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Welcome - Amazon Lightsail
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Amazon Lightsail is the easiest way to get started with Amazon Web Services (AWS) for developers who need to build websites or web applications. It includes everything you need to launch your project quickly - instances (virtual private servers), container services, storage buckets, managed databases, SSD-based block storage, static IP addresses, load balancers, content delivery network (CDN) distributions, DNS management of registered domains, and resource snapshots (backups) - for a low, predictable monthly price.

You can manage your Lightsail resources using the Lightsail console, Lightsail API, AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or SDKs. For more information about Lightsail concepts and tasks, see the Amazon Lightsail Developer Guide.

This API Reference provides detailed information about the actions, data types, parameters, and errors of the Lightsail service. For more information about the supported AWS Regions, endpoints, and service quotas of the Lightsail service, see Amazon Lightsail Endpoints and Quotas in the AWS General Reference.

This document was last published on February 21, 2025.

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