Bekerja dengan lingkungan pengujian khusus di AWS Device Farm - AWSDevice Farm

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Bekerja dengan lingkungan pengujian khusus di AWS Device Farm

AWS Device Farm memungkinkan mengonfigurasi lingkungan khusus untuk pengujian otomatis (mode kustom), yang merupakan pendekatan yang disarankan untuk semua pengguna Device Farm. Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang lingkungan di Device Farm, lihat Lingkungan pengujian.

Manfaat Mode Kustom sebagai lawan dari Mode Standar meliputi:

  • Eksekusi end-to-end pengujian yang lebih cepat: Paket pengujian tidak diuraikan untuk mendeteksi setiap pengujian di suite, menghindari overhead praprosesing/postprocessing.

  • Log langsung dan streaming video: Log pengujian sisi klien dan video Anda disiarkan langsung saat menggunakan Mode Kustom. Fitur ini tidak tersedia dalam mode standar.

  • Menangkap semua artefak: Pada host dan perangkat, Mode Kustom memungkinkan Anda untuk menangkap semua artefak pengujian. Ini mungkin tidak dimungkinkan dalam mode standar.

  • Lingkungan lokal yang lebih konsisten dan dapat direplikasi: Ketika dalam Mode Standar, artefak akan disediakan untuk setiap pengujian individu secara terpisah, yang dapat bermanfaat dalam keadaan tertentu. Namun, lingkungan pengujian lokal Anda mungkin menyimpang dari konfigurasi asli karena Device Farm menangani setiap pengujian yang dijalankan secara berbeda.

    Sebaliknya, Mode Kustom memungkinkan Anda membuat lingkungan eksekusi pengujian Device Farm secara konsisten sesuai dengan lingkungan pengujian lokal Anda.

Lingkungan khusus dikonfigurasi menggunakan file spesifikasi pengujian (spesifikasi pengujian) yang diformat YAML. Device Farm menyediakan file spesifikasi pengujian default untuk setiap jenis pengujian yang didukung yang dapat digunakan sebagaimana adanya atau disesuaikan; kustomisasi seperti filter pengujian atau file konfigurasi dapat ditambahkan ke spesifikasi pengujian. Spesifikasi pengujian yang diedit dapat disimpan untuk uji coba di masa mendatang.

Untuk informasi selengkapnya, lihat Mengunggah Spesifikasi Uji Kustom Menggunakan dan. AWS CLI Membuat uji coba di Device Farm

Sintaks spesifikasi uji

Ini adalah struktur file spesifikasi pengujian YAMM:

version: 0.1 phases: install: commands: - command - command pre_test: commands: - command - command test: commands: - command - command post_test: commands: - command - command artifacts: - location - location

Spesifikasi tes berisi yang berikut:


Mencerminkan versi spesifikasi pengujian yang didukung Device Farm. Nomor versi saat ini adalah 0.1.


Bagian ini berisi kelompok perintah yang dijalankan selama uji coba.

Nama fase uji yang diizinkan adalah:



Dependensi default untuk kerangka kerja pengujian yang didukung oleh Device Farm sudah diinstal. Fase ini berisi perintah tambahan, jika ada, bahwa Device Farm berjalan selama instalasi.



Perintah, jika ada, dijalankan sebelum pengujian otomatis Anda dijalankan.



Perintah dijalankan selama uji coba otomatis Anda dijalankan. Jika ada perintah dalam fase uji gagal, tes ditandai sebagai gagal.



Perintah, jika ada, dijalankan setelah pengujian otomatis Anda dijalankan.



Device Farm mengumpulkan artefak seperti laporan kustom, file log, dan gambar dari lokasi yang ditentukan di sini. Karakter wildcard tidak didukung sebagai bagian dari lokasi artefak, jadi Anda harus menentukan jalur yang valid untuk setiap lokasi.

Artefak pengujian ini tersedia untuk setiap perangkat dalam uji coba Anda. Untuk informasi tentang mengambil artefak pengujian Anda, lihat. Menggunakan artefak di lingkungan pengujian khusus


Spesifikasi pengujian harus diformat sebagai file YAMM yang valid. Jika indentasi atau spasi dalam spesifikasi pengujian Anda tidak valid, uji coba Anda bisa gagal. Tab tidak diizinkan dalam file YAMM. Anda dapat menggunakan validator YAMM untuk menguji apakah spesifikasi pengujian Anda adalah file YAMM yang valid. Untuk informasi selengkapnya, lihat situs web YAMM.

