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Gunakan DescribeDataset
dengan AWS SDK
Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakanDescribeDataset
Untuk informasi selengkapnya, lihat Melihat kumpulan data Anda.
- Python
- SDKuntuk Python (Boto3)
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class Datasets:
def describe_dataset(lookoutvision_client, project_name, dataset_type):
Gets information about a Lookout for Vision dataset.
:param lookoutvision_client: A Boto3 Lookout for Vision client.
:param project_name: The name of the project that contains the dataset that
you want to describe.
:param dataset_type: The type (train or test) of the dataset that you want
to describe.
response = lookoutvision_client.describe_dataset(
ProjectName=project_name, DatasetType=dataset_type
print(f"Name: {response['DatasetDescription']['ProjectName']}")
print(f"Type: {response['DatasetDescription']['DatasetType']}")
print(f"Status: {response['DatasetDescription']['Status']}")
print(f"Message: {response['DatasetDescription']['StatusMessage']}")
print(f"Images: {response['DatasetDescription']['ImageStats']['Total']}")
print(f"Labeled: {response['DatasetDescription']['ImageStats']['Labeled']}")
print(f"Normal: {response['DatasetDescription']['ImageStats']['Normal']}")
print(f"Anomaly: {response['DatasetDescription']['ImageStats']['Anomaly']}")
except ClientError:
logger.exception("Service error: problem listing datasets.")