloudFormation, the AWS Command Line Interface, or the AWS Ground Station API. Links to documentation for specific config types are also provided below.

Tracking Config

You can use tracking configs in the mission profile to determine whether autotrack should be enabled during your contacts. This config has a single parameter: autotrack. The autotrack parameter can have the following values:

  • REQUIRED - Autotrack is required for your contacts.

  • PREFERRED - Autotrack is preferred for contacts, but contacts can still be executed without autotrack.

  • REMOVED - No autotrack should be used for your contacts.

AWS Ground Station will utilize programmatic tracking which will point based on your ephemeris when autotrack is not used. Please reference Understand how AWS Ground Station uses satellite ephemeris data for details about how ephemeris is constructed.

Autotrack will use program tracking until the expected signal is found. Once that occurs, it will continue to track based on the strength of the signal.

See the following documentation for more information about how to perform operations on tracking configs using AWS CloudFormation, the AWS Command Line Interface, or the AWS Ground Station API.

You can use antenna downlink configs to configure the antenna for downlink during your contact. They consist of a spectrum config that specifies the frequency, bandwidth, and polarization that should be used during your downlink contact.

This config represents a source node in a dataflow. It is responsible for digitizing radio frequency data. Data streamed from this node will follow the Signal Data/IP Format. For more detailed information on how to construct dataflows with this config, see Work with dataflows

If your downlink use case requires demodulation or decoding, see the Antenna Downlink Demod Decode Config .

See the following documentation for more information about how to perform operations on antenna downlink configs using AWS CloudFormation, the AWS Command Line Interface, or the AWS Ground Station API.

Antenna downlink demod decode configs are a more complex and customizable config type that you can use to execute downlink contacts with demodulation and/or decoding. If you're interested in executing these types of contacts, contact the AWS Ground Station team by emailing . We'll help you define the right config and mission profile for your use case.

This config represents a source node in a dataflow. It is responsible for digitizing radio frequency data and performing the demodulation and decoding as specified. Data streamed from this node will follow the Demodulated/Decoded Data/IP Format. For more detailed information on how to construct dataflows with this config, see Work with dataflows

See the following documentation for more information about how to perform operations on antenna downlink demod decode configs using AWS CloudFormation, the AWS Command Line Interface, or the AWS Ground Station API.

You can use antenna uplink configs to configure the antenna for uplink during your contact. They consist of a spectrum config with frequency, polarization, and target effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP). For information about how to configure a contact for uplink loopback, see Antenna Uplink Echo Config.

This config represents a destination node in a dataflow. It will convert the provided digitized radio frequency data signal into an analog signal and emit it for your satellite to receive. Data streamed to this node is expected to meet the Signal Data/IP Format. For more detailed information on how to construct dataflows with this config, see Work with dataflows

See the following documentation for more information about how to perform operations on antenna uplink configs using AWS CloudFormation, the AWS Command Line Interface, or the AWS Ground Station API.

Uplink echo configs tell the antenna how to execute an uplink echo. An uplink echo can be used to validate commands sent to your spacecraft, and perform other advanced tasks. This is achieved by recording the actual signal transmitted by the AWS Ground Station antenna (i.e. the uplink). This echoes the signal sent by the antenna back to your dataflow endpoint and should match the transmitted signal. An uplink echo config contains the ARN of an uplink config. The antenna uses the parameters from the uplink config pointed to by the ARN when executing an uplink echo.

This config represents a source node in a dataflow. Data streamed from this node will meet the Signal Data/IP Format. For more detailed information on how to construct dataflows with this config, see Work with dataflows

See the following documentation for more information about how to perform operations on uplink echo configs using AWS CloudFormation, the AWS Command Line Interface, or the AWS Ground Station API.

Dataflow Endpoint Config


Dataflow endpoint configs are only used for data delivery to Amazon EC2 and are not used for data delivery to Amazon S3.

You can use dataflow endpoint configs to specify which dataflow endpoint in a dataflow endpoint group from which or to which you want data to flow during a contact. The two parameters of a dataflow endpoint config specify the name and region of the dataflow endpoint. When reserving a contact, AWS Ground Station analyzes the mission profile you specified and attempts to find a dataflow endpoint group within the AWS Region that contains all of the dataflow endpoints specified by the dataflow endpoint configs contained in your mission profile. If a suitable dataflow endpoint group is found, the contact status will become SCHEDULED, otherwise it will become FAILED_TO_SCHEDULE. For more information about the possible statuses of a contact, see AWS Ground Station contact statuses.

The dataflowEndpointName property of a dataflow endpoint config specifies which dataflow endpoint in a dataflow endpoint group to which or from which data will flow during a contact.

The dataflowEndpointRegion property specifies which region the dataflow endpoint resides in. If a region is specified in your dataflow endpoint config, AWS Ground Station looks for a dataflow endpoint in the region specified. If no region is specified, AWS Ground Station will default to the contact's ground station region. A contact is considered a cross region data delivery contact if your dataflow endpoint's region is not the same as the contact's ground station region. See Work with dataflows for more information on cross-region dataflows.

See Use AWS Ground Station Dataflow endpoint groups for tips on how different naming schemes for your dataflows can benefit your use case.

For more detailed information on how to construct dataflows with this config, see Work with dataflows

See the following documentation for more information about how to perform operations on dataflow endpoint configs using AWS CloudFormation, the AWS Command Line Interface, or the AWS Ground Station API.

Amazon S3 Recording Config


Amazon S3 recording configs are only used for data delivery to Amazon S3 and are not used for data delivery to Amazon EC2.

This config represents a destination node in a dataflow. This node will encapsulate incoming data from the dataflow's source node into pcap data. For more detailed information on how to construct dataflows with this config, see Work with dataflows

You can use S3 recording configs to specify an Amazon S3 bucket to which you want downlinked data delivered along with the naming convention used. The following specifies restrictions and details about these parameters:

  • The Amazon S3 bucket's name must begin with aws-groundstation .

  • The IAM role must have a trust policy that allows the service principal to assume the role. See the Example Trust Policy section below for an example. During config creation the config resource id does not exist, the trust policy must use an asterisk (*) in place of your-config-id and can be updated after creation with the config resource id.

For more information on how to update a role's trust policy, see Managing IAM roles in the IAM User Guide.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "aws:SourceAccount": "your-account-id" }, "ArnLike": { "aws:SourceArn": "arn:aws:groundstation:config-region:your-account-id:config/s3-recording/your-config-id" } } } ] }
  • The IAM role must have an IAM policy that allows the role to perform the s3:GetBucketLocation action on the bucket and s3:PutObject action on the bucket's objects. If the Amazon S3 bucket has a bucket policy, then the bucket policy must also allow the IAM role to perform these actions. See the Example Role Policy section below for an example.

For more information on how to update or attach a role policy, see Managing IAM policies in the IAM User Guide.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:GetBucketLocation" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::your-bucket-name" ] }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:PutObject" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::your-bucket-name/*" ] } ] }
  • The prefix will be used when naming the S3 data object. You can specify optional keys for substitution, these values will be replaced with the corresponding information from your contact details. For example, a prefix of {satellite_id}/{year}/{month}/{day} will be replaced and would result with an output like fake_satellite_id/2021/01/10

    Optional keys for substitution: {satellite_id} | {config-name} | {config-id} | {year} | {month} | {day} |

See the following documentation for more information about how to perform operations on S3 recording configs using AWS CloudFormation, the AWS Command Line Interface, or the AWS Ground Station API.