Contoh spesifikasi uji

Ini adalah contoh spesifikasi pengujian YAMM Device Farm yang mengonfigurasi uji coba Appium Java TestNG:

version: 0.1 # This flag enables your test to run using Device Farm's Amazon Linux 2 test host when scheduled on # Android devices. By default, iOS device tests will always run on Device Farm's macOS test hosts. # For Android, you can explicitly select your test host to use our Amazon Linux 2 infrastructure. # For more information, please see: # android_test_host: amazon_linux_2 # Phases represent collections of commands that are executed during your test run on the test host. phases: # The install phase contains commands for installing dependencies to run your tests. # For your convenience, certain dependencies are preinstalled on the test host. # For Android tests running on the Amazon Linux 2 test host, many software libraries are available # from the test host using the devicefarm-cli tool. To learn more, please see: # # For iOS tests, you can use the Node.JS tools nvm, npm, and avm to setup your environment. By # default, Node.js versions 16.20.2 and 14.19.3 are available on the test host. install: commands: # The Appium server is written using Node.js. In order to run your desired version of Appium, # you first need to set up a Node.js environment that is compatible with your version of Appium. - |- if [ $DEVICEFARM_DEVICE_PLATFORM_NAME = "Android" ]; then devicefarm-cli use node 16; else # For iOS, use "nvm use" to switch between the two preinstalled NodeJS versions 14 and 16, # and use "nvm install" to download a new version of your choice. nvm use 16; fi; - node --version # Use the devicefarm-cli to select a preinstalled major version of Appium on Android. # Use avm or npm to select Appium for iOS. - |- if [ $DEVICEFARM_DEVICE_PLATFORM_NAME = "Android" ]; then # For Android, the Device Farm service automatically updates the preinstalled Appium versions # over time to incorporate the latest minor and patch versions for each major version. If you # wish to select a specific version of Appium, you can instead use NPM to install it: # npm install -g appium@2.1.3; devicefarm-cli use appium 2; else # For iOS, Appium versions 1.22.2 and 2.2.1 are preinstalled and selectable through avm. # For all other versions, please use npm to install them. For example: # npm install -g appium@2.1.3; # Note that, for iOS devices, Appium 2 is only supported on iOS version 14 and above using # NodeJS version 16 and above. avm 2.2.1; fi; - appium --version # For Appium version 2, for Android tests, Device Farm automatically updates the preinstalled # UIAutomator2 driver over time to incorporate the latest minor and patch versions for its major # version 2. If you want to install a specific version of the driver, you can use the Appium # extension CLI to uninstall the existing UIAutomator2 driver and install your desired version: # - |- # if [ $DEVICEFARM_DEVICE_PLATFORM_NAME = "Android" ]; # then # appium driver uninstall uiautomator2; # appium driver install uiautomator2@2.34.0; # fi; # For Appium version 2, for iOS tests, the XCUITest driver is preinstalled using version 5.7.0 # If you want to install a different version of the driver, you can use the Appium extension CLI # to uninstall the existing XCUITest driver and install your desired version: # - |- # if [ $DEVICEFARM_DEVICE_PLATFORM_NAME = "iOS" ]; # then # appium driver uninstall xcuitest; # appium driver install xcuitest@5.8.1; # fi; # We recommend setting the Appium server's base path explicitly for accepting commands. - export APPIUM_BASE_PATH=/wd/hub # Install the NodeJS dependencies. - cd $DEVICEFARM_TEST_PACKAGE_PATH # First, install dependencies which were packaged with the test package using npm-bundle. - npm install *.tgz # Then, optionally, install any additional dependencies using npm install. # If you do run these commands, we strongly recommend that you include your package-lock.json # file with your test package so that the dependencies installed on Device Farm match # the dependencies you've installed locally. # - cd node_modules/* # - npm install # The pre-test phase contains commands for setting up your test environment. pre_test: commands: # Device farm provides different pre-built versions of WebDriverAgent, an essential Appium # dependency for iOS devices, and each