DeleteAttributes - Amazon SimpleDB



Deletes one or more attributes associated with the item. If all attributes of an item are deleted, the item is deleted.


If you specify DeleteAttributes without attributes or values, all the attributes for the item are deleted.

Unless you specify conditions, the DeleteAttributes is an idempotent operation; running it multiple times on the same item or attribute does not result in an error response.

Conditional deletes are useful for only deleting items and attributes if specific conditions are met. If the conditions are met, Amazon SimpleDB performs the delete. Otherwise, the data is not deleted.

When using eventually consistent reads, a GetAttributes or Select request (read) immediately after a DeleteAttributes or PutAttributes request (write) might not return the updated data. A consistent read always reflects all writes that received a successful response prior to the read. For more information, see Consistency.

You can perform the expected conditional check on one attribute per operation.

Request Parameters

Name Description Required

The name of the item.

Type: String



The name of the attribute. X can be any positive integer or 0. If you specify DeleteAttributes without attribute names or values, all the attributes for the item are deleted.

Type: String



The name of the attribute value (for multi-valued attributes). X can be any positive integer or 0. If an attribute value is specified, then the corresponding attribute name is required.

Type: String


The name of the domain in which to perform the operation.

Type: String



Name of the attribute to check.

Type: String.

Conditions: Must be used with the expected value or expected exists parameter.

When used with the expected value parameter, you specify the value to check.

When expected exists is set to true and it is used with the expected value parameter, it performs similarly to just using the expected value parameter. When expected exists is set to false, the operation is performed if the expected attribute is not present.

Can only be used with single-valued attributes.



Value of the attribute to check.

Type: String.

Conditions: Must be used with the expected name parameter. Can be used with the expected exists parameter if that parameter is set to true.

Can only be used with single-valued attributes.



Flag to test the existence of an attribute while performing conditional updates.

Type: Boolean.

Conditions: Must be used with the expected name parameter. When set to true, this must be used with the expected value parameter. When set to false, this cannot be used with the expected value parameter.

Can only be used with single-valued attributes.


Response Elements

See Common Response Elements.

Special Errors

Error Description
AttributeDoesNotExist Attribute ("+ name + ") does not exist.
ConditionalCheckFailed Conditional check failed. Attribute (" + name + ") value exists.
ConditionalCheckFailed Conditional check failed. Attribute ("+ name +") value is ("+ value +") but was expected ("+ expValue +").
ExistsAndExpectedValue Expected.Exists=false and Expected.Value cannot be specified together.
IncompleteExpectedExpression If Expected.Exists=true or unspecified, then Expected.Value has to be specified.
InvalidParameterValue Value (" + value + ") for parameter Expected.Exists is invalid. Expected.Exists should be either true or false.
InvalidParameterValue Value (" + value + ") for parameter Name is invalid.The empty string is an illegal attribute name.
InvalidParameterValue Value (" + value + ") for parameter Name is invalid. Value exceeds maximum length of 1024.
InvalidParameterValue Value (" + value + ") for parameter Value is invalid. Value exceeds maximum length of 1024.
InvalidParameterValue Value (" + value + ") for parameter Item is invalid. Value exceeds max length of 1024.
InvalidWSDLVersion Parameter (" + parameterName +") is only supported in WSDL version 2009-04-15 or beyond. Please upgrade to new version.
MissingParameter The request must contain the parameter DomainName.
MissingParameter The request must contain the parameter ItemName.
MissingParameter The request must contain the attribute Name, if an attribute Value is specified.
MultipleExistsConditions Only one Exists condition can be specified.
MultipleExpectedNames Only one Expected.Name can be specified.
MultipleExpectedValues Only one Expected.Value can be specified.
MultiValuedAttribute Attribute (" + name + ") is multi-valued. Conditional check can only be performed on a single-valued attribute.
NoSuchDomain The specified domain does not exist.


Sample Request

In this example, the Jumbo Fez has sold out in several colors. The following deletes the red, brick, and garnet values from the color attribute of the JumboFez item. ?Action=DeleteAttributes &Attribute.1.Name=color &Attribute.1.Value=red &Attribute.2.Name=color &Attribute.2.Value=brick &Attribute.3.Name=color &Attribute.3.Value=garnet &AWSAccessKeyId=[valid access key id] &DomainName=MyDomain &ItemName=JumboFez &SignatureVersion=2 &SignatureMethod=HmacSHA256 &Timestamp=2010-01-25T15%3A03%3A07-07%3A00 &Version=2009-04-15 &Signature=[valid signature]

Sample Response

<DeleteAttributesResponse"> <ResponseMetadata> <RequestId>05ae667c-cfac-41a8-ab37-a9c897c4c3ca</RequestId> <BoxUsage>0.0000219907</BoxUsage> </ResponseMetadata> </DeleteAttributesResponse>

Sample Request

In this example, the Micro Fez has sold out. The following deletes the Micro Fez if the quantity reaches 0


For more examples of conditional operations, see Conditionally Putting and Deleting Data. ?Action=DeleteAttributes &ItemName=MicroFez &Expected.Name=quantity &Expected.Value=0 &SignatureVersion=2 &SignatureMethod=HmacSHA256 &Timestamp=2010-01-25T15%3A03%3A07-07%3A00 &Version=2009-04-15 &Signature=[valid signature]

Sample Response

<DeleteAttributesResponse> <ResponseMetadata> <RequestId>05ae667c-cfac-41a8-ab37-a9c897c4c3ca</RequestId> <BoxUsage>0.0000219907</BoxUsage> </ResponseMetadata> </DeleteAttributesResponse>