version is suggested for different versions of Appium: # DEVICEFARM_WDA_DERIVED_DATA_PATH_V8: this version is suggested for Appium 2 # DEVICEFARM_WDA_DERIVED_DATA_PATH_V7: this version is suggested for Appium 1 # Additionally, for iOS versions 16 and below, the device unique identifier (UDID) needs # to be slightly modified for Appium tests. - |- if [ $DEVICEFARM_DEVICE_PLATFORM_NAME = "iOS" ]; then if [ $(appium --version | cut -d "." -f1) -ge 2 ]; then DEVICEFARM_WDA_DERIVED_DATA_PATH=$DEVICEFARM_WDA_DERIVED_DATA_PATH_V8; else DEVICEFARM_WDA_DERIVED_DATA_PATH=$DEVICEFARM_WDA_DERIVED_DATA_PATH_V7; fi; if [ $(echo $DEVICEFARM_DEVICE_OS_VERSION | cut -d "." -f 1) -le 16 ]; then DEVICEFARM_DEVICE_UDID_FOR_APPIUM=$(echo $DEVICEFARM_DEVICE_UDID | tr -d "-"); else DEVICEFARM_DEVICE_UDID_FOR_APPIUM=$DEVICEFARM_DEVICE_UDID; fi; fi; # Appium downloads Chromedriver using a feature that is considered insecure for multitenant # environments. This is not a problem for Device Farm because each test host is allocated # exclusively for one customer, then terminated entirely. For more information, please see # # We recommend starting the Appium server process in the background using the command below. # The Appium server log will be written to the $DEVICEFARM_LOG_DIR directory. # The environment variables passed as capabilities to the server will be automatically assigned # during your test run based on your test's specific device. # For more information about which environment variables are set and how they're set, please see # - |- if [ $DEVICEFARM_DEVICE_PLATFORM_NAME = "Android" ]; then appium --base-path=$APPIUM_BASE_PATH --log-timestamp \ --log-no-colors --relaxed-security --default-capabilities \ "{\"appium:deviceName\": \"$DEVICEFARM_DEVICE_NAME\", \ \"platformName\": \"$DEVICEFARM_DEVICE_PLATFORM_NAME\", \ \"appium:app\": \"$DEVICEFARM_APP_PATH\", \ \"appium:udid\":\"$DEVICEFARM_DEVICE_UDID\", \ \"appium:platformVersion\": \"$DEVICEFARM_DEVICE_OS_VERSION\", \ \"appium:chromedriverExecutableDir\": \"$DEVICEFARM_CHROMEDRIVER_EXECUTABLE_DIR\", \ \"appium:automationName\": \"UiAutomator2\"}" \ >> $DEVICEFARM_LOG_DIR/appium.log 2>&1 & else appium --base-path=$APPIUM_BASE_PATH --log-timestamp \ --log-no-colors --relaxed-security --default-capabilities \ "{\"appium:deviceName\": \"$DEVICEFARM_DEVICE_NAME\", \ \"platformName\": \"$DEVICEFARM_DEVICE_PLATFORM_NAME\", \ \"appium:app\": \"$DEVICEFARM_APP_PATH\", \ \"appium:udid\":\"$DEVICEFARM_DEVICE_UDID_FOR_APPIUM\", \ \"appium:platformVersion\": \"$DEVICEFARM_DEVICE_OS_VERSION\", \ \"appium:derivedDataPath\": \"$DEVICEFARM_WDA_DERIVED_DATA_PATH\", \ \"appium:usePrebuiltWDA\": true, \ \"appium:automationName\": \"XCUITest\"}" \ >> $DEVICEFARM_LOG_DIR/appium.log 2>&1 & fi; # This code will wait until the Appium server starts. - |- appium_initialization_time=0; until curl --silent --fail "${APPIUM_BASE_PATH}/status"; do if [[ $appium_initialization_time -gt 30 ]]; then echo "Appium did not start within 30 seconds. Exiting..."; exit 1; fi; appium_initialization_time=$((appium_initialization_time + 1)); echo "Waiting for Appium to start on port 4723..."; sleep 1; done; # The test phase contains commands for running your tests. test: commands: # Your test package is downloaded and unpackaged into the $DEVICEFARM_TEST_PACKAGE_PATH directory. # When compiling with npm-bundle, the test folder can be found in the node_modules/*/ subdirectory. - cd $DEVICEFARM_TEST_PACKAGE_PATH/node_modules/* - echo "Starting the Appium NodeJS test" # Enter your command below to start the tests. The command should be the same command as the one # you use to run your tests locally from the command line. An example, "npm test", is given below: - npm test # The post-test phase contains commands that are run after your tests have completed. # If you need to run any commands to generating logs and reports on how your test performed, # we recommend adding them to this section. post_test: commands: # Artifacts are a list of paths on the filesystem where you can store test output and reports. # All files in these paths will be collected by Device Farm. # These files will be available through the ListArtifacts API as your "Customer Artifacts". artifacts: # By default, Device Farm will collect your artifacts from the $DEVICEFARM_LOG_DIR directory. - $DEVICEFARM_LOG_DIR